The pain in Zhao Ling's heart is probably hard for others to understand.

She was originally a very kind girl.

And it was her mother who suffered.

But what made Zhao Ling most uncomfortable was that she couldn't do anything.

The helplessness and despair made her feel very uncomfortable.

Although Zhao Ling didn't know whether Ye Chen's words were true or not.

But it gave Zhao Ling, who was desperate, a glimmer of hope.

"Maybe I can try."

Once she had this idea, Zhao Ling's idea became more determined.

However, Zhao Ling still decided to discuss this matter with her father when she returned home.

After all, although this matter was an opportunity, she still had to communicate with her father.

So, she greeted Chen Miao and couldn't wait to go home.

"Xiaoling, come to the hospital quickly. Your mother is sick and is being treated in the hospital. Come quickly."

Zhao Ling had just got on the bus when she received an anxious call from her father.

The father's voice on the phone was very anxious, and it was obvious that her mother's condition was very serious.

"Dad, don't worry, I'll be there soon."

After receiving her father's call, Zhao Ling's face became very ugly.

But she still tried to calmly comfort her father.

In fact, Zhao Ling's tears could not stop flowing at this moment.

She was still worried just now, but she didn't expect that she would come so soon.

Zhao Ling was still thinking about going home to discuss with her father and letting Ye Chen treat her mother. Maybe there was really a chance to save her mother.

But she didn't expect that her mother had already fallen ill before she had time to discuss with her father.

Now she is being treated in the hospital. From her father's tone, Zhao Ling can hear that her mother's condition should be very serious.

Maybe this time, it will be difficult for my mother to survive.

So, Zhao Ling didn't care about anything else, got off the bus immediately, and took a taxi to the hospital.

Ten minutes later, Zhao Ling came to the hospital and saw her pale father outside the operating room.

My father's face was a little old, and at this moment he was on the verge of collapse.

At this moment, my father looked gloomy and his eyes were bloodshot.

"Dad, how is my mother?"

Zhao Ling asked anxiously.

"The doctor said that your mother's condition suddenly worsened and she is being rescued now. Maybe..."

At this point, my father couldn't say anything more. At this moment, my father squatted on the ground, in great pain.

"Didn't the doctor say anything else?"

Zhao Ling couldn't help crying when she saw her father's appearance, and asked with difficulty at this moment.

My father looked at Zhao Ling and shook his head painfully.

Now the father and daughter had no choice but to pray and wait outside the operating room.

"Your mother's condition is very bad now, and it seems that there is no way out. I heard that it will cost a lot of money to continue treatment, and even need a heart transplant, and we need to find a suitable match. No matter which one, our family can't afford it."

Father shook his head and sighed.

They are just an ordinary family, and they have no problem with food and clothing.

But now, mother's condition has suddenly become serious, so they can't afford it.

This time, the cost of mother's surgery has wiped out the family's savings, and father even borrowed a lot of money from other relatives.

Now their family is already heavily in debt.

The doctor just said that the follow-up surgery will require a large sum of money, and they can't afford it anymore.

After all, the relatives have borrowed money before, and now they can't borrow money from others anymore.

The most important thing is that even if you want to replace the heart, you still need matching.

If nothing else, matching requires waiting and luck, which is something that money can't do.

Zhao Ling calmed down and said, "Dad, don't worry, maybe things can turn around. Wait for me, I'll make a call first."

At this moment, Zhao Ling's heart was also extremely flustered.

But she suddenly thought of a person in her mind, the only hope in her heart.

So, after Zhao Ling comforted her father, she called Ye Chen.

"Brother Ye, can I ask you for a favor?"

After answering the phone, Zhao Ling said anxiously before Ye Chen could speak.

Ye Chen was stunned for a moment: "What's the matter?"

Now, Ye Chen just drove to the door of his house, and he didn't expect Zhao Ling to call him.

"Can I borrow some money from you?"


After a while, Zhao Ling said, "I can use the Mercedes-Benz as collateral. I want to borrow some money from you to make ends meet."

Although Zhao Ling also felt that it was not right to say so, her mother's condition was critical now, and she really couldn't care so much.

Compared to Ye Chen's claim that he could treat her mother's illness, Zhao Ling felt that it was more reliable to borrow some money from Ye Chen to help her mother get through the current difficulties.

"How much do you want? Tell me the card number and I'll transfer it to you now."

Ye Chen answered very straightforwardly, and even didn't ask Zhao Ling what the money was for, and directly asked Zhao Ling for the card number.

Zhao Ling sent the card number, and Ye Chen also transferred the money very straightforwardly.

After transferring the money, Ye Chen asked, "Is your mother's condition worsening?"

Zhao Ling nodded: "Yes, my mother suddenly got sick and is being rescued in the hospital."

Ye Chen said, "Don't worry, I'll go there right away."

After transferring the money, Ye Chen suddenly thought that Zhao Ling was in a hurry to use the money, which must be because of her mother's condition.

Zhao Ling, who was standing opposite, was also stunned when she heard that Ye Chen was coming over.

She didn't expect that Ye Chen would come to the hospital to see his mother in person for her sake.

But Zhao Ling couldn't think so much now. The most important thing was that Ye Chen had sent money. At least, her mother's short-term treatment expenses were paid.

As long as the person could be saved, the later treatment could be done slowly.

At this time, the operation was over, and the doctor came out and was talking to his father about his mother's condition.

"The person was saved, but her condition was not very optimistic. She has been pushed to the ICU ward. Whether she can get through this stage depends on her luck. As for the follow-up treatment, I hope your family members will also be mentally prepared."

The attending doctor also briefly explained the situation to the Zhao family father and daughter.

The operation was successful, but Zhao Ling's mother was still in a coma and was sent to the ICU ward. As for the later treatment, the doctor's tone seemed not very optimistic.

"Doctor, I want to ask, if my mother undergoes a heart transplant, what is the success rate?"

Zhao Ling couldn't help asking.

The attending doctor sneered and said, "Your mother's condition is not optimistic. Heart transplant is the only solution. First of all, the cost of heart transplant is very high, at least 500,000 yuan, and the cost of subsequent treatment is also not low. In addition, matching is also a problem. It will take a long time to find a heart that can highly match your mother. I'm afraid..."

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