Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1384: : Go to Appointment to Tianshi Mansion

Tianshi Mansion.

Because the family's wealth has been dispersed, the original servants have been dismissed. Today's Tianshi Mansion, Nuo Da's mansion, only has the family of Zhang Tianshi, which looks a little bleak and very embarrassed.

His family is accustomed to the days of pampering, especially his eighteen aunts, who open their mouths for meals, stretch their hands for clothes, and their fingers are not touched by the spring water. Now they are busy with the underlings, washing their faces with tears every day.

Because Zhang Tianshi is not ideal in some places, even if he has eighteen wives, only Zhang Wenyuan will be born. Even if he made a big mistake, Zhang Tianshi will not bear to punish him heavily.

That is to say, Zhang Tianshi spoiled his son like this, which created Zhang Wenyuan's disgusting temperament.

Outside the desolate hall, Zhang Tianshi and Zhang Wenyuan were sitting at a large round table, looking at the table full of banquets, Zhang Wenyuan couldn't help but snorted: "Eighteen mothers, none of them are good at cooking. What are they doing? It's really hard to swallow, a bunch of waste!"

The so-called "a bunch of trash" in his mouth naturally includes his mother, who is Zhang Tianshi's thirteen aunts.

Since early in the morning, his mother-in-law has been busy in the kitchen. She was a spoiled daughter. After entering the Tianshi Mansion, she also lived a comfortable life. Now it is good. She is in tears because of her son's mistakes. Busy in the kitchen, she was abused and bullied by other aunts, and her fingers were cut when she chopped vegetables. The most ridiculous thing is that her own son is not distressed.

Xiuyu, who saw everything in his eyes, was very disgusted with Zhang Wenyuan's behavior, but as the only disciple of Zhang Tianshi, he could not say anything, and could only silently guard Zhang Wenyuan's side.

"Father, did you say that Bai Chen will come? He is not a fool." Zhang Wenyuan said boringly with one hand on his chin.

Zhang Tianshi smiled and said faintly: "My son, if he is really the rumored Mr. Tianzhi, he will definitely come!"

"Mr. Tianzhi! Mr. Tianzhi! He's just a sinister villain who doesn't have the power to bind a chicken, father, why do you take him so seriously? Just kill it and it will be over!"

"You idiot, don't you see it now? Since this Mr. Tianzhi came to Luzhou in Beiju, our Heavenly Master's Mansion has been forced to join the Tianxu League, and it has ended up like this. Do you still Dare to question the rumors of Feihong Palace? Did you let the pig kick in your head!"

Zhang Tianshi was almost furious. Why did he give birth to such a useless son during his whole life?

Zhang Wenyuan curled his lips, disapproving: "I just don't like him anyway, and I'm sure he won't dare to come today!"

"Tsk tusk, let's Master Zhang also pinch and forget?" A clear voice suddenly came from the rear, and the three of Zhang Tianshi quickly turned around and saw the white-robed Bai Chen and behind him. Yuu carrying the stove.

"Haha, Mr. Bai is really courageous. He is just a kid talking nonsense. Please don't mind your husband!" Zhang Tianshi quickly got up, laughed and arched his hands to Bai Chen.

In the face of the enemy who broke his home, he could still show such a relaxed smile, which is enough to show that this celestial master still has some xinxing, not as brainless as his stupid son.


Zhang Wenyuan rolled his eyes and turned around disdainfully.

Seeing this guy's back, Bai Chen narrowed his eyes with a smile, and said faintly: "Tianshi Zhang doesn't need to worry too much, Tong Yan Wuji, I won't take it seriously."

Tong Yan Wuji...

Zhang Tianshi's old face suddenly stiffened, and Zhang Wenyuan also turned around abruptly and stood up: "Who do you say is innocent?!"

Xiao You looked up with cold eyes, and said blankly: "Who is the son talking about, don't you have any compelling points in your heart?"


Zhang Wenyuan was about to furious, Zhang Tianshi quickly pressed his shoulder.

"Wen Yuan, there is nothing to do with you here, let's go on." Zhang Tianshi said coldly.

Hearing that, Zhang Wenyuan was unwilling, but left here obediently.

I wanted Zhang Wenyuan to also exercise and talk with Daxian, but he didn't expect that this unsatisfied son could not hold his breath at all. In order to prevent him from destroying the plan, Zhang Tianshi had to let him go.

In Bieyuan today, there are only four people left: Bai Chen, Xiao You, Zhang Tianshi and Xiu Yu.

When he came to the table and sat down, Bai Chen glanced at the table full of food and most of the food was fried, he couldn't help but smiled lightly: "I'm really wronged, Master Tianshi~"

"Hehe..." Zhang Tianshi didn't smile, raised his eyes to Bai Chen, and slowly said: "Mr. Tianzhi, the old man really doesn't understand why a great sage like you is willing to stay in a small place like Dragon King's Mansion. Well, isn’t this the Longju Kennel?"

"So, you want to say that your Heavenly Master's Mansion can be regarded as a Dragon Cavern?"

Hearing this, Zhang Tianshi narrowed his eyes and shook his head: "Neither the Heavenly Master Mansion nor the Dragon King Mansion are qualified to have your favor. In this world, there are nothing more than two forces that can be appreciated by you."

"Well, Tianwu and Tianxu, then dare to ask Master Tianshi, which one should I choose next?"

"Don't don't don't, you are Mr. Tianzhi. Naturally, you have made a choice long ago. Naturally, I waited for ordinary people to dare not say much, but the old man invited you today just to tell you something."

Are you finally on the subject...

"Let's talk about it, I'll listen carefully." Bai Chen said lightly without moving his chopsticks.

Looking directly at Bai Chen's faintly smiling face, Zhang Tianshi pondered for a while before he said: "Since you are a heavenly star, you have naturally heard of the name Wanchao Pavilion, right?"


Bai Chen still maintained a calm smile: "Behind Tianxu is Wanchao Pavilion, and behind Tianwu is Xingchen Pavilion, so what?"

"As expected to be Mr. Tianzhi, he really knows everything in the world and is strategizing. But does Mr. know that the Lord God King of Wanchao Pavilion will arrive in Aolai Empire soon?"

Luoxi...! !

Upon hearing this name, Bai Chen and Xiao You were shocked at the same time.

"The Lord God King of Wanchao Pavilion is able to come here, which proves that the victory of Aolai Empire is inevitable, but after all, Star Pavilion is hard to come across in the entire continent, so it is not so easy to deal with. Fortunately, the Beichen Empire is now mixed with dragons and fish, and the situation is chaotic. Their Star Pavilion can’t get away at all. At this time, if you can join the Heavenly Void Alliance and help Lord God King to unify and take pride in early, then you will get Lord God King in the future It’s not impossible to make a name for the entire Starland Continent. Of course, it’s the skill that the husband is good at. I hope you don’t laugh at me."

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