Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1396: : Be careful

Jiang Mansion.

On an evergreen tree, Jiang Wucheng was suspended from the branches of the tree. At this time, his eyes were raised, his mouth was foaming, and his disgusting heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were about to come out.

Because not far in front of him, Qiao Biran was holding the orchid finger, sitting there embroidering, just like everybody else.

Qiao Biran's face with heavy makeup, at this moment, to Jiang Wucheng, is simply the most terrifying thing he has ever seen in his life!

"Oh, did I say that you vomit enough?" Qiao Biran randomly placed Yuanyangxiu in a bamboo basket beside him, then gradually got up and walked towards Jiang Wucheng with a twist.

Staring at the turbulent flesh of the smallpox, Jiang Wucheng's pale face showed a touch of relief: "You still kill me, don't use your regrettable posture to disgust me."

Hearing this, Qiao Biran's short eyebrows erected instantly: "Nima, is it wrong to be fat?"

"Ha ha ha ha... fat is right, some women, even if they are fat, have her cute side, and you, even if you lose weight to a lightning bolt, will not make any man interested in you!"

"I'm going to your uncle, just your little earthworm, my old lady still doesn't like it!" Qiao Biran slapped Jiang Wucheng's face, turned and turned away: "Huh, it's still the dragon of my brother's soul emperor. It’s even more fascinating in Yuan~"

"You can also deal with the old man, and the **** will deal with mung beans, ha ha ha ha..."

"I make you laugh!" Qiao Biran turned angrily, and was about to throw out the embroidery needle in his hand to stab this guy to death, but his steps suddenly stiffened.


Qiao Biran suddenly raised his head, and saw a woman in white robe standing proudly above the eaves.

Seeing the flying sword pattern on this woman's robe, Jiang Wucheng burst into tears of joy in an instant: "Hahaha! Tianwu League, the powerhouse of Tianwu League is finally here! God opened his eyes--"

"What kind of dog thing is the Tianwu League?" Qiao Biran's arms crossed his chest with disdain, and a wave of spiritual power from the star and sea realm was released instantly, blowing away the fallen leaves.

Seeing the fluctuations in her spiritual power, Nie Feiyan instantly smiled: "How good is my ability to be an extremely imperial palace? It turned out to be a waste."

"Who do you say is trash! My old lady, my beauty and strength coexist, but you stupid people have no taste at all!" Qiao Biran stepped on the ground with a big foot, and instantly rushed away.



A light and shadow shot out from Nie Feiyan's hand, and instantly penetrated Qiao Biran's body.

Qiao Biran, who had just flew onto the eaves, spit out a mouthful of blood with such horror, and fell directly on the ground, shattering the slate under him.

One hit kill!

"Your Excellency is the ghost blade Nie Feiyan of the Tianwu League?" Jiang Wucheng still had some knowledge, and immediately shouted.


Nie Feiyan responded faintly, and a flash of light under her feet appeared in front of Jiang Wucheng in an instant.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Wucheng cried with joy: "Nie Xia, I beg you to kill that soul emperor and avenge my parents! In exchange, my Jiang family would like to join your alliance in the future and serve Lord Wu!"

The richest man in Beiju...

Hee hee, it seems I am going to make a big contribution!

With joy in her heart, Nie Feiyan quickly put Jiang Wucheng down: "Xing Xia and fighting justice is the obligatory thing of my Tianwu League, and you don’t have to say thank you. Of course, if your Jiang family is willing to join the Tianwu League, we are extremely welcome. !"

"it is good!"

The two hit it off. At this moment, the purple-robed old man who was surrounded by weird black aura also flew over from a distance.

Looking at the tragic death of Qiao Biran, the soul emperor's eyes trembled, and he looked at Nie Feiyan with fear: "Who are you?"

"Me? Listen well, I am the omnipotent Nie Feiyan in the Proud Empire!" Nie Feiyan waved her hand, and a flying knife flew out of her sleeve robe.

Upon seeing this, the soul emperor's face sank, and the two stars broke out of the sea, and quickly launched a defensive mudra.

However, during the flight of this flying knife, it suddenly turned into dozens of flying knives, and finally formed a flying knife formation, directly stabbing the soul emperor into a hornet's nest.

Under the undefeatable attack, the Soul Emperor finally let out a miserable cry and was stabbed into a blood hole.

Seeing that the enemy was finally dead, Jiang Wucheng immediately bowed his head and cried up to the sky: "Father! Mother! Your great enmity is avenged, and the child will join the Tianwu League in the future. You are alive in the sky and will support the child ,right--"

Jiang Wucheng cried out in grief, even though he lost his arms, he still cried out a powerful sorrow. Nie Feiyan stood aside and his eyes couldn't help but moist.


In Bai Chen's room, Tang Qin lay flat on the bed, letting Bai Chen put his palm on her lower abdomen, and then changed her practice.

Meimu stared at this somewhat mature face, Tang Qin red lips slightly opened: "Bai Chen brother, seeing you are safe, I am relieved."

Hearing this, Bai Chen couldn't help but let out a wry smile: "Stupid girl, I am also a star-level powerhouse at any rate. In this world, there are not many stars-level powerhouses, but you, who sneak into the Tianwu League alone, have to be careful about everything. !"

"I'm fine. The people in the Tianwu League are very nice. Lord Yang is upright and very friendly. He treats me like a family member and teaches me everything. Uncle Liang Zhou is also very good to me, and you don’t Sister Nie looks like a stinky ass. In fact, she is kinder than anyone. I have to say that the Tianwu League is upright from top to bottom, no different from the Hero Guild."

Hearing Tang Qin's words, Bai Chen's face instantly became gloomy.

"What, what?" Tang Qin was startled when Bai Chen changed his face.

Staring at Tang Qin, Bai Chen said coldly: "Girl, I said that the Tianwu League today is no longer what it used to be. Behind them, there is a very hot and domineering Xingchen Pavilion. You must not take it lightly, knowing !"

"Yes, can't I be wrong..." Tang Qin curled his lips.

"By the way, have you seen Emperor Wu?" Bai Chen asked suddenly.

Hearing this, Tang Qin shook his head blankly: "In the Tianwu League now, on the surface, the four small powers are taking care of the sect, but in fact, they all follow the instructions of Emperor Yang. It seems that Emperor Yang has always been there. At the helm, as for Emperor Wu, I have never seen him."

"Emperor Wu isn't there?" Bai Chen was a little surprised.

"Yeah, I heard Senior Emperor Yang said that Emperor Wu is making a breakthrough in retreat, saying that once the breakthrough is successful, he can sweep the wasteland and dominate the world! What kind of breakthrough is that? So exaggerated?"

"If what I expected is good, Emperor Wu should have reached the peak of the Star Realm and is making the final breakthrough to the Chaos Realm..."

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