Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

Later, the Chaos Holy Lotus appeared, suppressing the land and suppressing the black mist in the abyss.

This Xuanling Mountains gradually returned to normal.

"Okay! Let's move on!" The city master glanced at everyone, "We will work together along the way, otherwise don't blame me for who died!"

"The Lord of the City is assured that we will not make fun of our lives!" The middle-aged Huo family nodded again and again.

"Since that group of lower-class seeds are dead, there is no contradiction between us!" The youth of Shangguan family also smiled.

They also came out of the cave and set foot on the path again.

Continue to go down, there is no danger along the way, but it is getting darker and darker, and a terrifying breath continues to come.

"This piece is supposed to be a black mist area, and there seems to be no danger here!" Xue Nu's voice was very soft.

His previous soul was pinned on the water droplets and fell directly into the endless darkness.

She has told this story to everyone.

But the narrative is a narrative, and everyone still can't fully understand what is below.

"Although there is no danger, everyone should not be too relaxed! There are many things that the soul can't sense, such as poison gas!" Zhao Yuande looked a little strange at this time.

"What... really poisonous!" At this moment, everyone only felt a slight spin of their minds.

"All hold your breath!" Zhao Yuande waved his hand away, dispersing the black mist around him.

He was not too worried, because he felt that the poisonous gas in the black mist did not seem to be powerful.

After a long time, all the talents expelled the toxins that had just been inhaled into the body.

"Brother Zhao, you are not poisoned?" Everyone looked at him with shock in his eyes.

"No, my constitution is special, and I am immune to poison!" Zhao Yuande said,

"Hey! It's a waterlogged death, a dry one! Brother Zhao, you are really enviable!" At this time, even Zhao Dongling couldn't help but laugh.

The longer he spent with Zhao Yuande, the more he discovered that the other party had endless secrets.

"Everyone be careful of the gas and move on!" Zhao Yuande didn't say anything, only a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

In the black mist, they did not know how much time they had walked, and finally saw the colorful light appearing below.

In the colorful light, they seem to see various things such as buildings, monsters, humans, giant mountains, oceans, canyons...

"Ben Sheng feels a powerful demon spirit! There seems to be a terrible demon beast below!" The **** dog was surprised at this moment.

"Yeqi!" Zhao Yuande nodded seriously, "It seems to be a familiar demon!"

"Familiar demon spirit?" Everyone looked at Zhao Yuande together.

"You misunderstood what I meant." Zhao Yuande shook his head. "What I said is actually familiar with the breath of this monster."

"What kind of monster is it?" The **** dog couldn't help but wonder.

"It's a mirage! I once saw a mirage dragon when I was weak, and raised it in my world. I guess this must be a mirage!" Zhao Yuande affirmed.

He felt the same breath as Mirage, the same etherealness, as if in a dream.

"Is there any danger in Mirage?" Zhao Dongling was the first to hear something like Mirage.

"Very dangerous. The breath it breathes can form a variety of fantasies. If your will is not firm enough, the souls who are not strong enough will be lost and never get out!" Zhao Yuande said with a solemn expression.

"What should I do?" There was a slight tremor in Xue Nu's voice, apparently frightened by the Mirage described by Zhao Yuande.

Xue Nu's courage is relatively small, she will be afraid of anything.

But she has a very talent for cultivation. If she is not too courageous, her cultivation speed may be several times faster.

Of course, her mentality is also very simple. If her mentality changes, maybe her mentality will not enter the state at such a rapid pace, and her cultivation practice will be raised to this level.

"In fact, it is also very simple. Everyone has cultivated to this level. The state of mind has naturally reached a perfect state. As long as you guard the illusion of the original illusion, you will not be affected. Of course, if you are not sure, I can take you past. "" Zhao Yuande looked at everyone and waited for their answer.

"Wang Wang! I want to sleep, you take me down!" The **** dog first said that he did not want to experience that kind of illusion.

"I want to try it out!" Quan Juyou's face looked forward.

"I... I'm with Xiaoyou!" Guiyan grabbed Quan Juyou's arm without hesitation, no matter how the other party struggled, it didn't help.

"I have confidence in myself." Zhao Dongling was most indifferent.

"I...I..." Xue Nu gently shook her red lips, a little hesitation appeared on her face.

"It doesn't matter, no matter how you choose!" Zhao Yuande smiled.

"I don't want to experience either!" Xue Nu finally said weakly.

"OK! You enter my inner world!" Zhao Yuande nodded and sent the **** dog and snow girl into his own inner world, and then looked at the three people. "Finally warn you once, you may encounter anything unexpected below. Scenes, don’t take it seriously when you encounter unexpected people or things!"

"Good!" The three nodded at the same time.

Zhao Yuande is so solemn, so that their psychological pressure has increased by a few points, and they are more careful.

There were thousands of feet down, and as the scene changed, they entered a gorgeous world.

The first road that appeared in front of them was a road leading to the sky. On both sides of the road were patches of dark green plants. At the end of the road, there was a golden gleam at the end of the road. A rich and indelible fragrance came from the end of the road.

"Good scent... The good scent in front is a magic medicine! I smelled the aroma of the magic medicine again!" Quan Juyou sniffed, with a look of surprise on her face.

"No, this is an illusion, just said! Everything here is fake!" Guan Yan pinched Quan Juyou's arm fiercely.

" hurts!" Quan Juyou's cold sweat suddenly hurt.

Although the illusion in front of me was still real, he was awake at once.

"The illusion that the phantom beating out is different from the illusion in the formation. Even if you see it, it will not automatically disintegrate and destroy. It will continue to exist, and it will still affect your mind! Unless you come out of this illusion Only then can I really get rid of the fetters of illusion!" Zhao Yuande reminded.

"Sure enough is a good means! This road is lifelike, it seems to be really the same! This smell is also the same as the magic medicine we encountered before! Can this phantom be able to peep into the secret of our soul?" Zhao Dongling Yue The more tense it is, the more ugly his face looks.

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