Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3137: Endless supply

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"Ah! My potential doesn't stop there!" Dongfangqiao was ruthless at this time. He gritted his teeth to the thirteenth step and then sat on the ground with one butt, breathing heavily.

"Okay! Don't be brave, practice now!" Zhao Yuande's voice came into their ears. "As long as cultivation is enhanced, it will naturally continue to advance."

The two men and one beast are no longer competing, and according to what Zhao Yuande said, they closed their eyes and practiced.

"The two men and one beast...the talent is not weak, and they all have the potential to achieve divine respect. Although it is not possible to become the main force against the Alliance of Saints, but they are also sufficient as an auxiliary!" The thin old man saw the performance of two men and one beast Nodded slightly.

He did not stay here, but turned around and left, leaving the hall, sitting cross-legged outside the door of the hall quietly, as if guarding them.

"I don't know if they will change their minds after absorbing this pool of life spirits. If I could not help this temptation, I would soon become the heir of the **** of wrath!" The thin old man's mouth showed a smile. .

Zhao Yuande felt the terrifying power of life exuded by the liquid of life, and he continuously poured into his body. Every breath will have several real worlds evolved, and his strength became a little bit stronger.

An hour later, he found that the real world in his body had actually increased by 36,000.

Moreover, the 36,000 real worlds are different from those in the past, and all of them are full of life.

Some real spiritual worlds are like a real big world, in which many strange lives have evolved...

The power of the world exuded from these real worlds is several times that of the previous real worlds!

"Curious feeling!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help showing a shocked expression on his face.

You have to know that the real spirit world he evolved before, although it is also a complete small world, has never happened this wonderful change.

"If the 36 million true spirit world has completely evolved into such a world, wouldn't his strength be beyond the scope of Dao Zun!" Zhao Yuande was pleased.

He now feels that he can continue to move forward, but he has not done so, because there are still Dongfangqiao behind them.

Now the huge energy emitted by the life spirit fluid has absorbed 70% of itself. If they go further, they may not get a little benefit.

Behind the Oriental Bridge, Fairy Baifeng and Mo Qilin are also slowly transforming.

Their breath of cultivation is constantly increasing.

At this time, Dongfangqiao had already entered the late stage of Half-Track Zun without knowing it. After he was promoted, he didn't even notice it. He just made a subconscious step and took ten full steps forward. Then he stopped to continue his cultivation.

Although Mo Qilin's cultivation was restricted by Zhao Yuande, the accumulation of vitality in the body's body was not limited. At this time, it was constantly putting part of the life force absorbed into the body into the body's body, A part of it is stored in the body of blood for the occasional need.

Fairy Bai Feng has also started to exert force now, she turned into a white phoenix.

Under the influx of more powerful life-gathering power, the consumption of Shouyuan is nothing.

At this time, the white phoenix had also moved more than ten steps, and even walked in front of the Dongfang Bridge. Her cultivation practice was also growing rapidly. Now she has unconsciously entered the pinnacle of the half-walk.

Everyone is working hard to cultivate, and time is passing little by little.

One day later, Zhao Yuande suddenly felt that the violent life gas gradually subsided. He opened his eyes and suddenly saw that pool of life spirit liquid completely disappeared.

At this time, a jade card with a light blue light lay quietly in the pool.

It was this jade card that exuded that terrible coercion, preventing them from approaching the pool.

"It's the case, why is there no more! I can be promoted to the pinnacle of the half-walk Zun with a little bit more!" Dongfangqiao's face was full of regret and regret.

"I have reached the pinnacle of half-walking Zun, but I feel out of reach for Dao Zunjing!" Fairy Bai Feng recovered the human body at this time, and his eyes also showed surprise.

"Hey! I'm the most pitiful! It's just that the physical body has made a little progress!" Mo Qilin said this in his mouth, but the joy in his eyes could not be concealed.

However, Zhao Yuande's inner vision at this time found that he had evolved 420,000 new spiritual worlds in this short day. If he added the previous 2.2 million, he would have 200. Sixty-two thousand real spirit world.

But the number is 36 million, which is less than one tenth!

Now if he meets the disciple of the Xiaoyao Palace called Zhuo Fei again, he will definitely be able to defeat it easily, and it will not take so long to meet the giant elephant.

"Okay, everyone will make great progress. If you continue to move forward, it should be much easier!" Zhao Yuande was also full of joy.

"How are you?" The thin old man appeared in front of them at this time.

"Very good! Very helpful to us!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"If you can become the heirs of the **** of wrath, this life spirit liquid will have an endless supply, and your state will rise rapidly." A smile appeared on the thin old man's face.

"What...infinite supply!" Fairy Baifeng and Dongfangqiao's eyes straightened out, all excited and incredible.

"Infinite supply!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but take a deep breath.

If he can provide infinite supply, he can evolve all the real spirit world without a hundred days, and then he can crush Dao Zunjing strong man by his own cultivation!

"Don't be fooled!" Lei Yuan reminded at this time, "Although this kind of life spirit can make you rise quickly, but it can only be raised to the limit of half-walker. It is not the energy that you want to promote. What you can achieve, but what you need is your understanding of the control of Heavenly Dao! Not enough control of Heavenly Dao, even if you are soaked in the liquid of life all day, there is no chance to be promoted to Dao Zun!"

Lei Yuan's voice did not taboo the thin old man, but spoke directly.

The thin old man turned his gaze to Lei Yuan on Zhao Yuande's wrist. When he saw Lei Yuan clearly, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"You... Lei Yuan! Haven't you been brought to **** by the powerful of the Black Fire clan? Why did you appear beside this young man?" But the thin old man recognized Lei Yuan directly.

"Hey! You were the little dragon next to Tianneng! We have seen one side of it!" Lei Yuan smiled, and his voice showed a little pride.

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