Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Emperor Bite Rebirth!

Suddenly everyone smelled a strong stench. They felt dizzy and almost lost control.

But the owner of the big mouth of the blood basin was eating pain at this time, and the huge body suddenly shrank into the sea and disappeared.

It was at this time that the group of **** bats had arrived in front of them, and the pair of blood-red eyes made people look at their hair.

"Let's go!" Situ Lingzhi yelled at this moment, slapping hundreds of **** bats with a slap.

"No! We can't leave Big Brother!" Situ Xiaomi's eyes turned red at this time, and he rushed up without escaping.

She was already determined to die at this time, and she was fearless, and the shield and spear in her hand actually exerted a stronger fighting power than usual.

And at this time, Situ Xiaomi suddenly felt a slight click in his body.

"It was promoted at this time!" There was a burst of joy in her heart, but she was also full of helplessness.

Breakthrough underground in Mortal Realm, but what use is this!

Even if his strength has been increased tenfold at once, I am afraid that it will have no effect on the situation in front of it!

"I can't go either!" Meng Yaokun clenched his teeth and rushed up to stand with Situ Lingzhi.

"You... hurry up!" Situ Lingzhi's eyes were red, and he roared, "Don't let me sacrifice for nothing, you go!"

"No... Brother Zhi! We are afraid that we can't be together in this life. It's also a happiness to be able to die together!" Meng Yaokun bit her red lips, a **** red on his face.

She also had the courage to speak such words.

"Brother! I don't want to leave you! It's a big deal. Let's die together!" Situ Xiaomi was also very determined. Her lips had been bitten at this time. Although her body was still trembling in fear, her eyes were very firm.

"Hey!" Zhao Yuande sighed softly, his face also showing a touch of appreciation.

Seeing more flesh and blood, seeing more ugly faces, seeing more for the benefit, there is no kinship, and there is no right or wrong for the benefit.

I didn't expect to see a touching scene today.

How could he let these three people die here.

"Did you forget my existence!" Zhao Yuande also appeared beside the three people at this time, with a faint smile on his face.

He looked at the three people's eyes at this time, full of appreciation.

They have something in common with themselves, so they have resonance.

"Brother Zhao... Go away! You don't have to die here with us!" Situ Lingzhi said.

At this time the group of **** bats had rushed in front of him, and his huge body had been bitten by many **** bats.

Although he killed a lot, he couldn't stop more and more scarlet bats, and despair was already on his face.

"Okay! Then let you see my true strength!" Zhao Yuande smiled slightly. The silver sword in his hand had been put away, but there was a little tower flashing with thunder.

This is exactly before Zhao Yuande got the Thunder Tower.

Suddenly, the three of Stuart Lingzhi felt a terrifying thunder and magical power suddenly descended, and the speed of the **** bats rushing around all of a sudden slowed down.


Zhao Yuande sipped, and the tower released infinite thunder, which suddenly enveloped Zhao Yuande.

In the Thunder, they only saw Zhao Yuande's body grow suddenly. He was surrounded by an endless thunder light, and he slapped towards the **** bat that came from the tide.


Thunder God Guanghua lived in a river of thunder and rolled away.

The **** bats were instantly wrapped in thunder, and all made a scream of sorrow.

There are too many scarlet bats, crowded together densely.

The scarlet bats in front were shrouded in thunder, and the horror thunder rolled along the huge bat group to the rear.

But in a blink of an eye, the entire group of scarlet bats turned into a silver sea of ​​thunder.


Continuous screams came from Lei Hai.

"Puff! Puff! Puff..."

A dumpling under the body of a bat with an outer focus and tenderness fell into the sea.

Of course, although these **** bats were scorched by electricity, they did not die, but they temporarily lost their fighting abilities.

It was just a moment that the whole sea was covered with burnt blood bats, and their crisis was relieved.


The three men widened their eyes and looked at what was happening in front of them unbelievably. Their mouths were all O-shaped.

They feel as if they are dreaming. Is this really the Zhao Yuande they knew before?

"What are you still doing, rushing away! Otherwise they will recover after a while, but I can't help it!"

The thunder in Zhao Yuande disappeared, and the small tower in Thunder disappeared into his hands.

At this time, even if he felt a weak body, the group of **** bats just now had tens of thousands.

To know that it is tens of thousands of Chaos dominating the late strong, even if he is strong, he can not easily kill them.

If it weren't for the group of scarlet bats who were naturally afraid of the Thunder, their team was overcrowded. I'm afraid he didn't make them so embarrassed so easily.

He just consumed half of the power in the blow just now, but even that was a terrible feat.

"Yes! Run away!" Everyone escaped from death, never stayed, turned around and fled.

At this time, although there were still active black bats rushing around, they couldn't stop them.

But after a dozen breaths, they finally rushed out of the bat colony and stopped on a high cliff by the coast.

At this time, they took a long breath, and their faces were extremely pale, obviously they were terrified.

"Thank you Brother Zhao for saving your life! If it were not Brother Zhao, we would be afraid..." Situ Lingzhi looked at Zhao Yuande with a grateful expression, and his words were full of sincerity.

"What are you talking about? You didn't think of me as a teammate! I'm going to say that again!" Zhao Yuande's face was disgruntled.

"No... no... I don't mean that, I just..." Situ Lingzhi couldn't help but look anxious when he heard Zhao Yuande's words, even stuttering.

"Brother! This guy is scaring you!" Situ Xiaomi walked in front of Zhao Yuande and looked around him. "You are good, it seems that my vision is very accurate. My goal!"

"Don't! Don't do it!" Zhao Yuande couldn't help shaking his head again and again, he was afraid of this without fear of anything.

In case of any misunderstanding, that would be bad.

"Then you still tease my brother!" Situ Xiaomi proudly held his head.

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