Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1423: : Jian Zhi Yundu

At the vice-leader handover meeting, the Tianwu Four Xiaoqiang came to three people, two of them were on the side of Emperor Yang. Even though Bai Qilin was unwilling, he could only break his teeth and swallow in his stomach.

"Okay, everything depends on Emperor Yang, I want to see what kind of strategy our new deputy leader can have!"

Bai Qilin retreated again, and the other disciples were also frustrated and completely desperate.

Putting the Xuanyuan pendant into his sleeves, Bai Chen came to Yangdi, facing everyone, and cleared his throat: "Now I am the deputy leader of the Tianwu League, so naturally I want to talk about our next action plan. "

Unexpectedly, Bai Chen would have arranged so soon, and the Emperor Yang suddenly appeared a touch of joy.

"Our next action is to go to Yundu."

When these words came out, Nie Feiyan was shocked instantly: "Where did you say to go?!"

"Yundu, is there any problem?" Bai Chen had actually heard about it from Han Ling. Yundu's view of blood and cloud and Nie Feiyan, but there are blood feuds, but now he appears to be at a loss. , Nie Feiyan wanted to cry without tears.

Seeing that Nie Feiyan was speechless, Bai Chen continued to face everyone: "Yundu, is the site of Xueyunguan, I must have heard about it. In half a month, the young master of Xueyunguan will get married, and her wish Lang Jun is Li Yinyao of Zhaotian Temple."

"This matter has already been announced to the world by the Blood Cloud View..." Liang Zhou stepped forward and said to Bai Chen, "Vice-Leader, you may not be clear, this Blood Cloud View is what I am proud of. The veteran evil sect of the empire has always been in collusion with the Tianxu League. Now Xueyun Guanzhu wants to marry his only daughter to Li Yinyao. He just wants to marry the Zhaotian Temple. The current situation is the Zhaotian Temple. Obviously we have fallen to the side of the evil faction. If we pass this time, it is tantamount to throwing ourselves into the trap."

"I can't talk about it, I just want to attend their wedding banquet."

"What!" Hearing Bai Chen's words, Liang Zhou's eyelids twitched, what does this mean.

Attend your opponent's wedding reception?

"There are only two people who will follow me this time, one is Bai Qilin and the other is Nie Feiyan."

As soon as Bai Chen said this, the entire Tianwu League was completely dumbfounded.

Nie Feiyan and Xueyun are incompatible with each other, doesn't he know?

"I'm not going!" Before Nie Feiyan objected, Bai Qilin spoke first: "Let me attend the wicked wedding banquet, it would be better to kill me!"

"Bai Qilin, can you listen to Mr. Bai to finish talking first?" Yang Emperor sighed softly, making Bai Qilin instantly discolored.

The palm of his hand was squeezed into a fist, Bai Qilin didn't dare to make the second Yang Emperor, so he held back his fiery temper, his eyelids trembled and said, "Mr. Bai, please continue to say..."

Although Emperor Yang had abdicated, in the hearts of everyone, he was still the deputy leader of the Tianwu League. As for Bai Chen, no one took him seriously.

However, in the face of Bai Qilin's respectful questioning, Bai Chen narrowed his eyes, and a smirk appeared: "I want you to green Li Yinyao at this wedding banquet."

"You, what did you say--"

This time not only Bai Qilin, but even Emperor Yang was stunned.

Bai Chen's so-called action actually made Bai Qilin go green with Li Yinyao? !

"The Young Master of the Blood Cloud View is a demon girl, I won't touch that kind of woman!" Bai Qilin has already violently violently.

Bai Chen's words were really difficult for him, and they were too absurd.

But Bai Chen didn't give any explanation, just folded the fan in his hand, and then walked out of the crowd under everyone's dull eyes.

"Clean up, we'll start tomorrow, remember to be more handsome."

Bai Chen's chuckle came from a distance, not loud, but extremely harsh.

Bai Qilin clenched his fists tightly with both hands, furious: "Master Yang, this is the so-called superior resourcefulness...?"

Looking straight into the distance, Emperor Yang furrowed his brows deeply: "Anyway, just do it. How could Mr. Tianzhi's strategy be something we can easily see..."


"Boss, this trick of you is really good. It can not only make Bai Qilin ruin the marriage between the view of blood cloud and the temple of the sky, but also let this kid embrace the beauty. From then on, I will obey you. It is really a double strike. ~" On the street, Su Wei shook his head and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Bai Chen smiled calmly and shook his head: "I don't want to ruin the marriage between their two families."

"Ah? What do you mean?" Su Wei didn't expect that he had guessed wrong, and he became a little curious now.

However, Bai Chen didn't explain anything, just continued to walk to his residence.

I've long been used to Bai Chen's mysterious temperament, Xiao You sighed helplessly: "Grandpa Su, don't ask, you'll know then."

"What's this, this is called, you can't know it?" Su Wei scratched his head, very speechless.


Bai Chen became the deputy leader, and his first task shocked everyone in the Tianwu League.

Participating in the wedding banquet of the wicked faction, but also green Li Yinyao, such strange ideas, really not ordinary people can come up with.

Because Bai Qilin had confronted Bai Chen several times before, many people were wondering whether Bai Chen wanted to take revenge on Bai Qilin?

Of course, no matter how much speculation, time has to be verified.

At night, Bai Qilin sat in the courtyard with an embarrassed face, looking at Liang Zhou who was opposite the table, and frowned: "Big Brother Liang, what happened to the Yang Emperor? Why do you want to believe in such an unbearable person? Feiyan and I went to Yundu this time, I'm afraid we will die forever!"

"It's not so serious, isn't Mr. Bai also going with you?"

Hearing this, Bai Qilin chuckled: "Heh, I can only have two guesses about his mission. One is that he has already joined the Tianxu League, and he wants to take this opportunity to lie to me and Feiyan. Go to Yundu and kill both of me! Secondly, he is an idiot who can't distinguish the situation at all. By that time, even himself, I am afraid that he will be dead!"

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