Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 368: Pit the world

"These strange symbols have appeared a lot in "Zero's Demon"!"

In the comment section of Gensokyo, someone posted such a post about books with these symbols suddenly.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, so it immediately aroused the interest of some fans, and they ran to "Zero no Utsumi" to find the source of these symbols.

There have been a lot of close-ups of magic books in "Zero's Demon", with texts from different worlds above, but most of them only appear in the corners of the comics, which have nothing to do with the overall story, so everyone just glanced at it. Skip it, and did not delve into its content.

Those words are exactly the same as the symbols the players found at the moment!

Now it seems that this is indeed not a random flower symbol, these symbols have their deep meaning behind!

I made a comparison and found that these symbols are different from any existing language on the earth, so some readers asked the creators such as Fuken Yoshihiro, Kitsuki Gunma, and Inoue Takehiko, asking them what these symbols mean.

"Sorry, we don't know the meaning of these symbols. This is what the teacher drew and asked us to add in. The teacher did not tell us the meaning of these symbols, and we have not been able to understand the deep meaning of these symbols so far."

The three of them responded to the fans one after another, and these questions have also puzzled them.

This story was drawn by He Chen instructed by them. Apart from the character design, he did not interfere with the content of the story. The only request was to send them some strange things. When asking them to draw characters from another world, just pick a few paragraphs from here and put them in.

They also humbly asked He Chen what these are. Is there anything that needs attention. But He Chen didn't tell them, and he also said that there was nothing to pay attention to. He only said that he couldn't pick words, and that he had to put in the whole paragraph.

Therefore, close-ups of these symbols appear in "Zero's Demon".

This discovery made He Chen's fans all over the world excited.

Back then, He Chen in "eva" had quoted various religious content, and put a layer of profound connotation on a manga. Isn't "Zero no Utsunomiya" not such a superficial seller?

So a group of people with brains breaking through the sky began to "interpret" "Zero's Demon".

But there is no evidence of religious mythology, no matter how they read it. Even they themselves feel a bit far-fetched. In "Zero's Demon", there is not much discussion about society and human nature, and the traces of funny and meat selling are too obvious.

Should they be allowed to interpret the true meaning of "how can **** gather people's hearts, and how can they calm the world"?

Fans all over the world work together, but modern languages ​​don’t. Just look for it in ancient books, if you can't find it, just look for it in religious mythology. But I have searched all over the world for thousands of years, all kinds of messy totems, symbols and even some weird symbols. Even though some cult content has been searched, none of them are similar to these symbols.

Fans are confused. If these are meaningless words, how could the master deliberately make these out? But if these are meaningful, what do they mean?

Throughout the ancient and modern inside and outside. No similar symbols have been found in the world.

Is it true that, as someone guessed, the master came through? These are the languages ​​of the master's original world!

As more and more people tried to find evidence similar to these symbols, they failed miserably. The call for this speculation is also getting louder.

He Chen's Weibo has been crowded by countless fans, and people are asking about He Chen's "Original World" story almost every second.

Even some well-known scientists have put their minds aside and asked He Chen's method of "traversing" and the difference between the two worlds with his real-name verified Big V account.

All over the world, down to traffickers and pawns. Up to the scientific celebrities, each one is discussing the feasibility of "passing through". On "the living habits of aliens and people in other worlds", on "where is the second planet with life in the universe", on "whether parallel space exists", and on "if it crosses, is it worn by flesh or by soul" , On "If it is worn by the soul, then what is the soul"...

"My most admired master! If you want to return to your own world, please be sure to take me with you. Be sure to take me with you, after the horse, the mountains of fire, the soap and the chrysanthemum, you will not hesitate!"

When the busy Yaohua saw the news that suddenly broke out on Weibo, he called He Chen to show his loyalty, begging He Chen not to forget his loyal little brother, even if he was a slave to He Chen. For the maidservant, I also want He Chen to take him to meet the world.

He Chen hung up his phone directly, and such calls have been in an endless stream since the news came out.

Even He Chen’s parents thought of He Chen’s strange reaction before the college entrance examination, and they secretly called He Chen, knocking on the side, and he couldn’t laugh or cry, so He Chen could only tell his parents the meaning of these symbols in advance to comfort them Come down.

And Feifei He also nervously tempted He Chen from the side, but her expression of "As long as you are not my brother, please exchange my brother for me, otherwise I will kill you" betrayed her mind. In order not to bother them anymore, He Chen directly told everyone in the family this content, and asked them to be tight-lipped and not to announce in advance, otherwise the effect of such a fun thing he prepared for fans would be greatly reduced. Up.

After hearing the truth, a group of people looked at He Chen embarrassedly, speechless for a long time.

From a small problem, more and more, bigger and more weird problems have arisen.

The "crossing stream" of the online literature world has become super hot in an instant, from the vulgar garbage that was previously despised by the mainstream, to the current "scientific" "science" reading.

Everyone has the attitude of looking at the "traverser novice textbook", looking at transversal subjects, and learning how to travel through different worlds and realize the rise of life.

For the method of passing through, the method of breaking the void, countless people went forward to verify it.

And this caused a violent social turmoil-in the novel, but many of them died before crossing...

So He Chen, who was keenly aware of this problem, hurriedly stepped forward to stop some fanatics who had been "brainwashed".

The government was also aware of the problem, and even sent people for this and invited Yi Tianxing, who had a relationship with He Chen, to come together, hoping that He Chen would calm down the commotion.

But "brainwashing" is a very serious problem. If He Chen directly said that "traversal is fictional" or something like that, he might not be able to stop those fanatics.

If not dealt with properly, He Chenke will really become a sinner through the ages, and comics may also be labeled as sinful because of him.

But this is also not difficult for He Chen, who posted a Weibo.

"Want to know the method of crossing? I want to give it all to you, to find out! My world, and the method of my crossing, are among those symbols!"

He Chen's Weibo directly attracted everyone's attention to those symbols.

Compared with the uncertain methods, the methods recognized by He Chen are obviously more convincing and safer.

One of He Chen's goals is to divert everyone's attention. The biggest reason for this strange turmoil is He Chen's identity as a traverser, and these words are believed to be the evidence to determine the identity of He Chen's traverser.

Attract everyone's attention, and in the process of deciphering, let everyone cool down their hot minds. And when all the problems were solved, He Chen's identity was naturally broken, and the "traveling" no longer existed.

He Chen can not only let everyone enjoy this interesting big hole that he dug for them long ago, but also can simply and easily calm down this incident, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

There have been many twists and turns in this incident. If the incidents are put together and written into a web post, He Chen thinks it will be a big hit!

Seduced by He Chen's words, a large group of people have devoted themselves to the deciphering of these symbols.

Zhang Heng broke out unprecedented excitement!

Decryption is also a kind of game, he will not miss it naturally.

And this time the game rewards are unprecedented-the "crossing" method!

Is there anything in the world that can be more tempting than this?

It has been explained in countless traversing novels that as long as you traverse the past without dying, you will definitely win Bai Fumei, reach the pinnacle of life, and become a winner in life!

Although he felt that "traveling" could not really exist, but this was a competition in which countless people all over the world participated. The tension and excitement caused the blood of love in Zhang Heng's body to start to boil!

Zhang Heng found out all the books on the symbols that the players had discovered.

Now that it has been explained that these symbols are real words and record certain meanings, Zhang Heng followed the method of word games to decipher them.

First, find the repetitive symbols from all the text.

Zhang Heng discovered that the things that appear in these books are basically all composed of 30 symbols arranged randomly.

He frowned and thought, and for several days, he found nothing.

Certain symbols do appear frequently but there is no dictionary, so he doesn't know what those symbols mean.

Even he has used some military ciphers from various countries in the world circulating on the Internet. It seems that he has tried various computer language decoding methods in the IT industry, but they have not obtained effective results.

Netizens all over the world are basically stuck here, and deciphering work has stalled.

However, some foreign netizens issued a post: "It will be composed of several symbols, tentatively designated as'words'. The last symbol of each'word' is basically one of these four types, without exception, these four What does the symbol mean?"

Looking at the four symbols, Zhang Heng suddenly had an idea, and when he looked again, he had faintly found out, and after a night of struggle, he finally deciphered all of them.

But staring at the black eye sockets and watching the final content that broke 100 million, Zhang Heng suddenly felt like "Tucao you will lose", and a faint stream of blood is about to spurt out in his throat.

" pit the world..." (to be continued)

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