Rebirth of the Evil Emperor

Chapter 1945: : Determined to take revenge!

The wind is surging, the tide is ebb and flow, Beichen Empire has ushered in new darkness.

And when the darkness filled the mountains and rivers for hundreds of thousands of miles, there was a supreme Xuanwu emperor, calm, wise, and calm, so that all darkness had to be deeply jealous.


Bai Chen finally came to Zhuxian Sword Sect. When he saw that his companions were all here, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After more than a year, Lin Mengyao has been promoted to the two-star chaos realm. After Ji Shengyu joined this passionate family, his cultivation speed has increased by leaps and bounds, and he has also reached the three-star chaos realm, and Chu Junran is still so powerful. The strength is the same as that of Bai Chen, and the same four-star chaos realm.

What amazed Bai Chen the most was Guo Fatty. This guy had actually reached the Six-Star Chaos Realm. The terrifying cultivation speed was simply breathtaking.

Sure enough, this fat man ignored the barriers of realm. When he reached a high realm, he was like a fish in water when he cultivated.

Although Dao Wuyong hasn't really mastered Dao Wuyong, with his current strength, he is already enough to fight side by side with Bai Chen!

A few people sat in the yard, watching Xiao Liu grow up so big, Lin Mengyao couldn't help coming to it, raising his hand to touch its forehead: "Xiao Liu is really powerful."

"Yeah, it's so cool!" Chu Junran was also exhilarated, and even seeing Xiao Liu's eyes, the blood in her body would unconsciously burn up.

"Xiao Liu has now reached the eighth level of monsters, is it already at the current limit?" Moxian ancestor asked suddenly curiously.

Hearing that, Bai Chen suppressed the sadness in his heart, and said with a far-fetched smile: "No, because my animal trainer realm has reached the soul beast holy realm."

"Soul Beast Holy Realm?!"

Everyone was suddenly shocked.

Chu Junran stared at Bai Chen incredulously: "Could it be that your spiritual master realm has also reached the high-level spiritual emperor realm?!"

Facing everyone's expectations, Bai Chen smiled happily and nodded.

"Fuck! Boss, what have you experienced this year? You, this is too strong!" Guo Fatzi quickly sat next to Bai Chen and gave him an elbow.

Seeing this fat man's admiration look, Bai Chen silently rolled his eyes: "If someone else says this, I can still accept it implicitly. You guys are now in two realms of strength, so I am embarrassed to say me. ?"

"What pressures your two realms? Others don't know your lowness, I don't know yet~ Don't say that I beat you, even if I fight Mengyao, I may not win her."

"Oh, Fatty, you have a big appetite, do you want to beat me and Mengyao?" Bai Chen laughed, and put his arms around Fatty Guo's neck.

Being strangled by him like this, Guo Fatty's face suddenly blushed: "Hey, it's impossible to surpass you, I just talk about it casually..."

"You guy." Bai Chen took a deep breath, and his eyes suddenly became serious: "Fatty, although I don't know where your weird talent for cultivation comes from, but based on the current situation, you think It is not impossible to surpass me."

"Yes! Boss, you will make fun of me, I am not your opponent."

"I didn't joking. At present, I count all the cards, and you can cross four to five realms with more words, and you have already surpassed me by two realms. As long as you surpass me by three realms, we brothers really want to fight. , The outcome is unknown, besides, you still have a great way... I can only say that fortunately you are not my enemy, otherwise I will be very distressed."

Bai Chen's words made everyone look relieved.

Over the past few years, Guo Fatzi’s cultivation speed is obvious to all. Everyone in Chenyao Sword Sect hopes that one day they can catch up with Bai Chen’s strength, fight side by side with him, and be the ultimate goal of everyone in Chenyao Sword Sect. , But who would have thought that the first person qualified to fight with Bai Chen would be Guo Sankuo?

"Seeing that you are safe and sound, I'm relieved. Then you will stay here to cultivate well. With Ye Jianxin and Xuanzhen head guarding you, I won't have too many worries."

Bai Chen knew very well that in Beichen, there were only a handful of people who could beat Ye Jianxin.

Seeing Bai Chen got up and patted his robe, Lin Mengyao's hand trembled: "You just came here, so are you leaving again?"

"Ah, I want to go to the Forest of Star Dou to continue to practice. Only when Xiao Liu is promoted to Tier 9, I can be fearless of anyone under the Eternal Sky."

Bai Chen smiled, calmly and unhurriedly, this calm expression and calm eyes always bring confidence to his companions.

But Lin Mengyao's heart was very confused. For some reason, she always felt that Bai Chen was a little different when she came back this time, as if there was something on her mind, and she didn't want to share it with everyone.

She knows him and his temper, so as long as he doesn't say anything, she won't ask deeply.

Seeing Bai Chen had turned around, Lin Mengyao was silent for a long time, but couldn't help but hurriedly shouted, "Big Brother Bai!"

After a pause, Bai Chen smiled sideways and said: "Mengyao, I know, I shouldn’t leave in such a hurry, but the time for cultivation is really pressing for me, so I’ll stay with you next time I come back, OK? ?"

"I understand. It's just that I suddenly remembered that Mei Santong went out to look for you before. Have you ever seen him?"

The silent guess in her heart can only be transformed into this momentary and obscure language. Lin Mengyao didn't want to be heard by others, but she wanted to see Bai Chen's reaction.

Hearing the three words Mei San Tong, Bai Chen's eyes trembled, but his body was not trembling. Turning his back to Lin Mengyao, Bai Chen smiled calmly and said faintly: "I have seen it, he is in Star Douzhi Sen waits for me to go back."


Without noticing any strangeness from Bai Chen, Lin Mengyao also thought that he was too sensitive. He simply smiled and sat back obediently: "Go, I'll wait for you to come back."


Bai Chen glanced at Xiao Liu, a person and a beast flashed out of the sky in an instant.


Now he knew what was going on. Mei Santong was murdered while looking for him. As one of the six immortals of the Northern Wilderness, who dared to attack Mei Santong, looking at the Beichen Empire, only Xingchen Pavilion , Xinglan Altar, Falling Dragon Altar and Wanchao Pavilion.

Xingchen Pavilion would not do this, they had no reason to kill the Six Immortals of the Northern Wilderness, nor would the Xinglan Altar and the Falling Dragon Altar, because they were all watching the changes.

Therefore, the murderer can only be Wanchao Pavilion!

Wan Chao Pavilion is deeply entrenched, and the strong are like clouds, fighting against such forces, he does not want Mengyao to bear it for the time being.

As the master of a sect, Bai Chen usually doesn't like to take care of the affairs of the sect, but at this time, he is used to carrying all the dangers alone. In his opinion, this is the responsibility of the master of a sect!

So he didn't show anything in front of his companions, and he was responsible for everything.

Whether it was Luoxi or other **** kings, it didn't matter anymore.

Bai Chen just wants to go to Wanchao Pavilion, as long as it is Wanchao Pavilion, he will do it when he sees it, regardless of good and evil! Regardless of whether there is grudge or grudge!

Kill without mercy! !

[PS: recommend a friend's book "My eternal uxorilocal husband can track things" Author: fox farming, "sign: My World Takeover of Mountains and Seas" Author: Wang Zi small. 】

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