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Chapter 4447th entry

"Thank you Brother Zhao! I fully understand! If he succeeds in the future, it will all be given by Brother Zhao!" Chu An solemnly bowed to Zhao Yuande.

"Young Master... You..." The teenager was coming with tea at this time and was almost shocked to see this scene.

How proud is the son, who has never done such a thing in his life, how could this be the case today?

"Brother Chu, I'm gone! I have to go back and prepare something." Zhao Yuande arched his hand and left.

"Young Master..." The teenager looked at Chu An, his face showing doubt.

"Immediately send letters to my family..." Chu An's face swept away and his whole body began to glow with confidence.

"The young master really wants to do this?" The young man didn't seem to know Chu An anymore, his face was all suspicious, "You will not be controlled by the soul!"


Chuan slapped it on the back of the teenager's head.

"Your kid still peed on me when he was three years old!" Chu An laughed.

"...Young Master, didn't we say we shouldn't mention this again?" The boy blushed.

"Go quickly..."

"Yes Yes……"

Soon Mirror Fairy got his father's letter.

"What... actually!" Jing Xianzi was still thinking about how to tell her father about it, but the news of her divorce came.

"It must be Brother Zhao! Only he has such a skill." Jing Xianzi thought of Zhao Yuande and said he was going to Chuan.

She now knows that Zhao Yuande must have moved the other party.

Suspended above the continent, the colorful passage suddenly lost its color.

Everyone's eyes were all focused on the passage at once.

Many people flew into the passage.

"Time is up! Let's go!" Zhao Yuande patted Lin Feng around him and smiled at him, "Remember not to be too far away from me."

"Yes!" Lin Feng clenched his fists, his body trembling slightly with excitement.

This time he entered the entire space node for the first time, accepting the baptism of Thunder.

The space nodes are like a chaotic world.

Here the gray mist is shrouded, and the channel extension does not know how many billions of miles, leading to the unknown mysterious eternal dimension.


Not far into the space node, there was a thunder roar in front.

It was accompanied by bursts of screams, apparently someone had already encountered a thunder attack.

"Don't bark, start exercising Thunder Body Secrets!" Some people are constantly reminding loudly.

Obviously, the person who yelled was here for the first time and needed someone to accompany him.

The space node is open for a long time, and there are no restrictions.

As long as you think you are strong enough, you can stay inside and wait for the next space node to open.

Of course, the opening time of the space node is not fixed. Even if it is as powerful as a broken road, it is impossible to estimate when it will be opened next time.

Only a few months before they are approaching, they will feel.

So this time no one dared not to go inside, because the broken God Realm will soon be reopened.

They began to enter the space node, and were not attacked by the Thunder, but after a certain distance, they were gradually bombarded by the Thunder.

But the Thunder at the beginning was not strong and very sparse.

Obviously they are too far away, the eternal divine furnace of the eternal dimension does not feel how dangerous they are.

These people break into the space nodes, as if a virus invaded the body, and those thunders are their own immune systems.

At the beginning of their entry, the need to identify the Eternal Furnace, there was only a blank period of distance, so that they would not receive attacks.

While they continued to move forward, the Eternal Furnace judged them as viruses and began to attack with Thunder.

The more they advance towards the Eternal Furnace, the more dangerous you will feel, so the Thunder will also become stronger and stronger, and finally kill you completely!

"Go! Keep going, you first refine!" Zhao Yuande said to Lin Feng behind him, "If we feel that the body has reached the limit of bearing, we will stop!"

"Good!" Lin Feng nodded, grateful.


Moving forward for a while, thunder was like rain, Lin Feng gritted his teeth, and his face was cold and sweaty.

"Okay! Don't force yourself too much, that's enough!" Zhao Yuande asked him to stop here and sit cross-legged to accept the Thunder baptism.

And he seemed to be tickling in the face of these thunders and could not hurt his fur.

Here, everyone can find their place.

Even if you don't enter the chaotic dominance, you can still experience the thunder, and you can come as strong as a broken road.

The Thunder keeps falling, and Lin Feng continues to temper himself in the Thunder.

Zhao Yuande was also idle, and he also began to absorb the power of Thunder.

"Isn't this person Zhao Yuande? Why is it here?" Someone soon passed by and looked at them strangely.

"It is indeed him. I didn't expect to see him here. This guy is really bold."

"Go away! Don't make any misunderstandings..."

Zhao Yuande opened his eyes and watched a few people passing, frowning slightly.

They came in late, and it was more remote here, and some people noticed them.

It seems that trouble should be coming soon.

But the trouble is for him to experience, but the Linfeng around him is just a small sapling, he can protect it.

As expected, he soon heard the sound of someone approaching.

And there are more than one or two people.

Shrouded by the space of the God Territory, I immediately saw dozens of powerful people slowly coming around.

One of them is Dongfang Ming.

"Really came to death!" Zhao Yuande looked coldly.

"Zhao Yuande, you can't run away! Immediately put your hands on it and catch it!" Soon Dongming Ming and a dozen others appeared in front of them, and Dongming Ming's face showed a haunted smile.

"Brother Dongfang, talk with him! Get rid of it immediately! Don't delay the cultivation of the big guy." Someone sneered.

"Have you confirmed your identity? If this guy is really Zhao Yuande, he can exchange for a rare treasure!"

"Nonsense, I've already confirmed it! Go straight up and kill him!"


A group of people could not bear it, and strode towards him.

"Hey! Since you know that I am Zhao Yuande, dare to come to death!" Zhao Yuande shook his head slightly, and a small tower Thunder rolled in his hand.

"Click! Click!"

The Thunder Tower appeared, and the entire space suddenly changed horror.

The original thin gray cloud now seems to be rioting all at once, among which thunder rolls and the electric snake dances wildly.

Infinite Thunder poured down like a gem, instantly flooding the entire space.

Only Linfeng had no change around, as if it had been cut out and could not be affected.

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