Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 2961: Don't want to go

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

Zhao Yuande only saw the Golden Monkey King. This guy now has golden fur all over his body. The fur is burnt in some places. It looks really embarrassing.

"Crazy monster?" Zhao Yuande smiled. "I really haven't met. I just saw a river. I came here quickly down the river. I think this is probably luck!"

"Damn luck!" The Golden Monkey King fangs his teeth, his eyes grumbled.

"Thousand-feather fairy needs my help." Zhao Yuande ignored the lingering look of Jinling Monkey King and looked at He Qianyu.

"Ah...Why not!" He Qianyu's face was reddish first, but the next moment seemed to adjust her mood and quickly came to Zhao Yuande.

Zhao Yuande was also polite, directly grabbed her little hand, and poured an undead force into her body.

Soon the injuries on his body began to heal at a rate visible to the naked eye, and a scab fell off in one breath, exposing delicate and smooth skin.

"It's...too far from heaven!" He Qianyu sighed, an intoxicated look on his face.

"Brother Zhao, come and help me recover!" King Jinling Monkey stretched out his furry paws.

"Brother Jin Ling, you are also called brother disrespect!" Zhao Yuande slapped that paw.

"Hey!" Golden Monkey King sighed endlessly.


At this moment, a beast roar suddenly came from afar.

They looked in the direction of the roar of the beast, and suddenly saw a figure flying in their direction, and behind this figure was a large group of monsters and beasts.


As they approached, they heard a sound like a galloping horse.

Even the earth began to tremble!

"Who is this guy? Did this bring the monsters of the entire wasteland?" The people couldn't help flying up to the sky and suddenly found that there were hundreds of thousands of monsters behind the man, and they also saw the man clearly. Who is it, Hai Qianrou.

At this time, Hai Qianrou was really embarrassed, and the whole body was covered with scars, large and small, and there was a point that almost divided her into two halves. If it were not her strong will, I might have died in the mouth of the monster.

She accidentally broke into a dreadful monster's lair, and when it was extremely critical, she suddenly sensed the three breaths made by Zhao Yuande.

This is a little breath mark left when Zhao Yuande lent her a chemical fairy treasure, so that she can sense the existence of those three chemical fairy treasures. It was this breath brand that saved her life and gave her a little bit Hope to flee crazy in the direction of Zhao Yuande.

"I'll save her." Zhao Yuande has already seen her status after this meeting, knowing that she won't take action, I'm afraid her life will be lost here.

"I help you!" The Golden Monkey King also rushed behind him.

"I...I'm going too!" He Qianyu hesitated and hurried over.

Zhao Yuande had already unfolded all speeds at this moment, and within a hundred million miles, he had appeared in front of Hai Qianrou in less than one thousandth of an instant, grabbing her crumbling body, and conveying it at the same time An undead force was given to the other party.

"Master Uncle Zu..." Looking at the person who appeared in front of him, Hai Qianrou's body strength only felt exhausted at once, and his body collapsed softly against Zhao Yuande's body.

"Okay, it's okay!" Zhao Yuande patted her on the shoulder and spoke softly to her.


The Golden Monkey King has already been killed at this time, and rushed into the monster beast group to start the killing.

"I'm coming!" He Qianyu's speed is not slow, and appeared beside Zhao Yuande, looking at Hai Qianrou leaning on Zhao Yuande a little enviously.

"You help me take her away!" Zhao Yuande glanced at her, and did not say much, just sent Hai Qianrou to He Qianyu's arms.

"Good!" He Qianyu nodded and took Hai Qianrou back toward the giant tree.

She knew that she could not participate in the battle here. These monsters might not be enough to kill the two perverted guys.

The two opened their means to continuously kill these monsters. At this time, Zhao Yuande did not use the previous asura hell, the reincarnation of the heavens and other powerful attack methods, but slowly took a large amount of himself from the mysterious strongman. Cultivation perception, combined in battle.

"You don't need to participate in the battle!" At this moment, the killing King Jinling Monkey King suddenly received the verdict from the adjudicator, "Zhao Yuande seems to be comprehending something at this time, don't disturb him."

Hearing the opening sentence, the Golden Monkey King felt very harsh, but the next sentence made it feel reasonable.

Jinling Monkey King withdrew and left the battlefield. How could some monster beasts let it go, but was chased but blocked by an invisible force. Obviously the arbiter had already secretly shot.

Can't chase the Golden Monkey King, all the monsters attacked Zhao Yuande, which is exactly what Zhao Yuande wanted.

If this group of monsters had been before, he might be able to send them to **** as soon as he recruited Hell, but now he has been fighting for half an hour.

There are even Lei Scale, Reincarnation, Ye Yun, Huo Shilin, all of them are back, he is still fighting.

"Thank you senior!" Zhao Yuande beheaded the last demon beast, and felt that Shutai had never been easier.

In the past half an hour, let him eliminate the hidden dangers left by his previous practice. Although his current strength has not increased, the road afterwards is even broader!

It is only a matter of time to become a Taoist Venerable. Even a higher Venerable Venerable Venerable God is not impossible!

As far as it goes, it is not something that blind cultivation can achieve. It requires a great opportunity.

"Good!" There were others in front of him, and the adjudicator could only be grateful to Zhao Yuande and nodded to him.

"Who are fewer now?" The adjudicator did not want to struggle with this issue, but looked at everyone.

"The fire contains smoke, and Xueyang did not come!" He Qianyu whispered.

"It's too early now, we'll wait." The arbiter doesn't care about others. There is always life and death in the trial, and it is better to be able to survive, if there is no way, there is no way.

What's more important is that the people he is waiting for have appeared, and others are even less important.

"Boom!" After a while, a loud noise came from a distance.

Everyone looked at it, only to see a huge fire cloud rising in the sky, as if some kind of terrible explosion had occurred.

"That's...the Huo's...Fire God Pill! The fire and smoke will not be used until the last moment. Is she something wrong?" He Qianyu looked at the huge cloud of fire and couldn't help but change her face slightly. , She looked at Zhao Yuande and asked in a low voice, "Do we want to save her."

"I... don't want to go." Zhao Yuande said outspokenly.

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