After Housekeeper Wang left, XuanRong beckoned Zou mama to come closer to her.

"I-is there something wrong, Da XiaoJie?"

XuanRong smiled but her eyes were cold, making Zou mama regret her decision a while ago. If she had known that Housekeeper Wang can't even retort back at XuanRong, she would have chosen to side with her, at least, no matter what, XuanRong was still the rightful owner of this manor in Lu Shan.

Too bad.

She knew it was already too late to redeem herself.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. This Lady is very disappointed with Zou mama. This Lady thought that Zou mama was intelligent, but This Lady was wrong. Ayeee.... Too bad.... Too bad..."

Zou mama could feel that her intestines were starting to turn green due to regret. After XuanRong verbally slapped housekeeper Wang a couple of times without giving him any face, Zou mama immediately chose to close her lips to avoid being included in the conversation, fearing that she could no longer turn back and make amends for her previous misdeeds in front of XuanRong.

After hearing XuanRong's disappointment, Zou mama immediately fawned at her, kissing her ass and trying to mend their master-servant relationship.

"This servant was blind and could not see Mount Tai[1]. This servant hopes that Da XiaoJie would forgive this servant and give this servant a second chance."

Zou mama was already determined to jump and aboard XuanRong's ship, leaving Housekeeper Wang on his own. Looking at XuanRong's slyness hidden in her every word, Zou mama knew that the best way to survive was to follow and obey XuanRong. Zou mama thought that during the previous week, XuanRong was disguising as a pig in order to eat the tiger[2], wanting to observe first before making a move. She thought that XuanRong was only pretending to be an arrogant lady and was in fact a very calculative person. Having a clever master like her, who was able to deceive them, what can Zou mama ask for? She would gladly serve a master like XuanRong.

XuanRong inwardly celebrated since one of her goals was to slowly convert the servants in this manor as her own. What she needed the most was her own pawns and soldiers. In this game of chess, her only advantage was her memory. Aside from knowing everything that would happen in the near future, XuanRong had no more tricks up to her sleeves. She had to build and stabilize her own power before she could retaliate to those wicked people and step on their corpses.

She really needs Zou mama's assistance right now since she lacks in manpower. Although she knew that Zou mama was resolute in following her, she did not show any happiness, instead, her face was full of reluctance, as if she did not believe the old woman's words.

Seeing the hesitation on XuanRong's face, Zou mama panicked a little. She had to show her loyalty towards XuanRong in order to convince her.

"This servant swears to the gods that this servant will remain loyal to Da XiaoJie. Heavens may punish this servant if this servant will not honor her oath."

Zou mama kneeled and kowtowed three times, expressing her loyalty.

XuanRong nodded. She was pleased to hear that Zou mama wholeheartedly swore her allegiance to her. Although an oath could be easily broken, it would still depend to the one who made the oath-- if one had the guts to betray the person they pledged with their lives.

In the previous lifetime, although Zou mama also hated her and sometimes made things difficult, she did not participate in tarnishing her reputation. The old woman only hated XuanRong for being arrogant and had no other hidden motives.

Because of that, XuanRong decided to spare her life. Instead of grooming someone to do her bidding which would take years to train, why not use someone who was already well versed in scheming?

"Since Zou mama insists, This Lady will give you a second chance. This Lady hopes that Zou mama will help me manage the manor."

Zou mama happily bowed her head.

"This servant obeys. This servant is happy to assist Da XiaoJie."

"Mmm.. Good! Now, it's time to clean the manor. Zou mama, who are the servants that were appointed in the kitchen? Call them."

After hearing XuanRong's question, Zou mama immediately understood XuanRong's plan. She could tell that XuanRong wanted to kill the chicken in order to warn the monkey[3]. It was the best move to strengthen XuanRong's authority.

Zou mama immediately saluted and turned her head. Her voice was loud and clear.

"Those who are working in the kitchen, move forward!"

The servants, who went forward, immediately kowtowed and asked for forgiveness. Thinking about the bullying they did behind XuanRong's back, they knew it was already too late to save their asses.




"This servant--- this servant begs for forgiveness!!"

"Have mercy for this servant!"

"Da XiaoJie, have mercy! This servant is innocent!"

Every single one of them tried to beg for forgiveness but XuanRong only looked at them without any emotion in her face.

"Zou mama, do you know why This Lady wants to punish them?"

Zou mama immediately opened her mouth and answered XuanRong.

"These servants were caught stealing money from Da XiaoJie's meal expenses."

XuanRong nodded as if she did not hear the servants' cry for mercy.

[This novel is written by SayuriHyuuga. Plagiarism is a CRIME.]

"What is the punishment for stealing their Master's money?"

"Twenty beatings of wooden paddle."

XuanRong wrinkled her brows. Twenty beatings of wooden paddles were enough to temporarily disable a person but after she thought of the pastries she ate during her travel towards the temple, her sympathy vanished in an instant. That time, she was drugged, making her body weak and unable to move actively. The only thing she ate was the pastries from the kitchen. Obviously, someone placed drugs on the pastries with ill intentions.

"Too soft. Make it thirty and then sell them to the slave trader. I don't need servants like them."

The servants, who were kneeling on the ground felt like their world turned grey. What they feared the most was not being beaten to death but being sold to the slave trader. Working in this manor was better than working in other places. They were not treated poorly unlike the other servants of other families who were working nonstop and were treated worse than animals. Because of Xuan Family's power, even servants like them could raise their head and act arrogant outside the manor.

Now that they will definitely become cripples after being beaten with thirty strikes, will other people buy them from slave traders and treat them nicely?


The servants who were standing in the center hall, secretly wiped their sweat. Aside from being sold away, the unlucky servants would receive thirty beatings which was enough to paralyze their lower body. Even the guards felt their butts tingling with pain.

A punishment like that, who would dare and continue to act discourteous towards XuanRong?

XuanRong stood up and faced the servants who were standing at the center.

"Starting today, This Lady will personally manage the manor. Although This Lady has been bullied by all of you, This Lady will not bear grudge against you and will give you a second chance. This Lady hopes that all of you will change for the better. This Lady is also not unreasonable. Unless you made an unpardonable mistake like betraying one's master, This Lady will be lenient. Rewards and punishments will be reinforced."

The servants sighed in relief. At least, XuanRong was merciful and decided to forgive all of them.

After XuanRong dismissed everyone, she returned to her room to rest. YuYing was ordered to assist Zou mama in dealing with the slave trader while YuLi left and went to housekeeper Wang's place to retrieve the accounting records.

XuanRong was alone inside her room which made her think of her previous life.

During her stay here, Xiao Lou[3], her 'beloved' Second Mother wanted to tarnish her reputation by hiring some bandits to harass her. She escaped but the whole incident was known all over Lu Shan. Someone spread rumors about her losing her virginity, making people point fingers at her.

The incident reached the capital so when she returned, her father almost ordered her to commit suicide to defend her innocence. The issue was resolved when her 'beloved' Second Mother insisted on having her purity examined even though her shougong sha mark was still visible. At that time, she was truly grateful towards her 'beloved' Second Mother, but XuanRong never thought that everything was planned by Xiao Lou to make the Crown Prince abandon his idea of marrying her.

That was the start of XuanRong's dreadful years. Since then, her reputation that was already bad slowly worsened.

'Seems like I have to prepare in advance to avoid mishaps.'


[1]. Can't recognize good things.

[2]. A deception or disguise trying to take advantage of others. [Playing Dumb.]

[3]. Punish someone as a warning to others.

[4]. Xiao-Shi's full name


Author's Side Note:

Eh-yeoh GG~ we reached double digits! *throws confetti*

Sorry guys if I can't increase the chapters for now and I could only offer one chapter per day (excluding bonus/sponsored chapters). I'm busy with my work *sob* my students are verrrrrrrrrrrrry naughty and I have to prepare my lessons in advance so my time is limited in writing novels unlike when I was writing The Witch CEO. I'm not planning to become a professional writer and I'm just writing for fun so please don't pressure this poor little girl who knows nothing.. poor me~ *white lotus bitch mode* HAHAHA!

If you want to support this shameless woman, please help me buy Kpop merch--- I mean, raise my children named Bi and Tok. Yes, that's right! Ever since they 'live' inside my stomach, they haven't tasted meat for a very long time. *sob* my poor children~ HAHAHAHAH!



An extra chapter if the donation reaches 10 dollars~

(Extra chapters will be posted every Saturday 9pm PST (GMT +8)

(Please pardon this author for being shameless. HAHAHAHAH!)

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