Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1881: : Proud but not arrogant

On the quiet square, because of the words of Emperor Magic, it fell into a dead silence.

Susu lowered her head and secretly squeezed the fists in her sleeves tightly. Her eyes were complicated and her pretty face was hideous. She would never allow Bai Chen to be threatened.

Standing behind Su Su, Han Lingsha also knew her thoughts very well. For fear that she would do something stupid, she hurriedly stepped forward and held her fists to the Emperor Huan under the stunned eyes of everyone: "Master Huan Di, Bai Chen It is indeed here. Excuse me, do you want to reward him for defeating Wanchao Pavilion several times and doing a modest contribution for me Beichen World?"

? !

Susu, who was about to make a move, was stunned for an instant after hearing Han Lingsha's words.

Yes, Bai Chen has no enemies except Wanchao Pavilion, except that he has a great avenue. This kind of him, Master Huan Di will not kill him, right?

At most, it is to hand over Dao Wuyong, but this is the only chance Bai Chen can survive from her...

Hearing Han Lingsha's words, Huadi couldn't help but turn her eyes. When she saw Han Lingsha's playful and respectful look, she unexpectedly exceeded everyone's expectations. Beautiful eyes gradually smiled: " Isn't this the little Lingsha of the Lu family? It seems that you have a very good relationship with Bai Chen?"


The Emperor Huan used such a word, and Han Lingsha's eyes condensed instantly.

On the surface, she is so kind to Han Lingsha, which is enough to show that she has a very close relationship with the Lu family, and many people secretly breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

But Han Lingsha is the smartest person here except Bai Chen. She doesn't think that such a person standing on the top of Beichen like Emperor Huan will casually put the word "extreme" on her lips.

Excellent...Why does she say that?

This feeling seems to be a test, but what is she trying to test, is it a test of my relationship with Bai Chen?

The Han Lingsha, who has the exquisite heart of seven orifices, hovered in her mind at this moment. In the end, she was sure that the Emperor Huan was testing her, but she decided to tell the truth: "I have a very good relationship with Bai Chen..."

At this moment, the depths of the eyes of Emperor Huan clearly flashed a flash of cold light, and that flash of cold light was cold enough to freeze everything in the world and make all creatures tremble.

"As far as Bai Chen is concerned, just like my brother, we are like brothers and sisters. We are companions who have experienced the battle of life and death, and are worthy of entrusting our back to each other's companions!" Han Lingsha added.

As soon as these words came out, Emperor Huan's face suddenly stiffened.

It is worth entrusting the back to the opponent's companion...

Old Xuanwu also taught her this way, so that she would devote all her feelings to her companions to Lu Tianqi, who is as famous as her. In the Beichen Empire at that time, only Lu Tianqi could compete with her for the glory of the sun and the moon, but unfortunately, as the master of the Star Pavilion, she put down her frame many times to go to the Lu family, but in exchange, she eventually became an enemy with Lu Tianqi. ...

"Master Huandi, I wonder if you are looking for me?"

At this time, a clear voice came from Wudi from a distance. Everyone changed their voices and looked around. They saw a black robe of Bai Chen, accompanied by the demon ancestor, slowly stepping into the air. .

Because Bai Chen suddenly appeared, the sadness and obsession of Emperor Huan Di was gradually forgotten. She looked at Bai Chen with beautiful eyes and saw that he was not humble or arrogant, and even dared to show an unbelievable sorrow in front of her. Suddenly clenched his fist.

A Maotou boy who has just stepped into the Chaos Realm, according to the investigation, is only more than 20 years old. His strength, his experience, and his insights, dare to show the unrestrained spirit in front of the pavilion master of the Star Pavilion?

Sure enough, he is a different boy...

The first time the Emperor Huan saw Bai Chen, it was as if he had seen Lu Tianqi back then. The feeling was almost the same, with a touch of indifference on his face under his unrelenting breath, as if he had no desire or desire. But in fact, he has extremely powerful ambitions in his heart!

When Bai Chen appeared, Huadi immediately showed a smile, but her smile did not belong to any kind of emotion, which made it difficult to understand what she was thinking at the moment.

"Bai Chen, Han Lingsha just said, you have defeated Wanchao Pavilion many times, and I should reward you."

Hearing this, Bai Chen narrowed his eyes and said faintly: "Master Huandi is absurdly praised. What I have defeated is just some shrimp soldiers and crabs in Wanchao Pavilion. It is Yaoxing Academy who really defeated the king of Wanchao Pavilion. Zhuge Feng, even if you want to reward, you should also reward Senior Zhuge Feng. I don't dare to take credit."

Hearing Bai Chen’s words, Han Lingsha blushed with anger. Although he did not show any disrespect to Lord Huan Di in his words, he actually used "you" twice instead of "you" when speaking to Lord Huan Di. ", doesn't he know what the pavilion master of Xingchen Pavilion means in this Beichen Empire and even the entire Xinglan Continent?

To put it bluntly, even the Emperor of Heaven would not be arrogant when facing the pavilion master of the Star Pavilion, let alone other forces.

But what surprised Han Lingsha was that the Emperor Huan didn't care about this detail, but looked at Bai Chen with interest: "It's arrogant and not arrogant, not bad."

The simple six words are enough for Bai Chen to obtain great glory, and he can be praised by Master Huan Di. This is a beautiful thing that those students of Apocalypse Academy dare not dream of.

"Bai Chen, come with me." Suddenly, Emperor Huan raised his jade finger, and a spatial crack connecting heaven and earth appeared extremely easily at her fingertips.

Lifting his eyes to look at the space crack that leads directly to the sky, it is like a huge black hole, enough to swallow the entire Apocalypse Academy in an instant, and everyone looks terrified.

"Excuse me, Lord Magic Emperor, where are you taking him?" Susu couldn't help but asked eagerly.

The people behind her were also worried.

Upon seeing this, Emperor Huan did not get angry, but showed a touch of appreciation: "Take him to the Star Pavilion."

As soon as these words were said, everyone's faces immediately paled.

What do you go to Xingchen Pavilion?

"Also, it should be very interesting to be able to see the strongest sect in the world."

Bai Chen raised his hand and signaled everyone not to mess around. At this time, if you dare to be an enemy of Emperor Illusion, you will definitely die.

How terrifying the power of the universe is, except for Bai Chen and Susu, the ancestor of the Demon Immortal, who is the Six Immortals of the Northern Wilderness, the rest of them don't know at all, and they can't imagine it!


Bai Chen patted the demon fairy ancestor on the shoulder, and smiled happily at the crowd, and then walked into the space rift with the Magic Emperor.


Everything returned to calm, and the Apocalypse Academy was silent.

Ye Luo knelt on the ground, looking at the dust scattered from his father, and finally couldn't help crying.

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