Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2446: Royal family

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Their team is also very prominent because of the relationship between the two, and has moved forward hundreds of miles.

The other dozen-thousand-thousand team also began to work harder because of this team's leadership.

This is a benign chain reaction. The outstanding performance of Zhao Yuande and the two has already driven the entire battlefield.

Let the originally evenly matched battle, the winning balance began to lean in their direction.

But at this time, the two have already attracted the attention of the interracial party.

The three powerful Xianxian Clan protect a golden Xianxian Clan into the battlefield.

Although these killing immortals are only the top-level devil emperor, the breath is countless times stronger than the ordinary top-level devil emperor, especially the golden killing clan in the middle. Trembling for it!

There is no shadow of the Celestial Clan on these killing clan, their identity seems to be very high.

"A group of powerful guys are here!" Zhao Yuande looked at the powerful clan of immortals, and he couldn't help showing a look of excitement.

"What... The Golden Killing Clan! That is the royal family among the Killing Clan, very powerful! Even the three heads seem to be the royal family..." Huo Yanlan showed a dignified color on his face.

"You are afraid!" Zhao Yuande smiled.

"Old... I don't know what this girl is afraid of!" Huo Yanlan gritted his teeth. "How do you plan to distribute, the three-headed royal family belongs to you or the royal family belongs to you!"

"I want the three-headed royal family, the royal family, you come to solve it!" Zhao Yuande smiled.

"Good! See who of us can solve the battle first!" Huo Yanlan said.

At this time, she felt a little uneasy in her heart, killing the royal family among the immortals, but that is a powerful synonym.

The hardness of the carapace on their body is equivalent to a half-step chemical treasure, and ordinary attacks are like tickling them.


Zhao Yuande shouted and rushed out first.

Although the fighting power of the three-headed royal clan is good, it is only equivalent to the power of Feng Zheng. If he wants to, he can kill them with only one move.

However, Mu Xiu is bound to be destroyed by Lin Feng. If he behaves too enormically, it attracts the attention of the real strong among the aliens. He slaps himself to death, and he can go there and call a wrong.

So as soon as he came up, he fought with the three-headed royal family.

His eyes have been paying attention to Huo Yanlan's body. Although this woman is very powerful, it is still not enough to look at the royal family of the killing fairy.

The flesh of the Golden Killing Clan can almost compete with him, and there is a layer of light golden light around him. Obviously, it is a powerful protection method to prevent the attack of the soul.

The fighting power of this golden killing fairy has exceeded the four princes, at this time Huo Yanlan can only barely fight against this golden killing fairy.

However, Huo Yanlan gritted her teeth and did not mean to ask Zhao Yuande for help. She wanted to use her own power to defeat this golden killing fairy.

This reflects Huo Yanlan's strong psychological quality, but also her strong self-confidence and her unwillingness to lose.

Not only did Zhao Yuande nod his head secretly, but after the battlefield, a powerful man also nodded silently.

This man seemed to give people a feeling of emptiness, as if he was not in the same time and space, nor on a timeline.

This person is holding a small tower, the shape of the tower is exactly the same as the emperor's tower.

Behind the man stood a fabulous woman in white fluttering, but her face was as if there was ice that would not last forever, and there was no trace of expression, cold and terrible.

Only her eyes are still shining, this kind of light still makes people feel chills.

But her pair of eyes fell on Zhao Yuande in the battlefield at this time. There was no emotional fluctuation in her eyes, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Who is this woman?" This powerful man looked at Huo Yanlan and couldn't help but whispered and asked the people around him.

"City Lord, this woman is the only daughter of Huo Qilang, the third deputy lord of the White Tiger Hall. His talent is very good. He dares to fight and dare to fight. He is a good good seedling." The speaker was actually the White Tiger Hall Master.

This man turned out to be the new city master of the Four Elephant City, defeating the powerful existence of Daotian.

The White Tiger Hall Master's voice was very respectful, and there was a hint of joy on his face.

But at this time his eyes were more focused on Zhao Yuande.

"Well! Yes, cultivate well!" The lord nodded lightly.

The city master just said a word and fell into silence again, but this time the White Tiger Hall Master was a little dazed.

Even he can see that Zhao Yuande is just playing now, and there is no slight pressure to deal with the three-headed killing clan. Why didn't the city master mention it?

When Zhao Yuande saw Huo Yanlan's state at this time, he couldn't help but show a smile on his face. This woman was really not simple, it seemed really not to be underestimated.

The golden killing clan and Huo Yanlan's battle, although they have the upper hand, but they want to defeat Huo Yanlan, but they can't always!

This also made this golden killing clan a little anxious. When he was sent out, he had vowed to promise that he would definitely kill these two human geniuses, but he did not expect to be able to attack for a long time.


The Golden Killing Clan looked at the three-headed Killing Clan wrapped in Zhao Yuande and issued an order asking them to help themselves to kill human beings.


The three-headed killing clan glanced at each other, all showing madness in their eyes.

They roared, and a horrible silver glow erupted in their bodies.

At this moment their fighting power increased exponentially, and their bodies even had a faint golden light and then waved outwards.

After such a change, Zhao Yuande could not help frowning slightly.

But he didn't stop it, anyway, even if he wanted to die in the other party, it was not easy.

"not good!"

Feeling the change of the three-headed killing clan, Huo Yanlan instantly felt a powerful crisis, she knew that the other party wanted to focus on killing herself first!

Huo Yanlan knew that if he was beheaded, Zhao Yuande would also die without a doubt, and he swallowed a scarlet panacea with an open heart.

The immense power of the elixir seems to be the explosion of Shenhong's meridians, and a terrible scorching makes her whole body become red as blood, and her breath is instantly raised, at this moment her breath is already worthy Better than stepping on the first small step.

At the same time, the three heads attacked Zhao Yuande's killing immortals at the same time, and rushed towards Huo Yanlan hissing.

A sharp blade of mane was ejected from the claws of the Xianxian tribe, instantly covering Huo Yanlan's upper and lower sides.

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