Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 5025: Really treacherous

The fifth thousand and twenty-five chapters are really treacherous

Countless practitioners flew out of the city, and they all landed on the top of the city.

At the same time, the big city lit up with a golden light, covering the whole big city completely.

The insect wave stopped before the golden light, and a group of insects launched a tentative attack towards the golden light.

The golden light is extremely tough, and even carries a horrifying powerful current. As long as the insect touches the golden light, it will be screamed and screamed again and again.

"What the **** is going on? Why are there so many bugs!" Seeing Ruhai's worm tide, a big man with a beard couldn't help but his complexion changed drastically.

"Brother, what should we do? These bugs are too powerful, we are probably not rivals!" The man next to him asked anxiously.

"The strong organization guards every formation eye and must ensure the energy supply of the formation. If there is no formation protection, we may be killed instantly. We need time." Although the bearded man has fear in his eyes, but Still able to remain calm.

"Yes!" The man hurried down to make arrangements.

Just after the worm tide was tested, the group of huge worms with sword feet appeared.

They opened their mouths and spewed jets of dark green mucus.

The dark green juice fell on the golden light, and there was a burst of hesitation.

"Big brother! It's not good, the formation is melting, our mana consumption is doubled!" Someone shouted in exclamation.

"It's over! The big formation can't protect it anymore, we are all going to be eaten by bugs!"

"I don't want to die...especially I don't want to die without a whole body."

"Old ancestor... why didn't you come to save us? We are your descendants."


Countless howls of pain came from the city, and everyone was terrified.

"Shut up! Don't want to die, give me full resistance, so that we still have a little bit of life, otherwise we will undoubtedly die!" The bearded man yelled.

Zhao Yuande couldn't bear to see from a distance, this was a human race in a city.

He can't just watch them being wiped out by the worms, if it's really at the end, he definitely can't stand by.

"What do you want to do? Do you want to help them?" Void Gourd said at this time.

"Yeah! They are all human races, how can I watch them fall apart." Zhao Yuande couldn't help sighing, "we are all human races after all!"

"Have you ever thought about why the transcendant behind this group of human races didn't make a move? What's the matter in this? I advise you to understand it later."

"It's true! Why doesn't the transcendant appear now? What is he thinking? And this big city belongs to the human transcendence?"

Zhao Yuande entered the big city with a trace of soul, and found a cultivator at random. The powerful soul invaded the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness in an instant.

He learned a lot in the blink of an eye.

This big city belongs to a transcender called Yanhuang.

"Emperor Yan! I have never heard of this person before, and may be older than the Three Emperors."

"What I want to know now is why this Emperor Yan didn't show up, and what is he worrying about!"

"Why... you try to scare some of these bugs?"

"How to try?"

"Naturally, it releases the powerful soul pressure that transcends the eternal realm, so that these worms can perceive your coming and see how they react."

"This is a good idea."

Just when the group of giant worms wielding knife feet were still spitting slime, a terrifying pressure suddenly fell from the sky.

The entire void was trembling at this time, and the sky seemed to collapse directly, suppressing the worm tide below.

Countless insects flying in the sky fell one after another, as if a black rain had fallen.

"The ancestors are here! We are saved!"

"Thank you ancestor! The ancestor has not forgotten us!"

"The ancestors descended, these bugs will not retreat..."


Seeing this scene, the human races in the city all let out excitement.

They were desperate last moment, but now they are cheering.

"Nothing! Nothing! How could the ancestor appear? This is absolutely impossible..." The bearded man couldn't help frowning.


There was a roar behind the insect tide.

A strange worm that was not huge, hidden in the worm tide, showed its head at this time.

This weird bug seems to be a ladybug magnified countless times, and its dark body is densely covered with silver light spots.

As soon as its wings spread out, there was a whirring sound of breaking through the air, and Seth then arrived in front of the big city.

Wherever the strange bug went, all the bugs gave way.

"It is the transcendent who broke the rules between us and intervened in the mortal world war. Don't you fear to be exterminated?" The monster uttered a rumbling sound, seeming to question.

"You are also a transcendent, and you are not hiding in the swarms of insects. You have come to question me." Zhao Yuande's voice was misty, and no one knew where it came from.

"I'm just a warlord, and I'm not involved in the battle!" The monster said again, "I hope you don't intervene, otherwise..."

"I'm not participating in the war, but trying my new supernatural powers. You just happened to run into it. I have to experiment for a while. If you are not afraid of being injured by mistake, then go around."

"Human race is really treacherous..."

This strange bug was speechless, and he made strange noises.

The army of insects retreated like a tide, and in the blink of an eye they drove away in the other direction.

"Thank you ancestor!" Seeing this scene, countless cultivators in the city all knelt to the ground and bowed respectfully.

"This is not the voice of the ancestor, absolutely not!" The bearded man became even more confused, looking in a certain direction in the sky with a strange color in his eyes.

Zhao Yuande did not show up either, but was still observing the movement of the group of insects.

"The trick you just now was really shameless, but it's really easy to use!"

"No way, for the sake of these human races, it doesn't matter if you are shameless. Anyway, they thought I was Emperor Yan..."

"I don't know what Yan Huang felt when he saw this scene..."

At this time, hundreds of thousands of miles away from here, a huge mountain stood tall.

A middle-aged man in a yellow robe looked in this direction from a distance, with a sad look on his face.

This middle-aged man was extremely majestic, as if he was an emperor in the court, anyone who saw him would be tempted to bow down and bow down.

"Father!" Behind the middle-aged man, a young man who looked like his face bowed.

"Hey! This time... there really is no way! Limited to rules..."

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