Rebirth of the Father of Anime

Chapter 550: Women's revolution?

In the end, it became the round face of the magical girl, and an arrow dispelled the empty cloud, and also dispelled the depressive and dull style that almost penetrated the entire animation of the magical girl when fighting, and the color of the picture began to warm up.

The arrow of the round face turned into a rain of thousands of arrows, traveling through the universe, traveling through time, and came to all the magical girls in the past, present, and future worlds, taking their despair away and leaving them with beautiful hope Smile.

The segmentation and splicing of different time and space scenes is a combination of sound and picture montage. The splitting technique used in "eva" renders the appeal to the extreme.

Especially when Xiao Meiyan woke up in a white ground and a black world that seemed like nothingness, she was silent, only she looked around blankly and gasped slightly.

The performance of this scene is exactly the same as in the "Death and Rebirth" ending of "eva".

Here, Xiao Meiyan witnessed the writing of the power in the round face and the reconstruction of the universe.

With a round face and a white dress, she illuminates all darkness with the sacred light of herself - she sacrificed herself in the way, eliminated despair, and became the **** of all magical girls.

"Because the magical girl is a symbol of hope and dream!"

A word with a round face was the magical girl she had dreamed of, and it was also the dream of countless people who had the same vision, and this is the essence of the magical girl.

Due to the disappearance of the concept of "witch", the magical girl who was killed in the hands of the witch survived, but the magical girl who was exhausted would die without a trace.

Everyone had forgotten the round face, only Xiao Meiyan held the round face and finally gave her the hairband sobbed in a low voice-her wish to become a magical girl was to round her face, perhaps because of that. She can remember the round face.

But because the round face has completely disappeared. She also lost the ability to travel through time-her wish is to be able to go back to the time when she met Round Face. But the round face has disappeared from all time in the universe, so she can no longer return to the time when she met the round face, her ability also disappeared (the shield representing time on the arm is gone).

Although the witch has disappeared, it does not mean that the curse that breeds in the world will disappear. The distortion of the world has changed its form-it has become a monster.

The battle of the magical girls will continue, but they will no longer be bound by despair.


(do not forget)


(Somewhere in the world)


(That person has been fighting for you)


(Just keep her in my heart)


(You are not alone)

In a barren desert, Xiao Meiyan faced 13 "Warcraft" battles alone, leaving the audience with infinite reveries, "Magic Girl Round Face" finally came to a perfect end.

This is an ultra-short length, only 12 episodes, but it is superfluous, bringing people an extremely rich and fulfilling huge world, which is endlessly memorable.

In a six o'clock gear that is generally defined as a children's stage, it attracts countless adults.

"Magic Girl Round Face" thoroughly analyzes the essence of the magical girl, and can even be called the origin of the magical girl.

Simultaneously. This is not just about the story of the magical girl.

Even China’s famous feminist fighter and the chairman of the Women’s Federation has become a believer in Yuanshen.

"In the beginning, I watched this animation with my daughter. In the animation, the magical girl will eventually grow into a witch. It seems to be writing the story of a magical girl, but I think it is writing the story of a witch. This is not for the sake of The stories told by children are stories told for women."

"In the setting of the work, the relationship between the magical girl and the witch is a progressive relationship. The witch is the final form of the magical girl, the product of the magical girl’s despair. The magical girl is a female form of youth, and the witch is a female. Symbol of elder form."

"When they were young, women mostly had rich feelings and fantasies, which also secretly agrees with the attributes of the righteous incarnation of magical girls. They have super powers because of their beautiful desires, and they do what they think are building beautiful things. But. As time progressed, they gradually discovered the cruelty of the world. So they began to become more and more desperate, until the final outbreak. And the growth of people is like this."

"When we were young, we dreamed a lot, even a little too self-centered. But the increase in age makes us have to face the bleak reality, and reality has taught us what despair is. Obviously, we are always between dreams and despair. Choosing in pain, at a loss. The greater the expectations of people, the greater the disappointment. Magical girls have superhuman abilities because of their expectations, so their disappointment and despair are the greatest. Once despair defeats them , They will transform into evil witches."

"And the appearance of the circle stopped all this. Why. It is not simply because the circle has changed the laws of the world, but because the circle always believes in dreams and believes that there is hope in the world. Because we believe in hope, we can finally overcome despair. That is, women should not lose their attachment to hope because of the ups and downs of the world. As long as they preserve hope, as long as they have hope and dreams in their hearts, then the world will not collapse because of disappointment and despair."

"However, the world does not become peaceful and peaceful because there is no witch. Because there are still warcraft, although there is no specific expression in the animation, I think that warcraft is a metaphor for men. That is, when a woman overcomes herself and surpasses herself Later, she faced men. Women defeated themselves, redeemed themselves, and defeated despair with hope, but the unreasonable world order still exists. Therefore, even though Madoka has strangled all the witches in the cradle , But the magical girl still exists and still needs to fight constantly. That is, the liberation of women. Complete liberation. Its ultimate goal is to break the dominance of men in the world. What does this need? Not magic, but like The circle is the same as the obsession with hope for the future. Hope can only be obtained by trusting in hope."


"We must learn to **! To liberate! The ultimate goal is to break the dominance of qb over the world!"

In a certain room, Yi Jing's, Ling Yan, Mamizi, and Li Youyou were sitting together mysteriously and mysteriously. Walnut's eyes were frantic, and his tone was extremely provocative, instilling certain beliefs in several people.

In a dark room, only the mobile phone on the table emits a permeating white light, and the light reflected from the bottom up hit a few people's faces. It casts a ghastly atmosphere here.

If you are seen by someone, you may mistake it for some evil ritual being held by a certain cult.

"Undoubtedly, He Chen is the qb! Everyone, we can no longer sink under the temptation of He Chen. We must unite to break the qb of He Chen!"

Walnut threw loudly, her eyes exuded a dangerous light, and her men gently tapped on the table in a strange melody.

"I..." Mamiko suddenly hesitated to speak.

Walnut's eyes lit up and she said generously: "Very well! Mamiko, as an object of frequent oppression. You must resist bravely! If you have any questions, just ask! This is our good comrade!"

"Qb's voice is not Chen Jun." Mamiko corrected.

"..." Walnut was speechless. Then he looked at Mamiko with a hatred of iron and steel, "It seems that you have been completely brainwashed, and you have completely fallen into the trap of sugar-coated cannonballs arranged by He Chen! Think about it carefully, He Chen tempts you and makes you leave your hometown. I am here to be a full-time nanny for him, and he will bully you at will. You don’t know how to resist, and you still enjoy it. Are you not the magical girl who was used by qb? And the sis, you were originally a great singer , But was deceived by He Chen, signed a contract with him and became a voiceover, and he was more than that, he used you to seduce me, and then I willingly signed this contract with him for you... "Magic Girl Circle" "Face" is his own portrayal, let me understand the truth, understand his sinister intentions, so we can no longer be willing to perish! For the sake of the coy, and for everyone, we must unite and hit qb!"

What she meant was to compare Yi Jing'ao to Yuanshen, and she herself was Xiaomei Homura who became a magical girl for Yuanshen.

Mamiko thought for a while, and then said, "However, Akomi Homura's voice is not you, but Kyoko is the voice."

"The person I like will never like myself..."

From countless reincarnations, it can be seen that Kyoko's feelings for Saya are extraordinary, but what Saya likes is another person.

Ling Yan made up a knife indifferently.

Very appropriate, very in line with Walnut's style, and even has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. You don't need to look at the cv list or listen to the voice, just look at the introduction of the characters in the story, and you can guess that Walnut is dubbed by water.

Under the light of the mobile phone, Walnut's face is even more terrifying. If we develop according to the plot of "Magic Girl Round Face", Walnut should have become a witch.

Mamiko suddenly noticed dullly that she seemed to be wrong again.

Then she thought for a while, it seemed that it was because of the atmosphere that made her a little scared, or to divert the topic and distract her, so she said, "I'll turn on the lights!"

Walnut stared, thinking about something.

But Yi Jing's voice suddenly said in a panic: "Is there a mouse in the room? How do I feel that something fluffy is shaking?"

Here is the tatami entertainment room specially modified by He Chen and full of island country flavor. It was previously requisitioned by Yi Jingluo for playing mahjong. This time it was used as a local party meeting room.

They were all sitting on the ground, wearing very little clothes and little protection. When they thought that there were mice, a creepy feeling came to mind.

So a group of people immediately urged Mamiko, who was closest to the ground, to turn on the lights. When the light dissipated the darkness and the room was bright again, they found out that they didn’t know when the black cat Luna also sneaked in to participate in their first Magical Girl’s rights defense. General Assembly.

The only one who was not frightened was Ling Yan. After seeing Luna, she gently rubbed her with her feet. Luna rolled over very comfortably, and was then picked up by Ling Yan with her feet and hugged in her arms. in.

Looking at the bright room, the table is full of various snacks, as well as various entertainment chess cards such as mahjong and poker.

"What did you ask me to do? "Magic Girl Round Face" concluded the forum? I didn't dub this Youyou.

"Come up the number of people and play mahjong." Yi Jing'an.

Li Youyou glanced around, isn't there already four people?

Mamiko hurriedly waved her hand and said nervously: "No way, no way, I can't play well...I, I just see, what do you want to eat, I will prepare it for you?"

Every time she played mahjong, she lost the worst. After losing, she was afraid that she would have to work for He Chenbai for the rest of her life.

Walnut muttered in an uncomfortable tone: "Even Luna, the female cat, is eager to participate in this meeting, rebel against fate, and be liberated. Look at you! There is no consciousness of being a revolutionary at all!"

"Then you play or not?" Yi Jing's had already switched to the mahjong table and asked Walnut. It seemed that as long as she didn't, she would immediately be ready to greet others.

Walnut immediately happily said, "Hit!"

The biggest enemy of a woman is herself. To be continued. .

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