But the current situation of the

knife knife is indeed not very good, at least in the current Internet outlet, it is not a very outstanding, very prominent project.

He also found several investors, but they all hit a wall.

Wang Zheng reluctantly threw the information to the information in the form of a wide net, but he didn't expect the information to fall into Ye Chen's hands.

However, Wang Zheng did not have much hope for investors like Ye Chen.

After all, Ye Chen was not famous.

Although he had seen it just now, Ye Chen had a short contact with a big guy like Ma Qingyang.

He didn't expect to invest so much information, no one took care of him at all, Ye Chen actually took the initiative to find him and was willing to invest in him.

"I am very optimistic about Mr. Wang's knife knife, and I think the prospect of knife knife will be very good in the future, so I plan to invest in it."

"I see that Mr. Wang's valuation of the knife is about 500 million, and I won't mention how much this valuation is, but I am very optimistic about the future prospects of the knife, so I want to invest 250 million and hold 50% of the shares."

"I believe that after accepting my investment of 250 million, Fight Knife will inevitably embark on the fast track, and the future development prospects will be broader."

Zhang Dong on the side was stupid when he heard that Ye Chen was going to invest 250 million.

Listening to Ye Chen's words, Wang Zheng frowned: "Mr. Ye, thank you for being optimistic about our fight, but fifty percent of the shares are too high, and I only hope to get ten percent of the financing this time, that is, fifty million." Although

250 million funds are a huge wealth for the current knife knife, and he really needs this money very much, but Wang Zheng is an entrepreneur who has a very strong control over the company's equity, and it is difficult for him to accept Ye Chen's current equity division.

Although he needs the money, he will definitely not compromise on equity.

"10% is too little."

After listening to Wang Zheng's words, Ye Chen also decisively refused.

"If Mr. Wang thinks that 50 percent is too much, then I can give in a little, still 250 million, but I want 45 percent of the shares."

Ye Chen also saw Wang Zheng's hesitation

, thought for a moment, and also gave in a little way.

spent the same amount of money, but took the initiative to reduce his shareholding by 5%, which is equivalent to Ye Chen's unilateral increase in the valuation of the knife knife.

This is equivalent to Ye Chenbai giving Wang Zheng tens of millions, which is definitely very sincere.

"Mr. Ye, it's still too much, in this way, you only need to give 100 million, and I will give you 20% of the share."

Hearing Ye Chen's offer, he had already shown great sincerity, but he still refused to Wang Zheng, who had very strong equity control, but he also made concessions.

Originally, only 10% of the shares of the knife were taken out for financing, but now half of them have been returned on this basis, which is equivalent to taking out 20% of the shares, which is also a very big concession for Wang Zheng.

"Mr. Wang, if you only sell 10%, 20%, for me, this investment has no investment significance, although I am optimistic about the future prospects of the knife, but if you can't get a large share of the shares in the early stage, then I can only say sorry for this investment."

Ye Chen is not satisfied with a simple 20% stake.

Because of the follow-up, in order to develop, Fight Knife will continue to raise funds from other channels, and also have to rely on the network resources of many investment banks, to the follow-up listing, it is necessary to constantly dilute the shares, even if Ye Chen signed a leisurely clause, but the follow-up Ye Chen's capital investment will increase more and more with the increase in valuation.

Although the company is successful, they can still make a lot of money, but the proportion of good input and output obviously does not meet Ye Chen's expectations.

And now among the many projects of this Internet conference, it is not particularly optimistic and not particularly eye-catching.

Ye Chen was willing to spend so much money to invest in this project, obviously hoping to occupy a large part of the shares before the project really emerged and become the second largest shareholder after Wang Zheng.

So these shares, even if they are continuously diluted by other investment banks in the future, he can still account for a large part of the share.

"Mr. Wang, I know what you are worried about, that is, I am worried that it will affect your personal decision-making if I have too much equity, and we can rest assured that we can put this agreement into the terms."

"Although I can acquire 45% of the shares, the voting rights of this part of the shares can still remain in the hands of Mr. Wang, and I can guarantee that such a commitment will always be valid."

Wang Zheng's knife knife has just been established recently, and it really needs a lot of money.

And the 250 million sent by Ye Chen is indeed a relief for them.

At the same time, it also provides abundant funds for the company's subsequent development.

This is very important for the future growth of the company.

However, Wang Zheng is worried that if his shares are divided, the rights in his hands will be greatly weakened, which is very bad for the company's future development.

And that's exactly what he was worried about.

Ye Chen said: "The reason why I invested in Knife Knife is not to control the company, but I believe in the strength of Mr. Wang, and the future achievements of Knife Knife, I have invested in many projects, and I have no energy to manage every project, so we are not interested in the control of Knife Knife, I just want to invest in the future of Knife Knife, 300 million, 45% of the shares." Ye

Chen's offer has increased by 50 million again.

And this price also deeply moved Wang Zheng.

He hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath.

The previous 250 million Wang Zheng really felt that it was still a bit small, but Ye Chen increased it by 50 million, which met her psychological expectations.

After pondering for a moment, Wang Zheng finally said, "Okay, deal." Zhang

Dong on the side was already stupid.

He couldn't imagine that Ye Chen would invest all his money in such a project, which was also crazy.

After Ye Chen and Wang Zheng negotiated the agreement on equity financing, they invited a lawyer and then began to sign the contract.

It went so smoothly that Wang Zheng felt like he had been deceived.

However, after seeing that the agreement was signed, Ye Chen immediately transferred 300 million funds to the chattering account.

At this moment, a bright smile appeared on Ye Chen's face.

Although this deal, all his funds were emptied.

But Ye Chen knows very well that this financing is very successful.

With this investment, Knife will inevitably be on the fast track, and I believe that it will not be long before the number of users will have a blowout growth.

Then the valuation of the knife will be further improved.

Although the shares transferred this time are relatively large, as long as the company's development is relatively smooth, the valuation can continue to increase and improve, so it is also very good news for him personally.

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