Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 4470: Jumping beam clown

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"That's right! It's that simple to surrender to us!" Hu Mei woman nodded again and again.

"You bastards! There won't be a good ending! One day, I will wind up and revive the Kirin tribe, and I will let you kneel in front of me to apologize!" Lin Feng gritted his teeth, his fists clenched very close, the voice said It is full of tenacity.

"Hehe! Linfeng, don't think we dare to kill you! The Kirin tribe has already been unable to protect itself, and now you will die and no one will come to replace you!" The young man with a folding fan looked cold, and his murderousness swept out.

"Kick kick!"

Lin Fengxiu has just entered Chaos Domination Realm, and the three people opposite are already the pinnacle of Chaos Domination Realm.

This gap in cultivation can be said to be very different. This kind of murderous intention instantly made Lin Feng tremble and regress.

Just as Lin Feng was retreating, he supported him with a big hand.

"Are you all right!" Zhao Yuande looked at Lin Feng.

"I... nothing!" Lin Feng turned his head to look at Zhao Yuande, a little grateful in his eyes.

Many people passed by on the whole street, and no one dared to come out and say a word.

"Who are the three of you? Why are you so shameless, the cave house where you live will have to pay rent, how do your adults educate you!" Zhao Yuande looked at the three people opposite, a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

"Who are you, dare you jump out of your head, aren't you afraid of ruining your family?" The young man in pale gold robe was extremely arrogant, watching Zhao Yuande's eyes showing a contempt.


But just after he finished speaking, he saw the figure flashing in front of him, and then flew out in a slap.


There were no onlookers around, but there were people in many shops on the street.

At this time these people heard the sound of breathing down.

"You... you dare to hurt someone for no reason!" The humei woman rushed over to lift the young man in pale gold robes, with a grudge in her eyes.

"You're really looking for death! Do you know where this place is? You dare to be wild here!" The young man holding a folding fan stared at Zhao Yuande with both eyes.

Although he was angry, he was not stupid. The speed of the other party just now, even he could not escape.

This person is very powerful. If the three of them work together, I am afraid that no one is an opponent.

"When did I have no reason!" Zhao Yuande sneered again and again, "You are going to make my family ruined, do I still have to smile to meet? Why are you so overbearing, how shameless!"

"You... you are going to die soon! You are going to be finished! You don't follow the rules of the **** refining city, and you can strike at will, and the guardian will make you irretrievable!" The young man in pale gold robe stood up, covering his face, gritting his teeth.

But he dared not say anything about the death of a family, he was afraid.

"Okay! I'm going to see how the Guardian has made me go away! I'm waiting here!" Zhao Yuande sneered again and again.

"This elder brother, let's go! The guardian and they are a family, it is impossible to be fair." Lin Feng behind him could not help speaking.

His voice was filled with helplessness, and he obviously knew the three of them.

"Why, I want to see how unfair they are! Big deal overthrows them!" Zhao Yuande said proudly.

He just learned about the situation here, and there is no strong man in the entire divine refining city that exceeds Dadao Realm.

This is a small floating continent. It is very fragile for practitioners. It can't withstand the horror and coercion released by the Dao Dao Realm. As long as the Dao Dao Realm comes here, I am afraid it will collapse directly.

As for breaking the ground... they have control of all their power, and they don't need to worry about it.

However, there are only four origins of this existence. How come they are bored here.

So he is basically invincible here, no matter how many people come from the other party, he is not afraid.

"Who is making trouble here?" Three people flew from a distance.

The first person is a young man wearing a golden armor. Although this person looks average, there is a kind of majesty in it.

Behind the young man were two people, both of whom were acquaintances of Zhao Yuande.

They were the guardians of the teleportation team. One of them, Xue Wuyang, also had a few words with Zhao Yuande, and some had a great conversation.

The other person was very indifferent, and Zhao Yuande's eyes also had a slight disdain.

Although Zhao Yuande didn't know why, he was too lazy to manage each other.

People disdain him, and he doesn't want to bother about it, as long as he doesn't provoke him, he is too lazy to bother.

"Cousin, this man commits murder on the street for no reason!" The young man in pale gold robes pointed to the redness on his face, and said to the youth in the golden armor.

His eyes were filled with grievances, as if a child who had been bullied saw the parents coming.

"What!" The young gold armored youth looked at Zhao Yuande, and his eyes seemed to be ignited at once. "Who are you! Why should you violate the rules of the Shenlian City?"

"Brother Zhao, you... don't be too tough, this one's not easy to mess with." Zhao Yuande's ear heard a cordial reminder from Xue Wuyang.

"Brother Xue is relieved, it's just a jumping clown!" Zhao Yuande smiled at him slightly, casting a reassuring look.

"When did I violate the rules?" Zhao Yuande sneered. "It's your cousin who didn't follow the rules, but he didn't pay the rent while staying in our cave house! I just educated him. !"

"You... what are you talking nonsense about! Your cave house, don't treat us as fools, okay! Are you from the Kirin tribe?" said the youth with a folding fan.

"I am not a person of the Kirin clan, but I am a friend of the Kirin clan, and immediately pay the rent, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you!" Zhao Yuande's eyes suddenly became cold and glanced at everyone.

"Look, cousin! This kid is so arrogant in front of you, this is not taking your eyes at all!" The young man in pale gold robe looked at his cousin, his voice full of resentment.

"Okay! Shut up!" The young gold armored youth did not have any mood swings, but just waved his hand. "I understand the whole thing. You want to stand up for the Kirin tribe, so you hit him! I am not partial. Rely on, let them three pay the rent, but you will be punished if you strike at random regardless of the rules! You should leave Shenlian City! This time your qualifications were cancelled!"


After the youth in the gold armor finished speaking, a sneer came from the youth in the gold robe.

With tens of millions of origin coins, the other party can be disqualified, which is almost a profit!

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