Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 324: 1 Ensemble of Red Sakura

Chapter 325, for this part of the animation, He Chen dedicated the highest quality animation to countless fans of "Gintama"-making tv animation with theatrical effect.

"Gintama" is like the Don Quixote who lives in the modern society in a little literary terms, and in more popular terms, it is the middle-aged uncle who still maintains the heart of Nakaji.

He doesn’t have the **** battle like "Dragon Ball", but the inadvertent details, or the exaggerated to funny roar, there is always a touch of something that touches mature hearts. ——Men are always teenagers to death!

Who said that heroes must behave gracefully, be upright, and can cause countless fans to scream frantically wherever they go?

In the city called Edo, which is full of so-called heaven and humans, there is a guy with a dead fish eye wearing a silver-white natural curl that always makes people care about, and there is no sheath that is said to be of great origin. Wooden knife all day long, and suffers from a strange terminal illness that will die if you don't eat sugar.

That guy couldn’t pay the rent today. Tomorrow he was bitten by a big dog. The day after tomorrow he can’t open the pot and he still has to go to the ladyboy shop to pretend to be a fake girl. Trouble, the day after tomorrow will repeat the hardship of not being able to pay the rent, forcing life to reincarnate.


Don't be kidding, Sakata Gintoki, this guy is just a small and pitiful person. Should be banned by the uncle of the city management, the owner of the house of all things who still has no business.

It's just that there are a few strange characters around him who seem to have been swallowed up by the torrent of the times, and occasionally engage in strange things full of spoofs and complaints to piece together middle-aged uncles to live a life.

As for discipline? As long as there is a sundae, he can abandon it without hesitation.

but. He is such a person. Some respect him, some look forward to him. Some people like him, some are afraid of him, some are jealous of him, and some hate him.

His name is Sakata Gintoki.

A samurai in an era when there was no samurai.

Incompatible with this world. As if being eliminated by the waves of history, looking muddled, and always the same pale-looking role as him, living a pale life.

But if, if this day and any of these people are disturbed and destroyed-then you will see the resurrection of the legend that has been circulating in this era, and you will see the eyes shining under the silver hair With a beast-like but firm gaze, you will see how the wooden knife shuttles through the flesh and blood battlefield. You will see what is called a silver soul!

The popularity of "Gintama" is somewhat lower than that of Porter's other works, compared to the lazy protagonist. It seems that the protagonist who is as energetic and unyielding as Monkey King in "Dragon Ball" will attract fans more.

But in the hearts of many uncles, "Gintama" has an extraordinary status.

This is a story full of hilarious laughter, but it is also a story that makes the uncle's eyes moist when he looks at it.

Under the moonlit night, the breeze was blowing, only the sound of the river flowing quietly, attached bgm to this beautiful scene.

Above the arch bridge, two people wearing hats, island kimonos, and samurai swords met unexpectedly. It seemed that there was a killing atmosphere of "night of the full moon, the top of the Forbidden City, a sword coming from the west, flying immortals beyond the sky", stimulating every hair of the audience.

There was no process, and the two of them missed their bodies. They only heard one person say, "So you only have this ability", and the other person suddenly sprayed blood and fell to the ground, putting a suspenseful color on the "Red Sakura Chapter".

Yinshi's friend Gui disappeared, and the House of Everything received Elizabeth's call for help. Yinshi found the murderer, a former enemy, now holding a blood red that eroded his body, like a monster's long sword.

Yin Shi was lost and was seriously injured. Although Shinpachi cut off the man's right arm in the end, he still let the man escape. On the other side, Kagura also fell into the enemy's hands.

"You better go back, I don't want to make trouble anymore."

The sister who made the demon sword told Yinshi and everything, but Yinshi told her like this. After she left, Ah Miao, who took care of Yinshi, smiled and said to Yinshi, "I thought you would go with her." , Although you hurt so badly..."

Yin Shi didn't seem to care, as if he really didn't want to intervene in this matter, but this was just pretending to prevent Ah Miao from worrying.

After deceiving A Miao away, Gin Shiki silently said "I'm sorry." He had to intervene in this matter, because Kagura, because of Katsura, and because of Takasugi, even the sword in his heart.

However, when he was dragging his bandaged body and preparing to leave, he saw Ah Miao's clean clothes and a note in the hallway.

"This is my favorite umbrella, remember to come back."

How could Ah Miao not understand Yin Shi?

In the rain, Yin Shi held that lovely umbrella full of rabbit patterns, and it stood out in the monotonous, gray-colored umbrellas full of pedestrians on the road, just like a little light in the dark, making the world full of hope.

A Miao was on the balcony, silently watching the familiar umbrella and the people under it.

Can't stop your adventures, so you can only silently do what you can do for you, and silently pray for you.

These simple and ordinary details, without strong conflict, have caused countless dry hearts to be covered with long-lost rain and dew.

With a small pipe in his mouth, wearing a fancy kimono, and a cold and handsome face, Takasugi looks more like the protagonist than the silver time.

However, he is the **oss behind the scenes.

When he heard that the man he used to test the sword killed Katsura and cut the silver, Takasugi slashed at him...Although the sword was blocked, Takasugi immediately withdrew his hand.

However, Takasugi’s intention to kill was not faked in the slightest. Although he said, "From now on, don't say that I and them are comrades. We are not that kind of ridiculous relationship." The anger of people approaching.

After all, they used to be classmates who had followed the same teacher, who had fought for the same goal, and were true companions who knew and understood each other very well.

Takasugi hated the world because of the death of his teacher. How could he be a hard-hearted guy for someone who takes so much affection?

At that time, Shinsuke Takasugi, with his back facing the wig, was looking at the sky. What was he thinking in his mind? Still reading the old days? Hate this world? Or the helplessness and pain of having to part ways?

The friend of the same robe in the past was three meters in front of him. He had obviously been at the same starting point and wanted to reach the same world, but now he wants to meet each other.

"Silver Time! Things in the world are always backfired, not to mention the country, even if it is dubbing, it is very difficult to change!"

Therefore, it is only with such feelings and fetters that people can burst into tears just because of a word in the battle and music where the passion and blood are boiling to the soul.

The shining blade of the sword reflected the blood of the sky on the deck of Chunyu, and the former comrades in arms pointed at him with the knife side by side, with exactly the same determination in their firm eyes.

The man with the purple hair heard that he was just standing by the railing, tilted his head slightly, and then chuckled.

Reluctant? Unwilling? Painful? Are you sad?

Maybe all, maybe none.

"Silver, you... don't change, okay?"

Fighting side by side, walking in the shadows of the sword, light and sword, dancing wildly among the splashes of blood, Gui made such a request to Yin Shi.

Don't change... things are impermanent. In this big dyeing vat of society, people will always change because of the so-called "maturity".

When the mature old man looks back suddenly, he will find that he has lost some precious things in this subtle adaptation.

In the eyes of some people, Gui is very naive, Yin Shi is naive, and even Takasugi is naive, but this naivety really does their yearning and longing for beauty and hope.

Just like Don Quixote, he insisted on his "knight" amidst the ridicule and ridicule of countless people; while Gui and Yinshi insisted on their "Bushido"!

"Takasugi! When we meet again, we won't be friends anymore! I'll... kill you with all my strength!"

Gintoki and Katsura stood side by side, pointed a long sword at Takasugi who was smiling evilly, and said loudly in unison.

Not only to let Takasugi understand their determination, but also to say to himself, to strengthen his heart!

It was painful to make this decision Once a partner, now an enemy.

This is also their final decision. They are friends when they are side by side, and they are only qualified to be enemies when they are in opposition-and after a lifetime, if anyone buries his bones in his hometown, there will be no less excitement in front of the tomb.

Who said that this way is not painful... and who said that this way is not a relief and choice?

It is a personal choice, and it is also a choice that people are forced to make in this era, but one cannot blame others, and of course one cannot blame oneself.

"There is no red sakura before the red sakura, and no red sakura after the red sakura."

Some stories are over, some people have changed, and they can only watch their paths go in different directions, and then finally reach their respective futures.

And when I look back accidentally, I still will not forget the gorgeous red cherry blossoms that year.


First! Come on!

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