Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3047: What a bad luck

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There is a slight light in this space, but it is not the light of the sun, the moon and the stars, as if the light existed by nature.

There are hundreds of Void Beasts here, and there are thousands of Void Wolves, Vicious Fangs, Void Evil Eyes and other Void Beasts.

However, the bodies of these Void Monsters are not as huge as these Void Beasts.


Feeling the appearance of Zhao Yuande, all the void monsters immediately roared.

"Kill it!" Zhao Yuande nodded at Mo Qilin and Xiao Qing.

The beginning of the killing, Zhao Yuande's power can completely crush these void monsters, and although the combination of Xiao Qing and Mo Qilin is not as good as Zhao Yuande, but it is completely able to get fish and water here.

This time Zhao Yuande burst out with the most powerful strength, and the group of void monsters on the opposite side were just like straw harvested by him.

However, within a few breathing hours, the Void Beast lost a dozen, while the Void Beast lost hundreds.

"Haha! It's so enjoyable!" Mo Qilin gave a roar of excitement, making the whole space oscillating.

It has now integrated the six-character mantra of Buddhism, carrying this kind of power in a random roar. Although these Void Beasts are not restrained, they can also make them shock and reduce their combat power.

"not good!"

But at this time, Zhao Yuande's complexion suddenly changed.

Because he felt that the entire void was oscillating. The void seemed to be a bottle dangling by people, and they were just grasshoppers in the bottle.

"What's going on!" Mo Qilin snarled, and it felt a terrible death crisis at this time.

"I send you into the inner world!" Zhao Yuande naturally felt this terrible breath of death, and no longer hesitated to send Mo Qilin and Xiaoqing directly into his own inner world.

Just as they disappeared into this space, the void around them seemed to be two huge walls striking at him.

At this moment he felt that the entire void was completely frozen, even if he wanted to escape!

"This is a means by which the Void Sky Dao has cultivated to a half-walk to respect the powerful in the realm!" Zhao Yuande knows the power of this means.

"Give me!"

This space is obviously controlled by the half-walker respectable realm, just like Zhao Yuande's own inner world, and the other party is also a strong man who has practiced to achieve the half-walker realm.

Under all these conditions, it is simply a powerful suppression. Even if the strongest half-walker peak enters this space, I am afraid that he will not be able to retreat.

He really didn't understand how he could enter such a space.

But now is not the time to think about it. Zhao Yuande knew that it would be impossible not to desperately.

At this moment he has exerted his most powerful power, the power of nine suns plus the bonus of war fairy tactics, plus the power to control the second realm, this is the ultimate power he can reach.


He punched on the wall of the void that had been hit by a punch, and suddenly the wall of the void was shot into a huge hole.

He rushed straight out of this hole.

But he hadn't had time to take a breath. An illusory void hand had been captured, and with an irresistible force of terror, he completely enveloped him.

"This... hell!" Zhao Yuande yelled and punched again.

However, this punch really does not have the kind of power just now, and it has not been able to smash this big empty hand.

"Invader, you're done!" There was a voice from the void, indifferent without any emotion, "We haven't invaded you yet, how dare you bother me to sleep!"

"You are a Void Beast!" Zhao Yuande finally knew that he was a Void Beast inside a head and a half-walk respectable realm.

And those weak void beasts are their minions raised in space.

Now that he had entered the family's home and burned and looted, how could he not disturb his master.

"Dead!" Void Beast's voice was cold and ruthless.

"It's not always possible!" Zhao Yuande's Divine Realm opened up, and his figure disappeared in the envelope of this big hand.

"Huh! In my space, I control everything, you can't escape anyway!" Void Beast Road.

Zhao Yuande's figure had just appeared, and there was a palm on the opposite side, just covering him completely.

Facing this big empty hand, Zhao Yuande suddenly felt a tingling scalp.

He knew that if he was caught well, he would be imprisoned directly.

"I will escape again!"

Zhao Yuande gritted his teeth, his figure disappeared again!

Thanks to him, he also practiced Void Sky Dao, otherwise only the suppression of this Void will make his Divine Space lose its effect.

But even so, the scope of his divine space is only a thousand feet, barely able to escape this big hand to capture.

"Everything is in vain, be captured by me!" The Void Beast's voice is everywhere, and the convulsive Zhao Yuande felt dizzy for a while.

And his figure had just appeared, and he was greeted by a big empty hand.

"Damn it! Damn it! You forced me!" Zhao Yuande knew at this time that if he didn't show his full strength, he would probably fall here.

"Lei Yuan, come out to me! You must not let me down!" Zhao Yuande shouted, the thunder flashing in his hand.

A terrifying thunder sword cut out in the void.


The big hand was cut in half by a sword, and the terrifying thunder's power was powerful, and it cut a huge black crack into the void in front of him.

"It's now!"

Zhao Yuande saw the opportunity, and the soul burst out of the black crack.

The next moment his divine space was enveloped, and the whole person disappeared into this space.

"What's that! Why is it so powerful!" There was an angry roar in the space, "But you can't escape!"

Zhao Yuande rushed out of the cracks in the void, and originally thought he was out of danger.

But the next moment he found out that a huge void beast in front of him was staring at himself.

The power of this Void Beast is far beyond the power of all the half-walk respectable realm he has seen.

What sage, war fairy, and Daotian are totally worthless in front of this Void Beast!

The Void Beast can even kill them with a single breath.

"I... really unlucky!" Zhao Yuande knew at this point that he had reached the point of survival.

This Void Beast completely crushed itself alone!

"Let me go back!" The Void Beast, a pair of eyes larger than the stars, stared at Zhao Yuande.

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