Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2064: Target City

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"Well! It seems that this Zhao Bingyan is really not easy! There is time to win over the relationship." Zhao Yuande said with a chin.

"Okay! I'll talk about this later!" Tun Tian saw that the big man was packing up, and seemed to be leaving. He hurriedly stopped him. "Hey, boy, do you want to stay here?"

"I... of course I think!" Dahan was one of those happy people when he saw Zhao Yuande, and he was generally very happy to pay for this kind of work. He didn't leave directly just now, but he also had this thought in mind, but he hadn't had a chance to speak. He was swallowed and stopped.

"What's your name, where are you from? There are no relatives or friends in Xuanji City." Zhao Yuande looked at Dahan and asked.

"My name is Lu Yuanqing. I was originally a disciple of Wanyao Shengzong. Later, I was kicked out because I offended the elders. I was white and my family was all in Donggu City. My grandfather was the shopkeeper of a shop!" Lu Yuanqing Fifteen to ten made his own history clear.

Upon appraisal of Zhao Yuande's soul, he found that the other party was right and nodded.

"So how many immortals do you have in a day?" Zhao Yuande looked at each other.

"Miss Zhao said when I hired me. I have ten pieces of high-grade fairy jade a day, and if I can work for one year, I will make up 4,000 pieces of high-grade fairy jade!" Lu Yuanqing replied honestly.

"Okay! I will give you twenty grades of immortal jade a day, and give me a good job. At the end of the year, I will reward you according to your performance!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand and threw a storage ring. "It is a month's reward. , Hold it first!"

"Yes! Thank you, son! Thank you, son!" Lu Yuanqing took the storage ring and thanked him again, his face full of excitement.

"Okay, come and get to know this. This is our Senior Master Li Chengsong Li. This is his granddaughter Li Nianwei. Everyone will be a family in the future!" Zhao Yuande beckoned to gather several people and introduced each other.

They are all lively people, and can be liked by Zhao Yuande, the character will not be bad.

They quickly neglected.

"Senior Li, here is one million top-grade fairy jade, here are some alchemy materials, you are responsible for renovating this shop, making a name with a bright spot, and then we will open!" Zhao Yuande handed it again Two storage rings for Li Chengsong.

"Master, rest assured, I will make you satisfied!" Li Chengsong's excited hands were shaking, and he was able to gain the trust of Zhao Yuande. He decided to do his best to help the other party make this shop prosperous.

"Okay! Go for it! The backyard will be banned in the future, and no one can easily enter without my consent!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand and swallowed the sky toward the backyard.

"Although it's a little smaller here, it's not bad! Just place some banned formations here, and then it becomes a place where we practice retreat!" Tun Tian nodded and said, "We are not very proficient in the formation bans. Ordinary people's peeping can be blocked, but the spirit above the Supreme is unstoppable. We still lack some forbidden circle of finished products to buy a set in the treasure building!"

"Look at what's still missing, and go shopping together. It's best to pick up the shops within a few days." Zhao Yuande said.

"If we want to open a business, we still lack a lot of ordinary medicine. We can only use Li Chengsong to refine medicine. I'm afraid it can't be opened within half a year!" Tun Tiandao said. ."

"Oh! Do you know where to go?" Zhao Yuande looked at the other party's chest, and he immediately looked at him with joy.

"Well! Go to the Dandi City in Donglin Xinghai!" Tun Tian laughed, "Donglin Xinghai is quite far away from here, and if you are a strong man who has not reached the Supreme Realm, you can't travel in the sky. We will go to Dandi City. Buy a large number of ordinary immortals, and then come back to sell! And as long as we have been to Dandi City, we can use the Black Rock Passage to travel between Xuanji City and Dandi City, and then Xianyu will make you soft!"

"Senior brother is really brilliant, this black rock wouldn't be the one you want to steal back to pour out the panacea!" Zhao Yuande looked at each other strangely, with a bad smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Go! At first, I went across the void, and I don't know how many people wanted me to make good food. I used to earn that small amount of money!" Tun Tian glared at Zhao Yuande very uncomfortably, "Senior Brother, you might have been thrown into us to eat The face of the pulse is gone, if not you can we be trapped in this small place?"

"Younger brother said the wrong thing, don't blame him, then let's go to Donglin Xinghai Dandi City immediately!" Zhao Yuande hurriedly said.

"It's almost the same!" He hummed twice before he left.

The two said to go, and said to Grandpa Li Chengsong and grandchildren, they walked directly toward the teleportation hall in the distance.

"Change the appearance, I enter your body world, otherwise it will cost two teleportation fees!" Swallow Heaven Road.

"Good!" Zhao Yuande changed his appearance into a somewhat thin middle-aged man, and his cultivation behavior also appeared in the late Emperor Xian.

On this Xuanji star, although the master is like a cloud, but the late Emperor Emperor is also a strong man.

"This senior, where are you going to teleport?" The guard of the teleport hall saw Zhao Yuande's cultivation behavior, and all of them respectfully saluted and asked.

"I'm going to Donglin Xinghai!" Zhao Yuande pretended to be a high-class man, with a faint look of pride on his face.

"Donglin Xinghai!" the guard of the main hall swallowed hard and said hardly, "Donglin Xinghai needs to pay a transmission fee of 50 million high-grade fairy jade!"

The guards of these transmission halls will not encounter this kind of transmission across the galaxy for half a year. With this stroke, each of them will be divided into a large amount of fairy jade.

"Lead the way!" Zhao Yuande threw a storage directly.

"Thank you senior, thank you senior!" The guard saw 10,000 more high-quality fairy jade in Zhao Yuande's storage ring, and suddenly understood that this was the case, and his face was full of laughter.

"Well!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand.

The guard hurried Zhao Yuande to a hall. The distant Xinghai, the teleport of Donglin Xinghai, is an independent hall of transmission!

Then there is nothing to say, the guard pays the 50 million top-grade fairy jade in the storage ring to the teleporter responsible for the teleportation, and the teleportation is opened.

Zhao Yuande stepped into the teleportation in one step.

Even Zhao Yuande's current physique, as soon as he entered the teleportation group, felt his head faint, and a strong tearing force came, almost tearing his clothes.

Fortunately, he was wearing a fairy armor, otherwise he would be naked when he would go out.

I don't know how long the teleportation took place in the void. When Zhao Yuande felt his head dizzy, he finally stepped on the ground.

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