Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3203: Sneak attack

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Because at this time Shen Yutian had already screamed like a pig.

"No... you can't kill me, if you kill me, you will fall into boundless hell, and the chemical world will never have a place for you." Shen Yutian felt Zhao Yuande's murderous opportunity, felt the lock of the illusory big hand, could not help but open Eyes wide, screaming in horror.

"Hey! Whoever goes to **** if I don't go to hell, let's say **** is nothing, and I haven't been there!" Zhao Yuande's voice passed into Shen Yutian's ears, full of ridicule.

"Ah..." Shen Yutian screamed in horror.


The next moment his knowledge collapsed, and Zhao Yuande didn't even leave a trace of his chance of reincarnation.

"Hey!" The Peerless Lord gave a long sigh, looking helpless in Zhao Yuande's eyes.

At the same time also felt sad for Shen Yutian!

The other party thought that the galaxy was an ordinary person in the chemical industry, and they threatened them with a few words and they were afraid. He obediently put him down.

But he did not expect that the other party was a stunned young man, and he did not consider the consequences at all in anger.

"Xinghe, you are impulsive this time!" The peerless Saint said helplessly, "You killed Shen Yutian, my Saint Alliance will not let you go, and the one in the Shenyue Palace will probably not let you go, you It’s hard to walk in the chemical industry!"

"Really?" Zhao Yuande sneered and shook his head, striding firmly towards the top of the mountain.

"Catch him, as long as anyone can catch him, my winner alliance will double the amount that was wanted before!" The **** who had not been silent for a while, slowly spoke at this time.

Everyone heard his words, his eyes lit up first, but the next moment he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

They also want to seize the galaxy, but the other party is on the ground on the Shenshan Mountain, but in the blink of an eye, he has already set a thousand steps.

Many strong men who stopped at the top wanted to stop him, but could not catch his shadow at all.

Others struggled hard against several breaths, and even dozens of breaths were able to step on a step, but he could step on dozens or hundreds of steps in a flash, which has shocked everyone.

Many of the above intended to intercept his Dao Zun, and the Lord also subconsciously gave up this idea at this time.

"What kind of monster is this!" The peerless saint showed an uncontrollable shock in his eyes.

He once climbed the eighty-nineth steps of the Shenshan Mountain, knowing that every step is a terrible world of disaster. He can't imagine how Zhao Yuande has taken dozens of steps in the end. It seems that he is not affected by these terrorist worlds .

Can he reach the summit?

Many people have such an idea at this time in their minds.

"No... this is impossible! This is the most rigorous test of the most powerful Zongmen East Forest God Mountain in the Tai Cang Realm of the Taikoo period. Juerin, one of the top ten geniuses, waited for a few talents to reach the peak! If he can really reach the peak... I am afraid that many of the powerful and powerful men of the Saints Alliance will not be able to sit still!" That Holy Realm The strong man seems to be very familiar with Donglin Shenshan and Tai Cangjie.

In the incredible eyes of everyone, Zhao Yuande walked vigorously on the steps of the Shenshan Mountain, but he climbed the 6,000 steps after dozens of breaths.

He kept walking and continued to move up, but the speed was much slower.

The punishment for the six thousandth order is several times stronger than before, and even Zhao Yuande needs to deal with it.

And the last time he set foot on the mountain was cheating on his own devouring vortex, this time he wanted to use his true strength to reach the top.

At this time, the strong men on the steps were sparse, and each of them had a dignified face, and his brows were tightly closed.

It seems that they are just climbing mountains. In fact, these people have fallen into the world of terrible sky-tribulation and are suffering from various disasters.

The cultivators who can embark on the six thousand order are all geniuses among geniuses, and they are already qualified to enter the powerful forces of Donglin Shenshan and become outside disciples.

According to Zhao Yuande's estimate, Donglin Shenshan's status at that time was like a few super powers in the Zhongzhou of the chemical industry.

It is already a great honor to be an outside disciple.

Otherwise, there will not be so many geniuses at the time when the virtual time reverses the time and space sealed in the gourd.

There are even three people who can set foot on the final ninth 99th order.

Of course, if there was no Zhao Yuande at the time, these three would not be able to finally set foot on the top of the mountain, and they could only stop at the last level.

Step by step, Zhao Yuande began to feel the power of the disaster on the steps, and the face underneath looked pretty.

The Divine Lord has begun to inform the Saint Alliance of what is happening here, awaiting the decision of the Saint Alliance.

At the same time, he also passed the news to the group of Shenyue Palace. Shen Yutian was not only a genius disciple of the Saint Alliance, but also a cousin of the goddess of Shenyue Palace.

I don't know if this time will cause the Shenyue Palace to anger, so that the Saint Alliance will be affected by this matter.

Zhao Yuande is carefully understanding the disaster at every level, but he didn't expect a crisis to come down in an instant.

His subconscious backhand shot, the power of the terrifying world poured out with the palm of his hand.


A scream came, and the strong man who wanted to attack him felt that he was swept by an unimaginable force and fell down the stairs.

This sneak attacker turned out to be a holy deity. He saw Zhao Yuande caught in the sentiment and felt that he had found an opportunity.

Unexpectedly, the other party even blasted him down.

Don't look at him as a holy deity, if placed in other places, Zhao Yuande may not be able to shake him, but here there is a huge force constantly repelling, and there is a horrible disaster!

And more importantly, these steps are still different from person to person, and the strength is determined according to one's cultivation.

So this very sad rolling down, although not seriously injured, but a face turned bloody, it was all knocked by the hard steps!

Countless people below looked at this person contemptuously, and some people couldn't help laughing.

Seeing this situation, some strong people who originally planned to take shots at this time simply gave up their shots and went all the way toward the summit of Shenshan.

Even the peerless venerable lord shook his head slightly at this time and gave up the idea of ​​continuing to chase.

Although Zhao Yuande's speed has been reduced, it is not slow compared to those people. He gradually stepped up to the seven thousandth and eighth steps...

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