Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2556: Hide deep

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This girl is the only daughter of the president of the Fire God Chamber of Commerce in the city of Huoyu, named Ye Xin'er.

But Ye Nan looked at her with a strange look, and seemed a bit afraid.

The woman was soon surrounded by Huohuozi and Zhuo Buqun, both of whom had fiery eyes and continued to please and flatter.

The last one seemed to be a girl. She didn't seem to go out often. She was a little timid about this lively scene, and she was helpless as she stood at the end.

Zhao Yuande is not the kind of person who likes to talk more, especially with these unfamiliar people, he still maintains a certain distance.

"Hey boy, seeing that little girl is not there, I will enter the fire and take care of her sacredly, but she is the granddaughter of that old guy, sweethearted baby, don't let her have an accident!" In Zhao Yuande's ears.

Zhao Yuande glanced at the girl, but shook his head helplessly. Was it his bodyguard?

Now that he received instructions from the city's lord, he also had to greet people in the past.

"Hello!" Zhao Yuande walked to the girl and smiled slightly at her, "I am Zhao Yuande in Fire City."

"Oh! That... I... I'm... Ji Yudie in the Fire Rain City." The girl seemed to have never spoken to the man. After saying this, her face was flushed, her head lowered shyly, and her hands were even more Constantly rubbing his clothes corner.

"Oh! It turned out to be the Butterfly Girl." Zhao Yuande nodded. He also felt awkward and didn't know what he should say next.

"Zhao... Brother Zhao, you... how old are you this year." Ji Yudie seemed to feel the atmosphere was awkward. The two of them stood here for so long without talking.

Zhao Yuande looks weird, this girl really can't chat, she asks her age for every mouth, why don't you ask if you have eaten it!

"I am twenty-nine." Zhao Yuande had no choice but to say.

"What..." Ji Yudie heard Zhao Yuande's age and was so shocked that she almost backed down and almost sat directly on the ground.

Zhao Yuande's words were not intentionally whispered, and everyone around him heard them.

Including the two city lords, everyone's eyes were glared, and this figure made them all stunned.

Zhao Yuande was also dumbfounded. Was he wrong?

Still at the age of 29...

Hu Yanzan was the fastest to return to normal at the scene. Only he knew that Zhao Yuande was a foreign genius. Although he was shocked by Zhao Yuande's age, he was already somewhat prepared.

But he did not speak, but looked at each other quietly.

"You... how old are you?" After a full dozen breaths, Ji Zhong first responded, pointing at Zhao Yuande incredulously.

"I... twenty-nine!" Zhao Yuande repeated.

There are also some evil geniuses who have achieved this kind of cultivation at their own age in the Netherworld.

He feels that his age is more than shocking!

"You... stepped into the third small step at the age of twenty-nine, how did you practice?" Ji Zhong's eyes were dazzling, almost blinding Zhao Yuande's eyes.

"Is there anything abnormal?" Zhao Yuande asked carefully.

"It's not normal, it's really abnormal, it's incredible!" Ji Zhong's face was a little red, and I didn't know whether it was excited or shocked. "Even if you are born in a fairyland, you can't reach a level of three years now. This kind of state! Are you a fairy monarch when you were born? Your parents are all peerless strongmen on the eighth and nineth steps?"

"That..." Zhao Yuande didn't know how to answer.

If he told the other party that he was only a mortal when he was born, he began to practice at the age of sixteen. The other party would not be scared to death!

"You... you are a demon, a peerless demon!" Ji Zhong looked at Zhao Yuande's unscathed look and couldn't help shouting hysterically.

"It is often said like this!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"That...whether you are now married, how do you see my granddaughter, she is only sixty-four years old, this is the first time she is out of Huoyucheng, petite and lovely, sensible and obedient... and..." Ji Zhong pulled over The light of his granddaughter was even stronger.

Ji Yudie on the side heard the words from Grandpa, and almost shyly buried her face in the soil.


Zhao Yuande swallowed hard as he heard the other's age.

In front of me, this delicate girl turned out to be a wife in her 60s, and his mother is not so big now!

"Hello! Old Ji Zhong, what do you want to do? This is my fire city. You can't just pull me around." Hu Yanzan pulled Ji Zhong to the side and gathered himself up, "Boy, I’m not begging you to marry my daughter, just leave a seed for my daughter!"

At this time, several other people reacted. Although they looked young, each of them was a hundred years old.

"Two seniors, we don't seem to be here to recruit relatives this time!" Zhao Yuande smiled bitterly and pointed to the sky not far away. "It seems that someone is coming over there, and it seems a little bad for people to see this situation!" "

"Huh?" Hu Yanzan felt it at this time too, turned his eyes and looked at the sky.


A huge building ship flew into the sky in the distance. The building ship was extremely fast and quickly reached above them.

"You little guys remember, you must not say anything about Zhao Yuande, otherwise it may cause a war, and no one can control it." Hu Yanzan swept everyone at the scene, his eyes full of dignity.

"Good! If anyone says it, we will kill it as soon as possible!" Ji Zhong also nodded, his eyes cold.

"We will never say it!" Everyone nodded hurriedly.

However, there is still shock in their eyes. They usually boast about their genius, but now they only know how big the gap is from others.

Twenty-nine-year-old is the third strong man on the small stage, but also possesses the anti-celestial power to kill the Venerable Realm. If he did not see it with his own eyes, Ye Nan could not dream.

He quietly leaned over to Zhao Yuande and told him: "Brother Zhao, you hid so deeply!"

"Oh! There is nothing worth showing. It's a troublesome thing to say." Zhao Yuande really regretted it.

If he had known it for a long time, he would arbitrarily make up a number of years, saying that he was one or two hundred years old, and they would never doubt it.

"I don't care. After entering the Holy Land of Fire, you can't just look after your little beauty, but also take care of me more!"

"Oh! This is easy to say, easy to talk about! But I don't know anything about fire sacredly..."


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