Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3104: Oriental Bridge

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At this time many dragons were photographed in front of the main hall. I don’t know how many people were waiting in line here.

"Brother, let's come to the city for the first time!" At this time, a voice rang in his ear.

He turned his head and found that there was a young man looking around in his twenties. This young man's hair was disheveled and looked a little sloppy.

"Yes!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"No wonder..." The young man's face suddenly appeared, "My name is Dongfangqiao, I don't know how to call my brother?"

"Zhao Yuande." Zhao Yuande said.

No one here knows the name, so what he said is the real name.

"Brother Zhao, I don't know where to go this time?" Dongfangqiao seems to be familiar, so I talked to Zhao Yuande.

"I'm going to Bailian Realm." Zhao Yuande said.

"Oh! Are you going to Bailian Realm too?" Dongfangqiao's eyes lighted up, "Just as we stopped by, I will take you this newcomer, otherwise you may queue up for a day here and may not be able to find the correct teleportation team. ."

"Thank you so much!" Zhao Yuande could not help smiling when he heard the other party saying this.

Encounter is destiny. Zhao Yuande believes in fate, and he observes this Eastern Bridge. Apart from sloppy points, he is pretty good.

Anyway, there is still a lot of time now, and he has simply lined up with the Oriental Bridge to follow the crowd.

Dongfangqiao is a very talkative person, and his unexpected insights are almost nothing.

No matter what question Zhao Yuande asks, he can give the answer.

This makes Zhao Yuande a little curious. The real age of this guy is definitely not old, but why is he so well-informed, it seems that he has been to hundreds of millions of domains!

"Brother Zhao, hey!" Dongfangqiao saw the doubts on Zhao Yuande's face, and could not help but reveal a smug look on his lips. "Actually, I have a special skill, that is, my ears are easy to use, and my head is easy to use!

"Special skills?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but wonder.

If you have round ears, but you can hear the sounds of hundreds of millions of miles away, your head is easy to use... This is even more difficult. The cultivator's head is not easy to use.

"Brother Zhao, it's actually not what you think. My ears and head are very easy to use!" Dongfangqiao smiled mysteriously. "My ears can hear the conversation of everyone here at the same time, and they Conversations are stored one by one in the memory, you say how much information is contained in the conversations of countless people!"

"What... this is really...abnormal!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but change his face, and asked curiously, "How far can you listen?"

"Wanfangfangyuan, no sound can escape my ears and memory!" Dongfangqiao smiled with pride.

"Okay! Sure enough, it's a special skill!" Zhao Yuande was shocked for a long time and didn't say anything.

"Hey!" Dongfangqiao smiled.

"Then... aren't you..." Zhao Yuande suddenly thought of something, "Those powerful sects should be very afraid of your existence! I'm afraid that even the exercises they teach disciples will be heard by you!"

"Yes!" Hearing Zhao Yuande's words, Dongfangqiao couldn't help but change his face suddenly, "It's true, so I also embarked on this road of escape! Look at my sloppy look... this is all disguise! I... hey!"

"Why did Brother Dongfang say so much to me, are you not afraid of me going to report you?" Zhao Yuande was a little strange.

"I have two special skills, besides being able to monitor thousands of miles, I can know people! Otherwise, Brother Zhao thinks how I survived on this escape path. I knew Brother Zhao at first sight It’s not that kind of person... so I will talk to Brother Zhao and make some friends." Dongfangqiao is outspoken and very frank.

"Okay! Brother Dongfang is really a wonderful person! I have given you this friend!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

He can also see that the other party is telling the truth, and he can't help but feel a little good impression on him.

And more importantly, Zhao Yuande feels that the special ability of Dongfang Bridge to monitor Wanli is too great. If it can be brought around, it will definitely be useful. It will have a huge effect on the rescue of the next witch.

"Haha! I like to make friends the most. Since Brother Zhao doesn't despise me, then we will be friends from today!" Dongfang Qiao embraced Zhao Yuande's shoulders, showing a loving smile on his face.

"Good! We are already friends!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

There are not many people who can be recognized by Zhao Yuande. This Dongfang Bridge still has not been fully recognized by him. The two can only be regarded as the friendship of Pingshui.

But even friends of Pingshui are friends.

The two chatted here for a few hours, and the team finally reached them.

Facing the magnificent teleportation, Dongfangqiao also sighed.

"The predecessor who built the chemical city is really amazing. I have been there many times, but I still can't help but want to admire."

"The strong man above the Tao Realm, how can we guess." Zhao Yuande also nodded.

"Okay! Don't sigh, it's your turn!" A guard of the Teleport Hall said impatiently to them.

The guard looked at the eyes of the two, as if the people in the big city saw the buns in the countryside, full of contempt and disdain.

"Good!" Dongfangqiao nodded hurriedly, pulling Zhao Yuande secretly to him, "Don't care about this group of garbage, let's hurry."

Zhao Yuande's current strength can already stand at the pinnacle of the hundreds of millions of realms. How can he bear this kind of glance, but now he is going to save people, everyone who does not want to make trouble knows it, so he can bear it directly.

They entered the hall of transmission, and suddenly found that the hall was not as usual. The transmission array here was lined up and arranged neatly. At this time, I don't know how many people are in and out of the transmission array, very busy.

"Bailian Realm is not ranked high in the hundreds of millions of realms, so the teleportation array can only be in this mixed teleportation hall. I remember that if it is correct, it should be the 32nd on the left!" Oriental Bridge Belt Zhao Yuande soon came to the teleportation front of Bailian Realm.

"A lot of people! There are usually few people in the teleportation field of Bailian Realm. Why is it so lively now?" Dongfangqiao couldn't help but look surprised, but the next moment he suddenly said, "That little witch was actually taken by people in the chemical world. , Forced marriage... It seems that this time there is really lively to watch! Must not be missed! Brother Zhao, will you not go to watch the lively, too?"

"Hehe! I'm not here to watch the excitement, but to save people!" Zhao Yuande smiled faintly, "I don't know if Brother Dongfang dare to join me?"

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