Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3081: Dim world

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The big claws slowly disappeared, and the black hole is still a black hole, but below it has become a broken void, the infinite void storm gushing from the broken void, so that this space can no longer be as normal as before.

Zhao Yuande's figure had already rushed into the black hole at this time, and the endless power of the strangling of the void was constantly cutting in his body.

If it weren't for him that he practiced Void Sky Dao, the Void Crystal Nucleus was condensed in his body, which had been smashed by strangling at the moment, and there was no more **** left.

But even so, the flesh and blood on his body are constantly being destroyed and reborn, and his sperm and blood are rapidly consumed, although the blood in his body is boundless, but if it lasts for a long time, there will inevitably be time to run out.

There is no light in the black hole, no time, only the eternal darkness and the terrible force of the void strangle.

If the soul enters here, there is not so much danger.

He kept moving forward in the black hole, and did not know how long it had passed, even if he felt a burst of weakness.

"This black hole doesn't seem to have an end, so I'm afraid I will be killed here alive!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but frown, and also had some doubts in his heart. "How did this guy Mo Qilin come to Tongtian God Market through this place?" "

"Master, I destroyed a treasure of my family at the beginning, so that I can survive in the flesh, but in the end I almost died, and even my memory has lost a lot." Mo Qilin smiled bitterly at this time.

"You can use the power of the black hole to temper the flesh!" At this moment, Lei Yuan's voice passed into his ears.

"The black hole refines the flesh!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but speak out for the other party's madness, but this is a good idea!

"So what are you waiting for, refining the flesh will at least make your flesh stronger and stronger, maybe you can quickly resist the force of Void Strangulation in the black hole, and you will be able to swim in the black hole at that time!" Lei Source road.

"Good! Go out!" Zhao Yuande nodded, and the internal engulfing vortex began to run, constantly engulfing the power of the horrible void strangling around these four.

"Sure enough!" Zhao Yuande's face showed a happy look at the next moment.

A terrifying force of Void Strangler was carefully introduced into the vortex of engulfing, and gradually transformed into the power to temper the flesh, and began to continuously refine his flesh.

And at the same time, he felt that his engulfing vortex had undergone a subtle change, and the passage of the engulfing vortex was slowly changing, gradually resembling the structure of the black hole outside.

"This..." Zhao Yuande couldn't help but rejoice.

Although his own swallowing vortex is against the sky, it is simply a ant and a dragon when compared with a black hole. If you can get the essence of some black holes now, unexpected changes may occur in the future. The swallowing vortex may become his killer.

The black hole is endlessly deep, and I don't know how long it has passed. Zhao Yuande suddenly felt that his body seemed to have undergone a wonderful change.

The power of the Void Strangler was cut on it, and it was no longer possible to crush the flesh, but left a deep wound!

After such a change, Zhao Yuande couldn't help but rejoice in his heart. He knew that his physical body had risen to a new level. I'm afraid it was already comparable to the low-grade Sipinhua Xianbao.

Now if he goes to the physical training tower again, he can easily get the first!

After such a change, Zhao Yuande's consumption of essential blood was reduced by 90%, and his heart finally let go.

Not knowing how long it took, Zhao Yuande seemed to find a little shimmer at the end of the distant black hole.

"Has it reached the other side of the black hole?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but be excited, "I don't know if this is really the deepest layer in hell, if it can really break through the realm of Taoism here!"

Wang Yuan ran a dead horse, and Zhao Yuande saw that glimmer, but did not know how long it had passed, as if it was 10,000 years!

But it was still that little glimmer, no matter how he progressed, there seemed to be no progress at all!

At this time, Zhao Yuande had a feeling in his heart that no matter how hard he tried, he could not reach the end. A desperate emotion slowly grew in his heart.

Zhao Yuande gradually began to become irritable, and his eyes showed grimace. At this time, he had a desire to destroy everything and destroy the black hole directly.

"Ah..." Zhao Yuande shouted, his eyes red and roaring in rage.

"You have a demon!" Lei Yuan's voice came, and a powerful thunder force surged inside Zhao Yuande.

"Heart Demon!" Zhao Yuandlei's intense thunder stimulation suddenly woke up, and there was a look of horror on his face, "Here is a black hole, how can there be a heart demon?"

"You are still too young, and you still have a little experience. It's good to be able to persist until now!" Lei Yuan said, "Where is hell, there is naturally a demon, and your spiritual cultivation is still a little worse. The closer you are to this, the more the violence hidden in your heart will be sed by the devil. Fortunately, I will be there, otherwise you may have lost everything just now!"

"Thank you!" Zhao Yuande is sincerely grateful and has fears on his face.

"Guard the mind, you are seduced by the demon, indicating that the eighteenth floor of **** is coming soon!" Lei Yuan said.

"Really?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but hear a smile on his face.

But suddenly the face changed in the next moment, and a demon girl with a long and long tail appeared, and they all made various provocative gestures to Zhao Yuande, and in their mouth, they made a fascinating voice.

"Bao Mi coax!" Zhao Yuande yelled out three words in his mouth.

The figures of the demon girls shattered, countless fantasies disappeared, and he returned to calm again.

"The six-character mantra of Buddhism is just right to deal with the demon. I forget that you still have this powerful magical power!" Lei Yuan's figure is full of surprises. "With this magical power blessing, you can run wild in hell!"

"Is it so strong?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but wonder.

"It's so strong! You will soon know." Lei Yuan said.

The following is still endless time to rush, but fortunately, there is no time lapse in the black hole. Even after spending hundreds of millions of years here, it is only a moment in the outside world. He does not have to worry about time at all.

That shimmering light became brighter and bigger, and finally Zhao Yuande finally saw a huge exit.

It was a slightly dim world. There were no sun, moon and stars, only some strange plants. The mountains and rocks were releasing a bright blue light.

He felt a powerful force of pulling away from the exit. He did not resist but let this pulling force pull his dim world away.

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