Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1368: : Wings of Tianwu, Emperor Yang!

Because of Liang Zhou's words, Yang Emperor's calm eyes finally showed deep fluctuations.

The power of the Hades...

"Liang Zhou, don't say anything about this, you go back first."


Liang Zhou bowed, then smiled and patted Tang Qin on the shoulder, and walked to the stone ladder.

Looking at Tang Qin who was confused, Emperor Yang smiled lightly: "You, come in."


Followed by Emperor Yang into the thatched cottage, the furniture inside was very simple, just like an ordinary folk house, nothing was upscale.

Sitting on a bamboo rattan rocking chair, Emperor Yang took pillows with his hands, and carefully observed Tang Qin with his eyes carefully: "Show your power of the underworld, let me see."


Facing this highly respected senior, Tang Qin's small face was frowned with nervousness, and her jade hand was slightly raised, and a strange black mist instantly lingered in her palm.

Seeing this weird black mist, Emperor Yang's eyes suddenly shrank.

"The power of the underworld, this is indeed the power of the mentor's underworld, hahaha!"

Emperor Yang stood up very excited and couldn't help laughing.


Tang Qin looked puzzled and looked at Emperor Xiangyang: "Senior, is Wuzu Xuanyuan your master?"

"Don't you even know this?"

"do not know."

Seeing Tang Qin's curious look, Emperor Yang couldn't help frowning: "Then why did you come to my Tianwu League?"

"Because the Tianwu League is very strong, and its chivalrous name in the Aolai Empire is also widely spread, so I am here!"

"Heh, the name of chivalry..." Yang Emperor's mouth was filled with incomprehensible bitterness, and he immediately sighed with his hands: "The Tianwu League back then was indeed chivalrous, but now... has been..."


"Oh, don't mention it!"

Emperor Yang wanted to speak but stopped, but Tang Qin was not confused.

After Feihong Palace's palace lord Han Ling said, she already knew that the Heavenly Martial Alliance was now fighting against the Heavenly Void Alliance with the help of the Beichen Empire's Star Pavilion. It must be uncomfortable to be under the fence.

And when she was leaving before, Bai Chen also warned her that although the Tianwu League is the gate of chivalry, the Star Pavilion behind them is the gate of domineering, let her come here, be careful, don’t offend and hide in Tianwu After the Star Pavilion powerhouse.

However, until now, she hadn't seen what the powerhouse of Xingchen Pavilion looked like.

"Your name is Tang Qin, right? My mentor Xuanyuan, but my father?"

"I don't know, I lived on the streets since I was a child, and I have never seen my biological parents." Tang Qin said this, feeling that she was very sorry to Pluto, but for expediency, she had to pretend that she was the daughter of Xuanyuan. .

Hearing this, Emperor Yang stared blankly: "No wonder... if this is the case, let me tell you a story! Back then, the Aolai Empire's Tianwu and Tianxu martial sects fought so hard that they didn't make a living. In the chaotic world of wars, Feihong Palace suddenly heard a rumor that it was Tian Mang Xing who came to the world and the war would be ended.

Then, a person named Xuanyuan finally appeared. Wearing a golden armor and holding a Xuanyuan sword, he entered the Tianxu League alone, killing all quarters, causing the blood of the Tianxu League to flow into a river, fighting against the sky and shaking the earth. Later, he became the leader of the Tianwu League and accepted a pair of twin brothers as closed disciples.

Later, Xuanyuan pursued the pinnacle of power and repeatedly challenged the **** of destruction, the number one power in the mainland, but he could not defeat that person after all!

Unexpectedly, ten thousand years later, the **** of destruction suddenly fell to the Beichen Empire, Xuanyuan Martial Ancestor was distraught, and finally killed himself with Xuanyuan sword and passed away.

After that, his cemetery, Xuanyuan’s Tomb, became a forbidden place for our Tianwu League, and was guarded by his first strong generals day and night. His two disciples, brothers, became the new leaders of the Tianwu League. The world is respected as Emperor Wu, and the younger brother lives in the back mountain of the Tianwu League, and is called the Emperor Yang by the world! "


After hearing the words of Emperor Yang, Tang Qin finally understood that the senior in front of him was the disciple of Emperor Xuanyuan Wuzu, Emperor Yang, and at the same time, the younger brother of the current Emperor Wu!

No wonder Liang Zhou showed such respect before.

"Girl, what realm are you now?" Yang Emperor suddenly asked curiously.

"I..." Tang Qin said with a little inferiority as his index finger lingered, "Four-star heavenly realm."

"God. It's not bad! You will follow me in practice in the future, how about?"

The words of Emperor Yang made Tang Qin slightly startled.

After a while, she hesitated and said, "Senior, it is a blessing for the younger generation to be able to follow you in practice, but the younger generation already has a master, and promised that the master will not be another teacher, so I..."

His eyes condensed slightly, and Emperor Yang said solemnly: "Who is your master, is he better than me?"

It must be better than you...

With a sigh in his heart, Tang Qin still kept bitterness on his face: "Senior, no matter how powerful you are, I can't betray my master, I'm really sorry."

The Emperor Yang now made it clear that he wanted to accept her as a disciple, but this did not make her shake.

Moreover, even if Gu Yingjian is not a member of the Night of the Gods and is not so powerful, she will not betray her teacher, this is her bottom line.

Gu Yingjian is different from Shu Kexin. The college’s proposal is to hope that students can learn more about the kung fu of each school and can use the best of hundreds of schools for their own use. However, Gu Yingjian looks down on no one. Even Bai Chen was insignificant **** in his eyes, showing how arrogant he was.

If he were to know that she had been a teacher of Emperor Yang, would he not come personally and beat the Tianwu League?

Having witnessed the power of Ji Xukun and Xiao Hei, Tang Qin was even more sure that even the weakest one in this night of the gods could be called the most powerful person on the continent!

"Oh, since you are so determined, then I don’t want it. If you don’t go to a teacher, I can teach you kung fu and help you awaken the power of the underworld earlier, but I can’t teach you the best spiritual skills in this school. Up!"

Hearing this, Tang Qin's pretty face was short-lived: "Thank you, senior!"

Faced with the supreme spiritual skills of the Tianwu League, Tang Qin actually didn't care at all, which made Yang Emperor a little surprised.

But no matter what, that was her choice.

In this way, Tang Qin stayed in the back mountain of the Tianwu League and began to follow Emperor Yang.

And all this is the result that Bai Chen had calculated before.

In a flash, half a month of the world passed away quietly.

Early in the morning, the sun filled the bamboo windows, and the house gradually became warmer. Bai Chen, who was cross-legged on the bed, finally opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, the Huo Linjing suspended in front of him also lost its light and fell on his palm.

"Finally, the three stars are in the realm..."

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