Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4463: Hit the chicken blood

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Even the seven princesses sitting on it couldn't help but cast their gaze.

"You...bold!" The gloomy young man's face was flushed with blood, "Do you know what you are doing? You are the following offender, you violated military regulations, and you will be sent to the Nether Sea Eye suppression for ten thousand years!"

"You're a **** ass, what are you up to!" Zhao Yuande was unmoved and strode toward the other side.

"I'm a general, and you're just a general! Now it's the following offense, come here... Take me down! Military disposition!" The gloomy young man shouted.

"Fart! You seated Lao Tzu already blushed. You'll get out now and let Lao Tzu always sit down." Zhao Yuande had already reached the other side in one step, and he killed him with a punch.

"This guy is really unscrupulous! This is going to war!"

Many people couldn't help but show shocked expressions.

They knew that the general was bold and unscrupulous, but he did not think that he would be so pretentious that he hadn't seen it in a few days.

However, Zhao Yuande is not aimless. He knows that this is the role he plays.

Once you have a strong strength, the low-key can really be seen as a flaw.

"Kill!" The gloomy youth couldn't help it anymore, and raised his fist to welcome him.

Why he can become one of the two generals is because of strength!

In this barracks, almost all the generals are the geniuses of the major families and major forces.

The purpose of their coming here is the Seven Princesses, so their position is proportional to their strength.

At present, the gloomy youth is one of the two strongest, as General Zuo.

And on the right hand side of the palace master, another person is sitting at this time, that is the right general.

Of course, Princess Seven also knew the purpose of these people, and she didn't care about their struggles.

Let them toss about anything, as long as they don't leave the barracks, everything is under her control.


The two actually fought in the palace.

Fortunately, the palace is large enough, and there are powerful formations to guard, and the people sitting on both sides are super strong.

So the battle between them did not cause any damage.

But everyone soon realized that something seemed wrong.

The gloomy youth was in a disadvantage.

"I'll tell you to pretend to be I! I beat you!" Zhao Yuande put a fist on the eyes of the gloomy young man and punched him directly in the dark.

"Ah! I want you to die!" The gloomy young man was punched and flew with a angry roar in his mouth.

His palm glowed, and a bright little world took shape in an instant.

However, at this time, Zhao Yuande's figure was already in front of him like a tarsal maggot.

Zhao Yuande's punch is more tricky and more powerful!

Directly bombarded the nose of the gloomy youth.


The nose of the gloomy youth was crushed directly.

He shed tears in pain, and the bright little world in his hand suddenly dimmed.

"You dare to violate the rules for Lao Tzu! You don't take the princess in your eyes, not the military rules in your eyes, you need education! Just as I was in a good mood today, I will help the princess to teach you this turtle son!" Zhao Yuande roared again and again.

He caught up with the gloomy young man who flew out in one step, and his fists fell like raindrops.


"Don't fight!"

"No... spare your life!"


The roar of the gloomy youth is getting worse and worse, and his guts are completely destroyed.

At this time, Zhao Yuande had beaten it like a pig's head. The bones on his body did not know how many pieces were broken. The sea of ​​blood broke, and there was a trace of cracks in the sea.

Continue, I am afraid the whole person will be scrapped!

All the generals were dumbfounded, even the right general could not help showing a dignified face.

Zhao Yuande's short breathing time defeated the gloomy youth, which made him feel threatened.

"General Yan...You are now General Zuo! Forgive him!" The voice of Princess Qi was faint, and she seemed too lazy to look at the gloomy young man.

"Thank you princess!" Zhao Yuande stopped, and his face was full of smiles. "Recently, the general's strength has improved, so just ask the princess not to blame!"

"This is a rule. I will not blame it naturally. Sit down quickly. I have something to announce!" The voice of Princess Qi still remained calm.

"Come here! Get the waste out first, and save the princess's eyes." Zhao Yuande kicked the gloomy youth out of the way and landed directly on the steps outside the palace.

Several soldiers guarding outside rushed up and carried the gloomy young man with all his hands and left.

Zhao Yuande's Da La La sat in General Zuo's position, and there was a smug look on the corner of his mouth.

"This position is good, next to the princess!" Zhao Yuande glanced at the generals below with a smile on his face, and finally set his eyes on the face of the right general opposite, "Long Jiang! Don't look at me with that kind of look, just now If you look at me like this, you might be the one flying out now!"

The generals below were stunned.

"What is this guy going to do? Challenge the generals as soon as they come up?"

"Don't you know his character? Zhang Yang is overbearing. If you don't have strength, it's better to say that once you have strength, you can't bear it."

"In the past few days, has the Yan Family beat him up?"

"I heard before that he was a sign of breakthrough, so I took leave and returned to the Yan family. It seems that this time it was really a breakthrough!"

"This guy is proud, I am afraid the whole barracks is really going to jump."

"He is much better than the insidious guy, he has everything on his face, and that... is very vicious and secretly put his hands down secretly."

"It's not bad! It's a good thing he's up to the top, and the princess won't like such a rude person anyway."


"You..." Long Jiang, the right general, was furious suddenly, his eyes spitting fire.

This is Chi Guoguo's provocation, which is unbearable!

"Okay! Be quiet!" Seven Princess said at this time.

"Good luck!" Zhao Yuande didn't say this, but just made a lip.

The opposite Longjiang finally knew how the gloomy youth felt at the time.


However, he was not an ordinary person. He let out a long breath and then looked at Princess Seven, leaving Zhao Yuande's provocation aside.

"Okay! This time the Divine Monarch gave us a new mission." The voice of the Seven Princesses was dull, but the scene was quieted down at once. "This time the mission is to search for the traitor Zhao Yuande's associates. The destination is Xuan Ling City!"

"Princess, Xuan Ling City doesn't seem to be under our jurisdiction." General Jiang Longjiang said at this time, "If we search like this, there will be no problem!"

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