Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3146: Suspicion of greed

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"Give me absorb!" He began to absorb a lot of thunder fluid into the body world.

"Okay! Leave now!" Lei Yuan quickly issued a warning.

Zhao Yuande did not hesitate, withdrew his palm and turned away.

"Is he awake?" Zhao Yuande asked nervously.

"No... there is a strong presence coming here!" Lei Yuan said, "I feel two strong breaths appear outside the Thunder Mountain Range. They should be two strong men at the level of the Lord, and they must not be discovered by them. I exist, otherwise you will die!"

"What a pity!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help sighing when he heard Lei Yuan say this.

The three of Miao Qing saw Zhao Yuande quickly fleeing from Lei Chi, and couldn't help but slightly stunned.

According to what they thought, this guy named Xinghe should practice next to Lei Chi for a while.

Zhao Yuande left Leichi Baizhang and saw Mo Qilin and walked towards them.

"What's wrong, Brother Zhao, why are you back?" Dongfangqiao was puzzled.

He listened to Wanli, and naturally knew the evaluation of Zhao Yuande by the three people in front of him, and did not know why he left Leichi again.

"Don't you hear that a strong man is outside the Thunder Mountain?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help asking.

"What! A strong man is here, and I didn't pay attention!" Dongfangqiao's complexion soon became brighter, "Wow! These are two holy powerhouses, I have never seen a holy powerhouse! It’s really powerful!"

"What are they talking about?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help asking.

"They seem to have been ordered to detect this Thunder Mountain Range." Dongfangqiao Chuanyin replied.

"Explore this Thunder Mountain Range." Zhao Yuande frowned slightly.

"They're here!" At this moment, the void oscillated, and the two old men in white robes slowly came out of the void.

The Thunder in the clouds felt their presence, as if they had found a vent, and the endless Thunder slammed down towards them.

The two old men seemed to have an invisible spatial position around them, and even if they were bombarded with terror, they would not hurt them at all.

"I'm afraid that the Thunder of this level has reached the limit that Half Walker can withstand!" One of the slightly fat old men looked up at the void.

"The three seem to be Zun Daoshan, Xiaoyao Palace, and the three little geniuses in Haitian Pavilion. They even came here. Hey! These little guys, who can walk here are also very qualified." Another old man It looks affable, but the smile on his face makes people feel a bit false.

"Forget it, don't pay attention to them! The important thing is that Lei Chi, how can a Lei Chi appear here, will there be..." The little fat old man said with a hint of greed in his eyes.

"Let's go! Look at the past, we can't miss this good opportunity!" The kind old man nodded.

They just glanced at Zhao Yuande at random, they did not continue to pay attention, but walked towards Lei Chi.

But soon their faces became very dignified, because they also felt that terrifying Tianwei, and under this kind of Tianwei, they were also greatly threatened.

In the end, they are the horrible existence of the Holy Realm, which is much easier than the three of them.

They were soon less than thirty chapters from Lei Chi, and their pace became much slower here.

Zhao Yuande saw that the two old men didn't notice themselves, and he couldn't help but relax.

"Shall we leave?" Zhao Yuande asked Lei Yuan.

"It's better to leave. If these two old guys know that you have reached Lei Chi, they will definitely doubt you! In case they want to give you a coveted heart, you can hardly escape." Lei Yuan said.

"Then leave quickly!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

"Let's go!" Zhao Yuande nodded to the two men and one beast, and they quickly exited the Thunder Mountain Range.

There is a lot of pressure to enter, but when I go out, I feel very relaxed.

"How did they go?" Miao Qing looked at Zhao Yuande's figure of their departure and couldn't help but wonder.

"I thought they were geniuses of the Alliance of Saints, now it seems not!" Cai Yuan couldn't help but wonder.

"This man came to Lei Chi, but left in a hurry. Is it because he found two seniors coming? Xinghe...... How do I get more and more familiar with this name?" Jing Tian frowned, it seemed to be thinking, but His voice was very high, it seemed that he was intentionally talking to someone.

The two old men in the first place didn't care about the conversation of the three people, but they heard that Zhao Yuande seemed to have walked to Lei Chi. The two's faces changed slightly.

"That young man is suspicious. I have something to ask him!" The kind old man's complexion changed, his figure flashed, and he turned and walked out of the Thunder Mountain Range.

"I also think it's okay!" The slightly fat old man did not stay, following behind the kind old man.

"Old guy, what do you want to do?" The fat old man whispered to the amiable old man.

"Hey, we can't get close to Leichi, but the young man can easily get close. There must be some kind of treasure, or some kind of secret, how can I let this kind of person go!" The amiable old man smiled.

"Are you really... not even a young man willing to let it go, is it embarrassing?" The fat old man said sarcastically.

"I feel ashamed that I will not be able to practice this state!" The amiable old man sneered. "Don't you think that way? Don't pretend to be a stern look. Have you done so little?"

"It's not wrong!" said the chubby old man. "People don't kill themselves for their own sake. Don't put this opportunity in front of your eyes. Am I not a fool! Every opportunity in the chemical industry is very valuable. We also have some concerns, but Here...hehe!"

But after they left the Thunder Mountain Range, they did not find Zhao Yuande's trace at all.

Their powerful spirits swept the Quartet, but they did not find any clues.

"This kid really has a problem, so he escaped!" The slightly fat old man looked a little ugly.

"His name is Xinghe, and I have written down my appearance, and there is a Mo Qilin beside me. The information is handed over below, and I think they will be found soon!" Unless they don’t go back to Tai Cang City, would it be my palm!"

In order to prevent unforeseen circumstances, Zhao Yuande took Mo Qilin directly through the Void Channel and quickly returned to Tai Cang City.

"Let's go! All the things obtained this time will be converted into cultivation resources. Then we rent a cave house to start cultivation. I believe you should be able to break through the limit soon." Zhao Yuande said.

"Good!" The two nodded one beast.

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