Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3417: Quite broken

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"Ah... I didn't say anything just now, we are willing to pay the cultivation fee!"

"Yes, we are willing to pay fees to practice, you must not do it..."


"It's about the same, come to one billion Shengjing per person!" Zhao Yuande reached out.

"Billion... why don't you grab it!"

"It's uncivilized to grab a lot, what I'm doing is to trade as you wish!" Zhao Yuande proudly said, "And now we are strong, you are weak, I'm not good at robbing you!"

Those cultivators glanced at the fire in jade behind Zhao Yuande, their eyes showing fear.

" are too expensive, we..."

"Senior Brother Qian... People only charge 200 million Shengjing, do we... do we..." Huo Zhongyu felt standing behind Zhao Yuande and seemed to become a bodyguard hitter. This identity made him feel uncomfortable.

"Brother Huo said very well, since we have to charge, it can't be too ridiculous, otherwise it may cause dissatisfaction!" Luo Chaitian also nodded.

"It turns out didn't say that early!" Zhao Yuande glanced at the two with a grudge. "Okay! 200 million is 200 million. The four of you total 800 million. Get it!"

Four people obediently paid 800 million Shengjing, and then began to continue to practice.

"While the other brothers and sisters haven't come yet, we'll split the 800 million yuan first, one hundred million each!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand, and several 800 million Holy Crystals were divided into eight.

One hundred million sacred crystals is also a great asset for these great disciples. Even if it is a genius in the fire, the genius of Luo chasing the sky, the sacred crystal in his body will not exceed 10 billion.

Who would be too much for such things as Shengjing? They all accepted it with joy.

After receiving 100 million Shengjing, I have been watching Zhao Yuande's disconcerting disciples of Shenyang Sect. At this time, his impression was greatly changed, and a smile appeared on his face.

I feel that I can get some benefits with the little fat man in this Chamber of Commerce.

"We take turns to practice in batches, as soon as possible to thoroughly understand the heaven on the stele!" Zhao Yuande said.

Everyone nodded their heads and fell into cultivation.

Zhao Yuande didn't leave. He knew that if he left, he might be robbed here soon.

So he must wait here, wait for the strong to come to the door, as long as he defeats a top ten strong in the Tianjiao list, this stone will really belong to them.

The four people completed their cultivation and soon left.

But from their fierce eyes when they left, Zhao Yuande could imagine that soon the news of the fifth stone tablet would spread.

Sure enough, after an hour, the mighty hundreds of practitioners appeared on the horizon.

"Everyone has gotten up to work, is it possible to open the market in one fell swoop!" Zhao Yuande awakened everyone in cultivation.

"Are you here?" Huo Zhongyu opened his eyes, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

Through just one hour of cultivation, he clearly felt that his cultivation had improved. He knew that as long as he could understand this stone tablet, he might even be directly promoted to God Realm.

"I'm looking forward to it too!" Luo Zuitian was in the same mood as Jade in Fire.

Their cultivation practices have already reached the peak of the holy state, but they are not willing to break through and hope to have a more solid accumulation.

Now if they are enlightened by the heavenly path on the stele, this accumulation can allow them to enter the midst of the divine realm as soon as they enter the realm of divine realm.

But they also have a decision in their minds at this time. If a strong man comes, they will break through the current state at all costs.

Facing the top ten of the Tianjiao list with the cultivation of God Venerable, it also gave them a little more assurance.

This group of cultivators is also not a dragon without a head, and there are also strong ones!

"Jade in Fire! Luo Zuitian! You two occupy this place?" One of the big men with colorful totems on his body saw the brow furrowed when he saw Jade in Fire and Luo Zuitian.

"Cult of the Evil Gods! Are you not convinced? Then come and fight with us!" Luo Zuitian saw the disciples of the Essence of the South Territories, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This man is called Manpo, but it is one of the ten geniuses of the evil gods in the Southern Territory, but it is ranked ninth.

This man is tricky, extremely insidious, and best at sneak attacks.

If they are stared at, they will all feel headaches.

But now that they are confronted positively, they are not worried.

"Hey! Just because both of you dare to occupy a stone tablet, aren't you afraid of being beaten to death?" Sneer sneered.

"You can come over and try!" Luo Chaitian's powerful momentum exploded, and he was almost broken.

"Humph! Why do so many of us fight alone? We took up this stone tablet together!" The barbarian shouted.

Suddenly, many people in the group of cultivators showed divine light, and seven or eight people rushed out and rushed to Luo Chaitian.

Seeing that someone rushed out, some of the tempting guys also followed.

Instantly the team reached more than twenty people!

Brutal did not rush out immediately, but followed behind these twenty people.

Most of the seven or eight people at the beginning were disciples of the southern region. They were all instructed by the ruins, and their purpose was to arouse the emotions of others.

Now that the effect has been achieved, they slowed down very tacitly, from the front of the team to the last.

"Kill!" Luo Chaitian saw these people, and he couldn't help seeing fierce eyes.

He is also not an ordinary genius, ranking 15th on the Tianjiao list, a powerful mess.

Anyone in Zhongzhou who hears Luo Luotian's name will be terrified.

Although these dozen people are not weak, they are not seen by him.

He yelled, and the silver **** on his body rose to the sky, talking about the moon shining on the sky!

"Ah..." A scream came, and one of the most advanced cultivators was punched through a silver hole.

"Moonlight, kill me..."

A huge round moon cuts the void and kills all powerful enemies!

"Ah... this person is too strong, we are not opponents!"

"I'm not playing anymore..."



Luo Chaitian's power is revealed at this moment, but in just a few breaths, seven or eight people were cut into two in half by his lunar ring.

Everyone was scared at this time, and no longer dared to rush forward, turned and fled!

"Damn! A bunch of waste!" Man Po broke out a curse.

A black light flashed in his hand, and a black poisonous bee appeared in his hand. The poisonous bee flew silently and disappeared silently.

"I've been guarding you for a long time!" Luo Zuitian yelled, "Let me set!"

With him as the center, the space around a few tens of feet instantly stagnate.

A black poisonous bee appeared less than an inch behind Luo Zhaitian's brain.


The poisonous bee was hit by a moonlight and exploded directly.


The lunar wheel is cut vertically and horizontally. In this short span of less than one thousandth, a dozen people were directly cut in half.


The remaining few screamed in horror. They no longer dared to fight Luo Zuitian and turned to escape.

Hundreds of cultivators were dispersed.

It's pretty bad looking, just turn around and leave!

"You won't be complacent for a long time, and someone will come to clean you up soon!" When she broke away, she issued a vicious curse.

"Huh! Come on!" Luo Chaitian killed the Quartet with a strong war in his face.

Zhao Yuande couldn't help but nodded slightly when he looked behind.

This Luo Chaitian is indeed powerful. If Feng Yingyu uses a magical power to imprison the void, he will lose most of his combat power, but he is free to use it. With this alone, his combat power is already very against the sky.

If it is to change his fighting power when fighting Shui Yuancang, it is not easy for him to win this person.

"Brother Luo, your strength has improved a lot than before, and now I am afraid I can't overcome you!" Huo Zhongyu saw Luo Zhuitian's battle, and he couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face.

"Hehe! Don't say that you haven't made any progress for such a long time, I won't believe it." Luo Zuitian laughed, "If I changed to Huo Brothers, I'm afraid faster than me!"

"Don't brag about the two of you! Can we really hold here?" At this time, several figures came in a hurry, headed by God Moon Saint Goddess Gu Shenyue.

"Sister, you can keep for a while for a while. If we can't do it, we will let it out. There will not be much loss anyway." Luo Chaitian watched the Dao of the Moon Goddess, and there was a look of joy in his eyes. If it is really taken away by someone for a while, it is not so easy to get enlightened again!"

"Exactly." Huo Zhongyu nodded. "We just got a lot of benefits from it."

"Good!" Gu Shenyue could not help hearing this, his eyes lit up, "Who discovered this first?"

"It's me!" Zhao Yuande came out from behind the crowd.

No way, his figure was changed by the two lords, and now he is half a head shorter than these people. If he doesn't speak, he will really be ignored.

"It's you..." Gu Shenyue saw Zhao Yuande appear, and his eyes lit up.

She finally let go of her heart, knowing that this stone tablet would be theirs in the future, even if the other two strong players on the Tianjiao list could not get away!

"Sister, hurry up! I'm afraid I'm going to fight in a while." Luo Zuitian urged.

"Okay!" Gu Shenyue nodded, his eyes exchanged with Zhao Yuande, and then he slowly sat down and began to enlighten the stele.

"Let's all together! I have already learned, if there is an enemy, I will call you!" Zhao Yuande looked at everyone.

"Okay!" Everyone's eyes flickered, but finally agreed.

Except that Gu Shenyue knew Zhao Yuande's true identity, other people did not believe Zhao Yuande in particular, and he had a precautionary mind for him.

But now this opportunity is rare, and they don't want to miss it, so they can only leave a part of the spirit to guard.

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