Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 270: Guesses triggered by names

Seeing that the first machine is about to strike, the animation sounded with the ending song of "EVA" "fly-me--the-" and stopped abruptly.

" " is about to come, but it is cut off abruptly. This kind of feeling is unpleasant to anyone.

However, listening to the singing of "fly-me--the-", it seemed to see Ling Boli dancing in the sky under the moon, so that the audience's grievances against the porters disappeared.

No one left, no one changed the stage, listening to the singing and recalling the story of the animation, until after watching the next episode, the comments seemed to explode and suddenly became popular. Countless people who have not read the comics went straight to the "EVA" comics, wanting to explore the doubts that lingered in their hearts from the comics.

Apostle, what exactly is it?

Why would it attack humans?

What does Shinji's father do?

What exactly is it?

What is it?

Why can only Shinji and Relai drive?

Why can't those adults do it?

What is the secret of their identities?

Why did Ikura Shinji see Rei's hallucinations?

Why did Rei suffer so badly?

Why is Iakigentang so indifferent? What is hidden behind the mysterious smile that always shows?

Can Iku Shinji defeat the apostle?

This is only the first episode of animation, but there are so many things that I want to know.

On the surface, this is just a story in which mankind encounters a crisis and needs the protagonist to save it. However, from the clues, the audience felt that this was not a simple story.

As if there was a voice whispering in the ears of their souls, tempting them and letting them discover the truth behind all this.

"It's really a wonderful animation! Teacher Huang Shaotian, after watching the first episode of "EVA", how do you feel now? I believe my friends in front of the TV. I must also really want to hear your evaluation of "EVA" Right!"

After watching "Meet the Premiere", I returned to the live broadcast room.

Jiang Yan smiled and said to Huang Shaotian, her eyes were very bright and she was full of energy, and she could see that she had just watched this animation with the audience, and she praised "EVA" from the heart.

"Can you curse?"

Huang Shaotian thought for a while. He raised his head and asked Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan was taken aback, didn't Huang Shaotian like this work very much? Why is there such a sentence?

Then he hurriedly smiled and said: "Teacher Huang Shaotian joked. Before the broadcast, didn't you always admire this work? Are you not satisfied with the animation? However, I think it's good. I have never read a manga before. The animation was attracted, and I really want to read this story in one go."

Huang Shaotian gritted his teeth and said: "Of course I am satisfied! Although Tianman did not announce the production cost of "EVA", from the animation, we can clearly feel that this is definitely the same high-quality work as the movie-level TV animation "Dragon Ball". There is no doubt about the sincerity of Mr. He Chen!"

After speaking, Huang Shaotian paused. He said sternly at the camera: "But his character is undoubtedly inferior! I don’t know if Mr. He Chen doesn’t watch this show, but I want to say that the "EVA" animation diversity is simply terrible! The most exciting one! The part is coming, but it is cut off for us, and we can't get up. Does Mr. He Chen think this will be very cool? If next time, I see such a diversity, I will definitely send it to you Bomb!"

"Don't think I'm watching a joke. I learned how to make liquid bombs with daily necessities from a PhD student in chemistry, and I also have your current address!"

Jiang Yan smiled. At this point, I am afraid that everyone in the world who watched the premiere of the first episode of "EVA" will have the same idea.

After venting his unhappiness, Huang Shaotian got serious and began to do the show seriously: "Speaking of feeling. It is shock. The watch is shocked by its quality, and the details are almost as fine as the texture of each screw. Inside, it is affected by its content. Shocking. Although I have already watched the comics, but after watching the animation again, I have a kind of understanding. The animation has made up for many of my doubts about the comics."

"As soon as you said, I noticed that the picture of "EVA" is very strong, even more immersive than some live-action movies. It turns out that it is in the details, it is the fact that it is almost in the details that the comics are displayed. The aura is so vivid."

Jiang Yan nodded suddenly, citing some scenes in the animation as examples, and finally said: "How do you feel about the storyline?"

"This is a work that needs to be read repeatedly. There are a lot of content. It needs to be understood and explained throughout to understand the deep meaning behind it... I'll talk about it in detail, my superficial views on "EVA" Well, of course, there will be no spoilers involved. What I hate the most is spoilers." Huang Shaotian said with a smile.

"When writing a essay, you have to write the title first. Then we look at "EVA" from the name. There are three names in "EVA", one of which is the familiar'EVA', which is easier to remember. , It’s catchy, and the body inside is also'EVA', so everyone generally uses this name."

"Oh! Is the other name "Neon Genesis Evangelion"?" Jiang Yan thought of flashing the suspected title in the OP and said.

Huang Shaotian nodded: "The other two names, one is "Evangelion" and the other is ‘--’."

"Oh? Do these names have any meaning?" Jiang Yan asked curiously.

Huang Shaotian replied with a smile: "The name ‘EVA’ is very straightforward. The body inside is EVA, and the name of the body ‘EVA’ is taken from the first three letters of ‘’.”

Seeing Jiang Yan’s confused Yang Ze, Huang Shaotian explained: “At first I didn’t understand what this word means, until a character inside appeared... Spoiler is involved here, so I won’t say more. This word is German spelling, English, translated as evangelist."

Having said this, Huang Shaotian smiled mysteriously.

An apostle is a person sent by the Lord to spread the gospel.

The further translation of the evangelist is the apostle who spreads the gospel. The meaning of the word apostle in "EVA" is self-evident.

This name points out the relationship between EVA and the apostle, and it has almost already involved spoilers. Huang Shaotian just tasted it and said a little. After all, if you say it in advance, the audience may not feel the shock when the mystery is finally solved.

At this point, Huang Shaotian seemed to have also learned He Chen's evil taste.

"Gospel evangelist? Respond to ‘Evangelion’. Fight to spread the gospel?" Jiang Yan guessed.

"The name ‘Evangelion Warrior’ should be divided into three parts. ‘New Century’, ‘Gospel’, and ‘Warrior’,’ said Huang Shaotian.

"What's the meaning of this?" Jiang Yan's eyes became more and more interested. She didn't expect that even the name of this work could have so much content.

"First of all, it's'New Century'. Do you still remember the age in the story?" Huang Shaotian asked.

Jiang Yan confidently said: "The first scene appeared in 2000. Antarctica, Miri's parents were killed as a result. Then it was directly converted to 15 years later, when Shinji appeared in 2015."

The scene of the second impact left Jiang Yan's memory fresh, and he also remembered the time inside clearly.

"After 2000, the 21st century is a century of a new millennium. With the development of science and technology and the popularization of the Internet, it is also a century of information explosion. We sometimes call this century the'new century'! "

Huang Shaotian hesitated to say something, hesitated for a moment, and finally did not say the idea in his mind. This guess can be said to be directed at the core of "EVA". But the level of spoilers is much more serious than the translation.

In order to let the audience enjoy this work, and also to stand and walk out of the studio.

He decided to wait for the animation to be completely finished before speaking out and discussing with everyone.

So Huang Shaotian solemnly emphasized: "Teacher He Chen's choice of time is not random, time here is very important."

"These three are connected. Can it be translated as people who fight for the spread of the gospel in the new century? Saving mankind can also be regarded as spreading the gospel. Doesn't this point out Shinji?" Jiang Yan thought for a while. I thought of an answer that I felt very fit.

Huang Shaotian shrugged and replied: "I don't know if my guess is correct. I think this can also be translated as a person who fights against people who spread the gospel in the new century."

This sentence has already involved spoilers, but the apostle has already appeared, and people with a heart can easily think of this, so Huang Shaotian simply said it.

Jiang Yan was confused, his eyes widened suddenly, and he said in shock: "Apostle!"

Huang Shaotian glanced at Jiang Yan in surprise. This woman was quite powerful. She hadn't seen "EVA" but she could react at once. This should be regarded as religious content, maybe Jiang Yan is a believer?

Jiang Yan remembered that it was still live broadcast, so he stopped his surprise, and then asked as a host: "What does'--' mean? The words are neon light and the chemical element neon. The meaning of, has the meaning of origin and creation, and you are the evangelist. Every meaning is easy to understand, but I don’t understand it when it is serialized."

"'" speaks a Greek word and means'newborn'."

Rebirth, origin, evangelist, Evangelion.

This change is instantly simple and clear.

But there is another guess, Huang Shaotian doesn't know if it's right.

Origin is not only the beginning of the new century, but also the origin of all these stories, and all these stories originate from the second impact.

Newborn, is it the life born after this?

Huang Shaotian had such a guess because all the eligible EVA children were born after the second impact. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Please go to read it for mobile phone users.)

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