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"Brother Zhao is whoever is involved, he will not be in trouble. He still doesn't know where to hide and be happy! I'm afraid I have forgotten our two friends!" Dongfangqiao pouted.

"You are not allowed to say this to him, he is not that kind of person!" Fairy Bai Feng stared at the eyes, a cold color appeared on his face.

"Okay, okay! Can't I say it?" Dongfangqiao waved his hand hurriedly, a bitter smile on his face, "Why are you! Brother Zhao... Hey!"

"Well! Not to mention him, Master let us enter the ruins of the mysterious dynasty to practice, the purpose is to allow our soul to be transformed. Only after the transformation of the soul can we continue to practice the following exercises! What information do you get? "Fairy Bai Feng said solemnly.

"Information has gotten some, but the information shows that if you want to capture a large number of mysterious holy beasts, it is better to go to the abyss area. There are too many people in the hunting area, and we may not be able to do it for ten days or eight days. Encountered a mysterious holy beast!" Dongfangqiaodao, "Moreover, our cultivation practice is a bit low, it is best to find a team to join them, with my sharp sense of hearing and your beauty..."

Dongfang Qiao said so much, but it seemed that the fairy Bai Feng who saw the other party was a little absent-minded. A pair of eyes stared straight at him behind him, and his eyes were full of joy and incredible!

" are your eyes straight! What did you see? Is there a handsome guy passing by? That's right, don't hang on a tree, and it's still a crooked neck tree..." Dongfangqiao Before he finished speaking, he felt his ears being caught, and he was terrified.

Even if the other person is so close to him, he can still grasp his ears, and he has not even noticed it. How is this possible!

He turned his head sharply, but found a familiar face.

The man was looking at them with a smile and a warm smile.

At this moment there is an urge to burst into tears at Dongfangqiao.

"Two, we meet again!" Zhao Yuande smiled brightly at them.


But at this time, Fairy Bai Feng cried out with a wow, and rushed into Zhao Yuande's arms.

"" Zhao Yuande's face was embarrassed, neither with his hands nor with his hands!

"Hey!" Dongfangqiao not only showed a smile, but secretly said, "Brother Zhao, you are really hard-hearted. Sister Sister has always missed you for more than a year. Her practice is more diligent than me. Ten times, in order to be able to avoid becoming a burden when you see you! You can comfort her!"

"Hey!" Zhao Yuande's heart is also fleshy, and his face is full of bitterness. Although he still can't accept Baifeng Fairy, but as Dongfangqiao said, he really needs to have a good chat with her.

"Okay! I'm not here!" Zhao Yuande patted Bai Feng's back gently with his palm, and his voice was very soft. "So many people are watching, I don't want to be the target!"

"Ah..." Fairy Bai Feng exclaimed and hurriedly jumped out of Zhao Yuande's arms, his face flushed.

She felt the warm palm of Zhao Yuande

"Go! Let's find a place to sit." Dongfangqiao stood up at this time and blinked at the Baifeng Fairy, "Here's a lot of eyes, and it's not convenient to do anything!"

"I killed you!" Fairy Bai Feng suddenly turned red again.

"Haha! Come with me!" Dongfangqiao walked in front of the smoke, and soon took Zhao Yuande to a huge palace.

A signboard of Ruyifang hung above the palace. Someone visited a palace here as a restaurant.

This person is really business-minded.

Walking into the palace, I immediately felt the huge space here.

The space is stacked one on top of the other, and no one will bother you.

Dongfangqiao seems to be a light car, and took them into it. Suddenly a young man greeted him and led them into a quiet courtyard.

"Here is a guy named Qian Tong. This guy is definitely a good player in business." Dongfangqiao introduced to Zhao Yuande, "This guy is a disciple of an old friend of our master, but he is also his own, but This guy is just hairless, and he doesn't give us a cheap price at all!"

There is a bit of resentment in Dongfangqiao's voice, which is obviously very uncomfortable with this guy!

"Brother Dongfang, are you really not a friend? Am I that kind of person?" Just then a round figure appeared not far away, and the ball rolled over in general.

"Oh! I just casually said that if Brother Qian thought I was wrong, he would give us a free one. I might be happy to introduce you to a big customer!" Dongfangqiao turned towards Zhao Yuandunu.

"Oh!" This round guy turned his gaze to Zhao Yuande, and then looked at the fairy Bai Feng beside Zhao Yuande, his eyes lit up.

"This must be... Bai Feng's sister... Gee... It's really a talented person, and the cultivation is not bad. After reaching the late stage of Dao Zunjing, it seems that I really have no chance!" A smile appeared.

But this guy was born with a smile on his face, this smile is superfluous.

"Brother Qian, can't you just talk nonsense." Fairy Bai Feng ruined her round fiercely, but her face was blushing.

"Okay! Okay!" Yuanfan covered her mouth.

"Brother Zhao, this is the Qiantong I just said. It's called round and rolling," Dongfangqiao introduced to Zhao Yuande at this time.

"Brother Qian." Zhao Yuande nodded slightly with a fist.

"Brother Zhao! Hello, welcome to our Ruyi Square. Since you are a friend of Dongfangqiao and Sister Bai Feng, that is my friend. I will give you a 5% discount on this meal!" .

"Look! I'll know!" Dongfangqiao's face was unsurprising, "round and can't be a little more generous! This is a big customer, you have the opportunity to cooperate with him in the future, you can't stop A little more discount?"

"Oh... my cost is very high!" A look of embarrassment appeared on the round face, "You also know that you need a qualification token to come here, and I have to hire many people, and more importantly, I have to Supporting a disciple who eats the old man, this one has a big appetite. 30% of the profits of my Ruyi Square will be taken away by him..."

"Heaven eats the disciples of the elderly?" Zhao Yuande's voice was a little shocked.

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