Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3259: The treasure is on your body

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Chapter 3259 is the treasure

This middle-aged man's golden robe is also embroidered with a greasy black dragon, but one can see that the person's status in the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce is quite high.

"Xuan Brother!" When Hong Zhen saw this middle-aged man in golden robe, his face suddenly showed respectful color, turning his head to make a look at Zhao Yuande, "Yuande hasn't come to see Senior Xuan!"

"This is called Xuan innocent, but it is a powerful existence of a godly realm and an elder of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce. It was through him that I helped you get this quota!" Hong Zhen secretly said.

He was afraid of Zhao Yuande's arrogance and neglected the other party,

"Seen Senior Xuan!" Zhao Yuande hurriedly bowed to salute.

"Well! Very good Miaozi, if you can enter the mysterious space and live out, you will definitely fly into the sky!" The middle-aged man in Jinpao nodded.

"This is a disciple of an old friend of mine, but also asked Brother Xuan to take care of one or two!" Hong Zhen handed Zhao Yuande's 15 million Shengjing storage ring and handed out another storage Ring.

"Haha! Rest assured, you and I are decades old, there will be no problem!" Xuan innocent glanced at the things in the storage ring, and a smile appeared on his face, "Come with me! "

Hong Zhen and Zhao Yuande looked at each other and followed Xuan innocent.

"Third Brother, this is a disciple of my old friend. Take care of this trip more!" Xuan innocent took them on the Void Shenshuo, and found a brazen golden robe.

Xuan innocent seemed very respectful to this one, apparently because the other's cultivation was much stronger than him.

This great man's cultivation practice has reached the peak of Divine Venerable, and he can step into the Venerable Realm in one step.

"Oh! The little guy is good, and the qualifications are very good!" The Jinpao Dahan glanced at Zhao Yuande, but he was slightly surprised. "This qualification should be of extraordinary origin! Why do you have to sneak into the secret space and time, don't... forget it! Don't do my business!"

Jinpao Dahan said that he was half shut, and waved to Xuan Innocent and Hong Zhen to signal that they could leave.

"Remember what I told you." Hong Zhen secretly told Zhao Yuande before leaving.

"Seniors rest assured." Zhao Yuande nodded.

"Little guy, come with me!" The gold-robed man looked at Zhao Yuande deeply, and did not say much, and took him into a clean and tidy room, "Stayed here without notice It is forbidden to take a half step, otherwise we can’t guarantee what will happen, and we will notify you when the secret time and space is coming!"

"Yes!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

He entered the room and sat cross-legged in silence.

He knew that this journey would be very long, and it would take at least a year.

So he can only calm down for the time being and practice here first.

He had originally planned to go back to **** by using the void channel, but then he thought about it.

Here is the Void Shenshuo, and the coordinates are changing at any time. In case if you make a mistake when you return, it is really sad.

So now I can only practice for now!

Soon, he felt that the Void Shenshuo started, and he directly shuttled into the endless stream of time and space.

"Really powerful! This Void Shenshuo's grade strength is still above my previous predictions. The shuttle in this time and space turbulence is intact!" Zhao Yuande's soul was explored a little, and it was suddenly seen in front of him. Stayed in town.

With such a powerful Void Shenshuo, Zhao Yuande is more at ease about his safety!

He spent a year on the journey, which he never experienced.

His practice time is only thirty years from beginning to end, which is the first time he spent a year in flight.

He was still very excited at first, but after a few days he gradually got used to this feeling and began to practice meditation.

In the chaos of the void, no other heaven can be felt, only the powerful chaos of the void constantly bombards the Void Shenshuo.

He can only cultivate Void Sky Dao, and constantly improves his strength by virtue of his perception of Void Sky Dao.

However, he soon discovered that his exercises from the space **** realm had reached the end of his cultivation, and he had no way to continue practicing!

"What can I do?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help but dumbfounded. I knew that I should search in Yunshui City, maybe I can still find the exercises about the void, now...

"Haha! I'm stupid! Really stupid! The treasure is on my body, but I forgot to dig!" At this time, Zhao Yuande suddenly patted his thigh and almost jumped up excitedly.

Zhahua Yudie once told him that if he reached the half-walk state, he could pass the test to obtain a void skill!

His spirit entered into the jade of fortune and set foot on nine steps.

"I'm here, ready to take the test!" Zhao Yuande said a little bit excitedly.

"You are finally here! I thought you had forgotten about it." The voice came quietly, "Now the test begins, you enter the hall!"

The tightly closed halls were slowly opened, and a vast and breath of breath was passed from it, so that Zhao Yuande's spirit could not help but tremble, almost even lying on the ground.

This breath is so powerful that it is more terrible than all the strong men he has seen.

"Just a little breath can't stand it, how can I stand the test!" The voice came, and there seemed to be contempt.

"Who said I can't stand it!" Zhao Yuande's soul took firm steps and walked toward the hall step by step.

Although the footsteps are extremely heavy, but they are extremely firm.

Along the way, he has not experienced any hardships.

He can bear even the cruel exercises of shattering the soul and soul cultivation of the mysterious palace of the mysterious god, let alone the suppression of the powerful breath in front of him.

Don't look at the distance of only a hundred feet from the steps to the main hall, but he walked hard for half an hour before he arrived.

His face was all sweat, and his body was trembling.

But at the moment he stepped into the hall, this terrifying breath disappeared.

His body was loose, but the light and shadow were flashing in front of him, but at the next moment he found himself in a starry sky.

In front of him, a huge city stood in the stars.

There are countless figures flying towards the city at the moment.

Zhao Yuande found that these figures are like the soul of the soul, and each one is very powerful, not weaker than his breath, and even more powerful than him.

"Where did this go?" Zhao Yuande couldn't help wondering.

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