Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 203: Coach, i want to play basketball

"Xincheng, don't waste time and energy. Based on our national conditions, it is impossible to get the support of the Ministry of Education."

I see Xincheng jumping up and down in recent days, running around in various departments, but I can't see any hope. The old friend couldn't see it anymore, and persuaded Xincheng.

"If you just give up, the game will be over."

Xincheng opened his tired eyelids, his eyes gleaming.

"These are the words of Coach Anxi in "Slam Dunk". I think it is very good. He Chen wrote not only the game, but also an attitude. Everything hasn't settled yet. Isn't it too early to give up now? He Chen’s development has not been smooth. If he had given up at that time, maybe we still don’t know what comics are. Could it be that our two old men can’t even compare to a child?"

Old friends are exhausted.

Xincheng stretched out his hand to hold it firmly, and smiled: "This is an unprecedented opportunity. He Chen has created it for us, and we must seize it!"

"Also, I am not fighting alone!"


"Coach...I want to play basketball!"

When Mitsui Shou knelt on the ground and said these words in tears. He was not only recognized by the characters in the comics, but also forgiven and loved by readers.

This is the real man!

The prodigal son will not change his money!

Feng Wei, Cheng Tao, and countless people, or students, gangsters, white-collar workers, or workers, when they saw this, they all cried loudly with Mitsui Shou.

This kind of touch is a kind of salvation!

"I'm an ordinary father. I drove a small supermarket and didn't have much culture. I didn't know how to discipline my children. I would fight if I made a mistake. The conflict between my son and me was getting bigger and bigger. I was only in high school, so I dropped out of school and interacted with the second-rate in society. , Drinking, smoking, fighting. I often receive calls from the police station asking me to pick up people... I was angry and crying. The child hurt his body because of this. But the child didn't listen to me at all. Except for him, I don’t know how to bring him back..."

"Yesterday, he suddenly cried and said to me,'Dad, I want to go to school well.' This is the best thing I have ever heard. Now he has entered a high school and started again. Although he is still at the bottom, he never fights again. I will never smoke or drink anymore and study very hard."

"My wife and I are very grateful to you, thank you for your comics, and thank you for "Slam Dunk"!"

"An ordinary father who specifically registered to express his gratitude: A reward of 10 million DM coins for "Slam Dunk"."

In the fierce protests of support and opposition. Some people's attitudes quietly changed.

It is precisely because of the reality that some parents and teachers regard it as evil, and they are afraid of misleading students and causing them to imitate, so they strongly protest.

but. It is precisely because of the existence of reality that the reader's feelings are even greater. In the eyes of opponents. It was a work that was supposed to cause bad social trends, but it allowed some people to be redeemed.

School violence not only has not increased, but has declined significantly-this is the real data reported by major schools. Many of the students who have problems in the past have changed more or less.

The school not only began to face up to "Slam Dunk", but also began to face up to its own educational methods.

Pale preaching is always more memorable than touching!

"Xiaohe, I have written more than ten books, not as good as you."

In this regard, Yi Tianxing was extremely emotional, and suddenly felt that he was old. Even though he was famous all over the world and countless honors, the changes he expected were achieved by He Chen with a simple cartoon.

"You praised me too much. By coincidence, "Slam Dunk" is just an opportunity, it just appeared in the right place at the right time. If it weren't for the efforts of countless of you before, "Slam Dunk" would not get it. Such an opportunity."

He Chen didn't dare to belittle himself. He knew very well that this group of seniors were concerned about domestic development and had ideas, but they could not find suitable opportunities.

"Slam Dunk" just let them see such an opportunity, so they took the opportunity to make efforts to promote education reform and promote social development.

Anything that is phenomenal is in harmony with the right time and place, and it is indispensable.

Before that, "Idiot Testing Summoned Beasts" was also an opportunity, but in that hilarious campus story, it was just a satire of the education system...and satire was about discovering problems but not solving them.

The education reform continued to be discussed, but there was no result.

Until "Slam Dunk", under the pressure of many attentions, it finally promoted...

The Ministry of Education held an expanded meeting on the discussion of education reform. This time the participants added a few people who had never been there before: the State Sports General Administration, the Writers Association and the representative of Yitian behavior, and the art world with the master of Chinese learning Ling Qianshan. The representative waited for a few people, He Chen.

Here, He Chen met Ling Yan's grandfather for the first time, Ling Qianshan.

He has a childlike appearance, which is more of a fairy style than Yi Tianxing, who is not respectful of the old, and makes people feel impressed at first glance.

He Chen sighed, fearing that he would never reach this tolerance for the rest of his life.

"Grandpa Ling is good!" He Chen greeted politely. Ling Qianshan looked kindly. He looked at He Chen as if he was a grandson, nodded and said: "Okay!"

This is good, is it to say hello to He Chen, or something else. He Chen didn't know.

Yi Tianxing leaned over, and the three of them chatted a few words, and the meeting began after a short while.

He Chen was very familiar with this meeting, just like the symposium he held in Tianman all day long, first discuss some general directions, and then everyone can speak freely.

"Hello, seniors!"

Let He Chen speak first, after all, this time it can be said that He Chen is the most critical person who caused this meeting.

He Chen greeted everyone very politely after he got up. After all, more than half of the people here are enough to be his grandfather.

Then He Chen looked around, everyone was listening, and He Chen felt in his heart that he could even speak to so many awesome characters one day.

"I'm still young and I haven't finished my studies yet. I can't say if I have any deep opinions or understandings about the teaching reform." He Chen first said modestly, and everyone laughed kindly.

In the memory of teaching reform, it is unheard of to let a student who is still studying at university participate and express his opinions.

But everyone understands that He Chen can afford it.

His cartoons cannot be ignored in terms of influence and economic value.

"I can only tell from my own feelings."

He Chen paused. He recalled his childhood, which he did not belong to this world, but his childhood was almost the same.

"I remember the first time I heard about quality education and quality education, when I was in the fourth or fifth grade of elementary school, when I heard that homework would be reduced, but it made me very happy."

He Chen talked about the education reform he experienced.

"However, what makes me very puzzled is why I haven't felt this slogan for more than ten years? It makes no difference whether there are teachers in art, music, physical education and other courses. In the movie, a group of people strolling on the playground, one class is over, what's the quality?"

He Chen's voice echoed in the venue, everyone was silent, and the college entrance examination did not take these. Even if the students liked it again, the parents and the school would not bother about it.

"Schools shouldn't just let students deal with exams. What they cultivate is just an exam machine. Even if they enter a university, how do they choose their majors? Many majors in the university have never been exposed to before, and they don’t even know. Do you like it or not. If you don’t like it and choose the wrong major, not only the life of the student will be delayed, but a genius who was originally in a certain field may be ruined.”

Regarding these speeches of He Chen, he was deeply impressed by what he did.

Although they usually don't talk nonsense, it doesn't mean that they are not clear in their hearts.

Ling Qianshan thought of Guoxue. Schools would not teach this kind of thing. If it weren’t for families with this background, or if the parents had this kind of thinking, students would never have access to this thing—because on weekdays, Can't see it at all.

No contact, let alone like or dislike, not only buried some good seedlings, but also made Guoxue increasingly weak.

"However, if a large number of these courses are offered, wouldn't it be the case? And the students in a class have different preferences. Is it necessary to teach separately? This is a burden on the school's faculty. Some poor schools simply can't afford it. Many teachers." Someone asked a question.

"Interest is to be spontaneous, not class!"

"Do you follow your kind of basketball club that students spontaneously organize and operate spontaneously?" He Chen said, and someone reacted.

He Chen added his own understanding of the form of the student interest department in the island country to give everyone a detailed explanation.

It was the person from the General Administration of Sports who took the lead: "Agree. Interest is the driving force that stimulates the progress of students, so that people can devote themselves to their favorite career with enthusiasm."

The benefit to them is obvious ~ Once successful, they can get rid of the predicament that they can only select athletes from sports schools.

"Agree! The Hobby Department allows students to choose freely, so that students can see more things, so that it is easier to determine their own interests. It also conforms to the country's school policy." Ling Qianshan followed.

Most of them agreed, and finally discussed some details in depth.

The education reform conference, which is the largest in history, finally ended after three days. The content of the education reform was also discussed by everyone and finally finalized. In various regions of the country, some pilot schools were selected to try out the new system.

This is a hugely influential education reform, completely getting rid of China's inherent test-oriented education system, known in history as a "revolution caused by a cartoon".

After that, He Chen bid farewell to Yi Tianxing and Ling Qianshan respectively, and agreed to Ling Qianshan to take the time to discuss painting and calligraphy with him.

People from the General Administration of Sports sent an invitation to He Chen. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Please go to read it for mobile phone users.)

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