Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1399: : The new elder of the Tianxu League

After writing the next poem, Bai Chen stood up calmly and bowed his hands to the crowd: "It's getting late, and I'm too drunk, so I will lose my company."

At the moment when he was speaking, Bai Chen glanced at it and glanced at the words on the table by a wine waitress in the distance, then smiled faintly, and left the hall with Xiao You.

Nie Feiyan still didn't understand in the end, she looked at Tang Qin with tears and said, "Little Tang, you can tell me, OK?"

"This is really not so good. Let's talk about it when we go back." Tang Qin and Long Ao's father and daughter both looked a little embarrassed, which made Nie Feiyan even more at a loss.

the next day.

Tianshi Mansion.

A maid narrated the verse she had seen last night to Tianshi Zhang verbatim. Upon hearing that, Zuo Lengyan frowned: "What does this verse mean?"

Shangguan Huye took a deep breath, and his face was a little gloomy: "The first half of the poem is about ambition, and the latter... the journey of the sun and the moon, if it is out of it, is the sun and the moon, which means the peace of the world. Secondly, there are stars but no moons, and if you follow it carefully, it shows that Mr. Bai's determination is to be the last person!"

"Under the last person?" Zuo Lengyan was startled slightly, and after a moment, he was suddenly shocked: "Could it be that he wants the position of deputy leader?!"

"That's what I mean!"

"This..." Zuo Lengyan's unbelievable old eyes narrowed slightly: "It's a good one who has stars and no moons, chasing it carefully, this day Zhixing is really a lion's mouth!"

"Yes! The deputy leader of the Tianwu League is Emperor Yang. Bai Chen wants his position. I am afraid it will not be so easy. So even Nie Feiyan dare not agree to it. If I expected it, Nie Feiyan and that Tang Qin, I should have already left the Dragon King's Mansion!" Shangguan Hu Ye Yin said sadly.

"Yes, they both left early in the morning." The little maid said respectfully.

"Huh, it really is like this..."

Hearing that, Zuo Lengyan’s vicissitudes of old eyes were surging with a sense of coldness: "This Mr. Bai will really have problems. On the Tianwu League, even if the Emperor Yang deliberately abdicated to him, I am afraid that other people in the league will not. Convinced, but in the same way, on our side, it’s simply impossible for Vice-Leader Night God to give him the position, right?"

Knowing the character of the night **** Dongfanglan very well, Zuo Lengyan and Shangguan Huye looked at each other, and both sighed silently.

"Anyway, let's go back. If Lord Yegod wants to kill him, we will toss again!"

"Okay!" Shangguan Huye turned his eyes to look at Zhang Tianshi with a stunned look, and said in a gloomy tone: "During this period, you are responsible for showing me a good view of Bai Chen. If he runs away, I will screw your head off! "

"Yes, the subordinates must...try their best."

Watching the two elders leave, Zhang Tianshi's palms hidden in his sleeves trembled.

It really feels uncomfortable to be someone else's dog. It seems that Bai Chen is right. The theory of value is very necessary.

He just joined the Tianxu League so unclearly. Now he is far from living as a three pillars of the royal family. Long Ao is still neutral. Now it can be said to be a wind and water. As for Bai Chen, he wants to seek The position of a deputy leader, in Zhang Tianshi's eyes, is even more wise!

"Mr. Bai, why is Long Ao the person who met you first, not me..."

Thinking about his own situation, Zhang Tianshi was indignant, others didn't know, but he knew very well, this Tianzhixing, who had no power to bind a chicken, was very scary!

Can stir the world with a strategy, except for him, there has never been a second person in the world who can do it!

Just as Zhang Tianshi was feeling dispirited, a beautiful female voice from behind suddenly sounded: "Stupid Zhang Tianshi, how long will it take you to wake up after being played with?"


Zhang Tianshi turned around abruptly, and saw a woman in a black robe looking at him with a charming face.

The face of this woman is the most beautiful face that Master Zhang Tian has ever seen. She has white skin, red lips and white teeth, and a pair of autumn water and eyes, which seem to be fascinating. Three thousand green silks fall like a waterfall, and there are three white fox tails here. The woman turned around randomly.

Staring at the withered bone pattern on the woman's black robe, Zhang Tianshi was taken aback, suddenly lowered his eyes and arched his hands: "I don't know which adult in the Tianxu League is yours. The villain has no eyes, please forgive me!"

Black robe, withered bone pattern, this is the unique clothing of Tianxu League, white robe, flying sword pattern, it is the clothing of Tianwu League.

"My name is Xiao Tianhu, and I am the new elder of the Tianxu League guardian sect~"

"Elder Hu, Huzong!" Hearing the words of the little Tianhu, Zhang Tianshi was shocked, and quickly bowed down to the ground: "The great elder is coming, there is a miss!"

The guardian elder, the position is much higher than that of the ordinary elders. It can be said that he is the third-highest person in the Tianxu League, but this Tianxu and Tianwu haven't had this position for many years? When did Tianxu League begin to resume this position again?

Zhang Tianshi is not a fool. He can be sure that since the woman in front of him can be so reused by the Emperor, then her strength must be qualified!

Little Tianhu sat on the chair casually, his jade hand dragged his chin, and looked at Zhang Tianshi with interest: "You really are a fool, that Bai Chen has been playing with you in the palm of his hand~"

"What do you say?" Zhang Tianshi was a little surprised, didn't Bai Chen choose which camp, what did the elder Xiaotianhu mean?

The red lips pursed a shallow arc, and the beautiful eyes of the little Tianhu flipped a touch of coldness: "Bai Chen never considered joining the Tianxu League from beginning to end. He even deliberately put you in the Tianxu League before. I told Mo Liang..."


Hearing that, Zhang Tianshi stood stiff in place as if struck by lightning.

"Fortunately, Wanchao Pavilion offered to help. Mo Liang was already dead on the road. Otherwise, do you think that Long Aotian will let you go?"

His eyes sank slightly, Zhang Tianshi raised his cold eyes slightly: "The Great Elder is serious about this?"

"I am the elder of the Tianxu League. Will I lie to my subordinates?"

"This **** Bai Chen has caused me to shed my wealth. I have already opened my eyes to him. I didn't expect that he would hide a knife in a smile, and want to put me to death from beginning to end!" Finally saw Bai Chen's murderous intentions.

"Ah~ I just saw you being poor, so I came here to tell you something. As for Bai Chen, I advise you not to provoke him, because you don’t have the ability to hurt him. Then I will go back. , You are responsible for sending people to monitor Bai Chen's every move. When the strongest of my Tianxu Alliance comes again, it will be the day when the Dragon Palace is leveled!

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