Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1391: : Killing with a knife

"Then Mr. Bai, what is the realm of this midfielder?" Long Ao asked the most critical question.

"I don't understand the realm, let's ask Xiaoyou~" Bai Chen casually spread his hands.

"Uh... Girl Xiao You..." Long Ao turned to look at Xiao You again.

Facing the horror of the crowd, Xiao You's eyes flashed, smiled in her heart, and said indifferently with her small face: "I didn't pay too much attention to it, it might be the realm of heaven~"

"Heaven, God?!"

Mo Liang couldn't help being dumbfounded, he himself was the realm of heaven!

Heavenly realm powerhouses can be regarded as quite famous powerhouses wherever they are placed, and the star realm is a mysterious existence like an old monster.

And Xiao You's forced pretense made Mo Liang instantly feel deeply jealous of her, and even secretly thanked that he didn't fight her, otherwise he wouldn't know how to die.

Of course, if there is a fight, Xiao You may not be able to win him, but he doesn't even know about it now.

Several people returned to Bai Chen's bluestone courtyard again, and Mo Liang finally put down the shelf and poured tea for Bai Chen himself.

To make Aolaishen willing to pour tea for him, Long Ao couldn't help but pay tribute to Bai Chen in secret.

"General Mo, I know that the lord of your house wants to protect the loyalty of Aolai royal family. This is actually the faith of Lord Long, so he knows my identity, but has been hiding it for me."

Bai Chen wanted to cover it up and forcibly hide Long Ao's ambition.

Mo Liang raised his head confusedly, looking at Bai Chen with a faint smile, and said in amazement: "Sir, can you enlighten me, why is my proud empire in danger of subjugation?"

"Oh~" Bai Chen sighed with a smile, took a sip of the hot tea, and slowly said: "Before Zhang Tianshi invited me to be a guest at his house, he said a lot about the Tianxu League, one of the most important information. , Is the **** king of Wanchao Pavilion, who will soon arrive in Aolai."

"What! Wanchao Pavilion God King?!"

Both Mo Liang and Long Ao were shocked.

The **** king of Wanchao Pavilion, standing among the top powerhouses in Xinglan Continent, has always existed in the legend.

Such a character can no longer be described as powerful. If he really comes here, and there is no Xuanyuan Wuzu Heavenly Martial Alliance, how will he deal with it?

"The style of Wanchao Pavilion is known for its cruelty. The Xiuyun Empire in the southern region of the Starland Continent was originally dominated by the Wanchao Pavilion powerhouse, which caused the royal family to change hands. This is a very clear example!"

Hearing Bai Chen's words, Mo Liang was stunned: "So, Wanchao Pavilion will definitely not allow His Majesty the Emperor to continue to sit proudly?"

"Yes." Bai Chen smiled faintly.

Mo Liang frowned and looked at Bai Chen with an uncertain face: "In this case, what the sir meant is that you want to help the Tianwu League obtain the world? But isn't there a star pavilion behind Lord Wu? Could the sir be able to secure the star pavilion? Wouldn't it make me proud to come to the royal family?"

"Xingchen Pavilion, the strongest force in the Northern Territory, the king's division of the Beichen Empire. Although such a force is extremely powerful and extremely domineering, have they replaced the royal family of the Beichen Empire?"

"Uh, that's not true, but it is said that the emperor of the Beichen Empire, no matter what major decision, must consult the constellation elders of the Star Pavilion. How is this different from a puppet?"

"Heh...a puppet?" Bai Chen found it ridiculous, and asked, "In this world where the power is respected, the imperial family can sit on the world without strong combat power. Isn't it a puppet?"


"General Mo, think of the Fengyan Dynasty in the Southern Territory, the royal family attached to the Phoenix Temple, the Xiuyun Empire in the Western Region, the royal family attached to the Chenyao Jianzong, the Beichen Empire in the Northern Territory, the royal family attached to the Star Pavilion, and the wild dragon of the Eastern Region. The empire, the royal family is dependent on the land of the East Wasteland, which one of them can sit on the world without relying on a powerful sect? Do you really hope that the world will be like the Central Region, no country, no emperor, only one temple, one The emperor dominates everything?"

Mo Liang was completely stunned.

Bai Chen couldn't understand more clearly, a stable country must have a strong enough power behind it!

"So~ the Tianwu League can get this world, and it is the best choice for your loyal majesty."

Hearing this, Mo Liang's stiff old face finally showed a touch of respect: "Listening to Mr.'s words is better than reading a century-old book, sir, you really are the savior of my proud empire!"

In a few words, he turned Mo Liang, who was going to kill him, to Fudge. Bai Chen's three-inch tongue made Long Ao especially admired.

Mo Liang didn't know, but Long Ao knew that Bai Chen didn't want to support the Tianwu League. What he wanted was to assist a weak force to dominate the world, so as to become famous.

Of course, this kind of rhetoric was actually Bai Chen deceiving Long Ao.

Bai Chen just wants to get this proud country by himself!

"General Mo, there is one thing I have to say clearly. The Heavenly Master Mansion is able to say so many good things for the Tianxu League. Obviously, they have already joined the Tianxu League. They have betrayed the three-pillar alliance, and even betrayed your palace. Lord and Emperor, so, what should you do, you should understand?"

"Well, I understand, I will personally report this matter to the lord of the palace, sir, don't worry!"

"Very well, I hope that you Zhaotian Temple can truly consider the emperor, stop being neutral, and help the Tianwu League gain the world earlier, so that the Aola Empire can usher in real peace."

"Yes, what the sir said is extremely true. I also think that Xuanyuan Wuzu has become one of the strongest people in the world, but still treats the royal family kindly. Such forces will definitely not be rebellious."

"Yes~ It's rare that General Mo can see clearly. If there is nothing wrong, you can go back and tell your palace master earlier, so that Tianwu League will have one more chance of winning one day earlier."

"Okay, but..." Mo Liang frowned, puzzled: "Mr. He has a clever calculation. He has already seen the future of the empire. He will be very admired at the end. However, the Central Territory forces suddenly entered the North Club. I wonder if Mr. Resolve the crisis?"

"You don't need to worry about this matter. The forces of Zhongyu will be handled by me and the prince. It is not convenient for us to take care of the Tianshi Mansion, so we will leave it to you Zhaotian Temple."

The Heavenly Master's Mansion had a few catties and a couple of ounces, which Mo Liang knew, but the forces in the middle region were mysterious and unpredictable.

Since Bai Chen handed over the nibbled meat to himself, Mo Liang was of course very happy, and he immediately gave up his hands without delay, and after a brief greeting, he hurriedly said goodbye to leave.

After Mo Liang's figure left the Qingshi Xiaoyuan for a long time, Long Ao laughed and said: "Hahaha, your husband deserves to be Mr. Tianzhi. In a few words, Zhaotian Temple will join the Tianwu League's sphere of influence, and they will take action. The leveling of the Heavenly Master’s Mansion will also make the Tianxu League hostile and wary towards them. In this way, we can sit back and watch dragons and tigers fight... It’s just that this mysterious middle-domain force, Mr., is really sure to deal with it. ?"

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