Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3293: Perseverance

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Chapter 3293: Persistence


Zhao Yuande roared, his whole body exploded, the War Immortal tactic was launched, and one-tenth of his body's blood burned at this moment.

Zhao Yuande knew at this time that if he did not change the status quo, he would have to run away.

He knows that the opponents who appear in the future may be stronger than these two big men. If he keeps escaping, how can he still have time to rescue the old man who eats the sky!

So at this moment, he knew that he could not retreat, and absolutely could not retreat, he must defeat the opponent in front of him!

The burning of essence blood exchanged for more powerful power, which made him feel an unprecedented power.

"This kind of power is not enough, I want to become stronger!" Zhao Yuande gritted his teeth and burned one-tenth of his blood again.

At this time, a terrible golden flame was burning around his body, which seemed more terrifying than the frost giant in front of him.

"Yes! It's this kind of power!" Zhao Yuande's body was shaking with excitement, and the power gained by burning one fifth of his blood had pushed his power to a limit and reached the same height as the other party.

However, this consumption is really too huge, and I don't know how many treasures to consume before it can be recovered.


At this time, Zhao Yuande seemed to be a real flaming giant, hitting the frost giant on the opposite side with one punch.


The frost giant made a slight click and a crack appeared on his body.

At this time, the God of Fortune will also launch a terrifying attack under the tumultuous control.

The two joined forces to retreat the Frost Giant suddenly, and there was a trace of defeat.

"How could this be! This..." Frost Juchen made a shocked sound inside his body. This sound was a bit cold, and it should come from the mouth of the frost man.

"This kid burns a lot of essence blood, he can't hold on for long! Ice and fire merge!" Another big man's voice came.


Frost Han seemed to make a major decision with a bite.

In the next moment, the flaming flame burned again on the body of the frost giant, but this time the flame gradually merged with the frost, forming an ice blue flame covering the body.

Zhao Yuande suddenly felt a sense of depression in his heart.

"Brother Zhao, their strength after fusion has been infinitely close to God Venerable, we are not opponents! Let's get ready to escape quickly!" A round voice came into Zhao Yuande's ear, full of anxiety.

Zhao Yuande gritted his teeth, although he didn't want to run away, but if it had always been so, they could only run away!

"If you insist on the ten-fold time, if you can't, we can only escape!" Zhao Yuande nodded.

At this time his blood could still burn for ten breaths, and after ten breaths he could only escape.


Zhao Yuande knew at this moment that this ten-breath time was the turning point of fate. If a miracle could happen, they could return aloud. If they couldn't, they would have no choice but to escape.

Because he felt that his control of power had reached a critical point in the battle just now.

When he was fighting against Shenwu in the space **** realm, he divided the control of power into three levels.

The first level is ignorance, which is the ordinary use of power. Many cultivators are in this state. Every battle will have a huge waste, and it cannot really exert its own power!

The second level is to control the environment, including the power control, but there is a power to control the power in the battle. Although this control is not precise, it has been able to exert the power of several times that of ignorance. He is now in this state.

The third realm is to return to the primordial realm. The power can be mobilized at will and can be used freely, like a magic weapon, and there will be no power leakage at all.

And Zhao Yuande now feels that, with the help of burning blood power, he has already begun to touch the threshold of the third level.

He believes that if he can really enter the third state in this ten breath, it is absolutely possible to defeat the ice giant in front of him.


Zhao Yuande is not afraid of death, and he doesn't care about the powerful attack of the Ice and Fire Giant, but he collides with the opponent with all his strength!

In just a moment, they collided hundreds of times in a row.

During the collision, Zhao Yuande's body was splattered with blood. His blood and flesh were almost scorched by the terrible flame, and some places had seen the bright white bones.

"Brother Zhao!" Dongfangqiao stood far away, his face showing a trace of anxiety.

It was the first time he saw Zhao Yuande so desperate and so miserable.

"Yuande!" Fairy Baifeng clenched her fists tightly at this time. She deeply felt the lack of her own strength, and she had an urge to become stronger urgently.

"If I can go back alive this time, I will go to the Devil Soul Battleground to sharpen it!" Fairy Bai Feng's voice was full of perseverance.

"Magic Soul Battlefield! Are you sure!" Dongfangqiao looked at Baifeng Fairy with incredible eyes.

"I'm sure!" Fairy Baifeng nodded vigorously. "I'm too weak now. Even if I stay by his side, it's just a burden. Thirty years is not too long. I'm waiting!"

"Okay! I'm going too, not for thirty years!" Dongfangqiao is also deeply stimulated.

I can only look at Zhao Yuande's **** battle beside him but I can't help any more. This taste is really uncomfortable!

At this time, Zhao Yuande had fallen into a frenzy, and there was no more intact skin on his body, but he had already hit the ice giant with a punch.

"It's crazy!" Seeing this scene not far away, he could not help twitching the corner of his mouth, but his eyes flashed the light of expectation, "But only this kind of crazy person can do it. I am really looking forward to something crazy!"


Zhao Yuande felt that the power in his body was gradually declining, and he was suddenly blown up in a collision.

It was only after eight breaths, he had almost exhausted the power of burning blood.

"I'm not reconciled!" Zhao Yuande's face showed a resolute and determined look, "burn me again!"

He roared, and a golden flame burst out of his body again, this time he actually directly burned one-fifth of his essential blood again.

His figure lost weight at a rate visible to the naked eye.

"Breakthrough! I only need to break through!"

Zhao Yuande yelled and rushed to the giant ice and fire.

"Crazy! Brother Zhao is crazy. If he burns like this, he will probably be killed alive!" Dongfangqiao's face was pale.

"No... he will not die, he has his own persistence!" Fairy Baifeng shook his head slightly.

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