Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2661: In a desperate situation

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Zhao Yuande couldn't bear it anymore, and he shouted that his figure had disappeared.

The next moment, he had appeared in the center of the group of Sky Sword Clan.

"All die to me!"

Zhao Yuande roared, and the reincarnations of the heavens launched with all their strength.

The whole void exploded loudly, and the huge roulette came into the world once.

Nine kinds of fiery gods turned wildly among the huge roulettes, and the huge roulettes urged seemed to be the wheels that were spinning fast, rumbling down from the void.

A terrifying power of sucking came out of the huge roulette, and the group of strong Sky Sword clan who had just burst out of the void crack, their gods and souls were affected by this power of pulling, as if at this moment the body was completely Was frozen.

Covered by a huge roulette, the whole world has become black and white, and the eyes of the knife family were full of endless fear and horror that day.

At this moment they have fallen into endless despair, as if the world has been completely destroyed, and the future has lost hope.


The huge roulette crushed the void, and the entire star of endless terror trembling shivered.

There are as many as hundreds of thousands of strong Sky Sword Clan under the roulette wheel, so they are crushed silently to become a fan!

You must know that the strongest of these Sky Sword Clan is the seventh small step!

And there is more than one seventh step, there are three!

This kind of strong man was killed by Zhao Yuande in such a vain way. If it was not a kind of person who saw it with their own eyes, they would not even dare to imagine it, and they could not believe it!

"This...I'm not dreaming!" Huo Li was stunned.

He originally thought that as long as he worked hard, he might catch up and even surpass Zhao Yuande!

But I didn't expect Zhao Yuande to completely break his confidence. This terrible combat power can't compete with him even when he stepped on the seventh small step!


In the throat of reincarnation, there was a sound of swallowing saliva.

Although he knew that Zhao Yuande was powerful, he did not expect to be so powerful.

Tens of thousands of strong...that is the strongest on the fourth small tens of thousands of tens of thousands, that is the venerable of true value!

If this force is placed in the battlefield of aliens, it can determine the outcome of a battle!

It was so easy that the smoke disappeared in the hands of Zhao Yuande...

The others were all slack here at this time. They had empty eyes, wide mouths, and even made a gurgle in their throats.

The shock at this moment made them almost forget their mission, who they were, and everything...

At this time, the only one who can keep calm is Hanyu.

But she couldn't help twitching her mouth, her hands holding the Xuanbing Excalibur were pale, and her heart was both excited and shocked.

The person I like is really not ordinary.


An angry roar pierced through the void.

"Kill me, kill them!" A voice full of terror killers came from the cracks in the void.

Countless golden figures swarmed out again.

"Still stunned... There will be more Sky Sword Clan coming soon, ready to fight!" Zhao Yuande regretted seeing everyone staring at him in a daze.

Just now he was really angry to the limit and exerted his full strength.

Thinking of this kind of attack, even if he can only insist on three hits now, after three hits he will exhaust his combat effectiveness.

"Yes! Ready to fight now! There are more Sky Sword Clan in the crack of the void..."

"Kill... kill these aliens and avenge our partners!"

"Remember that their weakness is the soul..."

"Don't touch the sword foot..."

Everyone present on the court is the strongest of the sixth small step. Some of them have already reached the peak of the sixth small step, and their fighting power is very powerful.

After Zhao Yuande recruited the reincarnations of the heavens to exterminate the enemy, their hearts were full of blood, and in the face of these powerful swordsmen, they had only endless killing intentions.


Zhao Yuande flashed once again and rushed into the Sky Sword Clan just after the void crack.

This time he did not show the reincarnations of the heavens, but instead opened the palm of the asura.

Countless powerful swordsmen of the Sky Sword Clan were suppressed by the Shura Hell, and their fighting power was suddenly reduced by half.


Fierce, everyone in samsara also exerted the fastest speed, rushed into the Sky Sword Clan, and launched the killing.

The flaming giant sword in the fiery hands is sharp and unmatched, coupled with his terrifying flesh, it looks like a huge meat grinder.

Countless days the knife family was cut by his blade, burned by flames, and screamed again and again.

"Reincarnation sword!"

For the first time, Samsara used his strongest tricks.

A giant sword in his hand turned out to be black and white, and a terrifying mood spread from his body.

This terrifying mood is also interspersed with terrifying spirit attacks. Within a radius of a thousand feet, all the powerful swordsmen are groggy, and their combat effectiveness has dropped to the lowest point.

The most striking thing is Hanyu. Her body is completely covered with ice and snow, forming an ice and snow world. I don’t know how many strong swordsmen rushed into this ice and snow world. The speed is getting slower and slower. Turned into a unique ice sculpture.


Han Yu lightly chirped, and the Xuanbing Excalibur shook gently in his hand. A terrible shock occurred in the ice and snow world.


A cry of killing sounded, and all of them exhibited their most powerful means to fight with the Tiandao clan.

The strong Sky Sword clan rushing out of the cracks in the void seemed like a tide, not exhaustive at all.

Zhao Yuande had been fighting for half an hour, and hundreds of thousands of powerful swordsmen were beheaded, and seven or eight geniuses on their side fell into the human tactics of the powerful swordsman.

"No! You must not go on like this. In this way, the Sky Sword Clan has not been killed, and everyone will be exhausted!" Zhao Yuande looked around.

At this time, even if it was fierce, Hanyu was a little breathless, and under the siege of countless strong swordsmen, they couldn't hold on.

"Why are there so many monsters, and where did they come from?" The fiery face was somber, even his powerful body was cut and fragmented, and the blood had stained his clothes.

"This is the Golden God Star Territory, and these monsters of the Sky Sword Clan are specializing in the Golden Path of Heaven. For them, this is a paradise for cultivation!" The eyes of reincarnation are full of worries. He knows that if he continues this way, I am afraid They will be consumed here alive.

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