XuanRong was currently pulling a huge pile of broken tree trunks filled with leaves. Since she had to leave the cave later in order to meet YuYing, Fei Bai Zou and the rest, the only thing she could do to help her benefactor was to cover the entrance of the hidden cave inconspicuously.

She was born and raised as an arrogant person, but she knew how to repay kindness. That was why she loved Xiao Lou and XuanFei like her own mother and sister, because she thought that both of them also threated her as family. Too bad, everything was just an illusion... an illusion weaved from many layers of lies and deceit.

Before her rebirth, after she was defiled a thousand times and her life was only hanging by a thread, she finally realized that she was schemed behind her back. She then understood that one does not show kindness unless one benefits from it.

Only that man.

That man, who showed her mercy and made her feel warm deep inside her heart, was the only person who neither ask for anything nor had ulterior motive towards her.

Now that the situation got reversed, she, XuanRong, will do everything to return the favor. If she could bring him with her, she would, unfortunately, she couldn't, for the sake of avoiding gossips that would tarnish her reputation, she could only help him this way. She was also afraid to involve him with her own problem. Besides, she knew that he was being pursued by unknown people just like her, so, she did not want to take the risk and endanger both of their lives.

Thinking of the situation she witnessed outside the cave, XuanRong's eyes darkened. Although the corpses were butchered like pigs in a chopping board and their innards were scattered everywhere, she could still recognize those dead bodies based on the ripped clothes attached to the disfigured corpses. Those dead men were the ones who were searching for her, the Midnight Mercenaries. Those men were also the ones her Er Niang hired in her previous lifetime, so, she could not forget them even if she died a hundred times. XuanRong walked faster when she thought that the people who killed her pursuers might be the ones who were chasing her benefactor. She had to move fast and cover the entrance of the hidden cave before it's too late.

"Ha... Ha... Ha.."

XuanRong dragged the broken tree branches and other leafy plants forcefully with all her might. She was almost there when XuanRong was frightened by the sudden shake of the entire forest trees as if it became alive all of a sudden. She was not able to hear the shouting of several men from the distance, but she was startled to death when birds and other flying animals flew in a frenzy motion as if they were greatly disturbed by an unknown force. She could only halt her steps and hid in the bushes until the pandemonium ended, fearing that what happened would gather too much attention and would alert those evil forces lurking in the shadows.

When XuanRong arrived at the entrance of the hidden cave, the corpses were still there. Not minding the disgusting scent of massacre, she hurriedly ran inside the hidden cave to check the situation of her benefactor. Adjusting her eyesight, XuanRong only took an incense stick of time[1] before she was able see partially in the dark. When she arrived at the place where she left him, she was dismayed to see that the person who was lying on the ground few minutes ago was now nowhere to be seen.

Fear suddenly crept towards her heart.

'Was he caught?'

XuanRong tried to search for any traces left until she saw two footprints parallel to the cave's wall. She followed it and realized that those footprints belonged to her benefactor as he tried to walk towards the entrance of the hidden cave.

'Seems like he woke up before I arrive.'

XuanRong smiled. For the first time ever since she came back to life, aside from the smile she showed when she once again saw her maidservant, YuYing, XuanRong never smiled genuinely. This time, although there was still anxiety lingering inside her heart for her benefactor's safety, XuanRong was also filled with happiness.

At last, she was able to repay her debt on her previous lifetime. Her heart was at ease, thinking that she was able to meet him after rebirth. They may not cross path ever again, but she was glad to know that she was able to return the favor.

Little did she know, because of this unforeseen encounter with him, her life that was supposed to be filled with revenge and hatred, was now being change slowly by the Heaven's will. XuanRong never thought that because of this black-bellied man, she would experience myriad of emotions that would create a tiny flicker of light deep inside her, thawing her frozen heart.


[At the opposite side of the mountain]

"Search for Wangye!"

One of the Imperial Guards who was holding a torch was commanding his subordinates as he walk to the inner part of the mountain.

"Wangye!! Wangye!! Where are you?!"

Mu Qing was the Chief Imperial Guard given by the Deceased Emperor to his favorite Imperial Son, Xu Fei Yi before he died. Mu Qing and the rest had been searching for His Highness, Qin Wangye[2] for almost half a day but they were unable to find him.

Mu Qing was currently having mixed emotions. He blamed himself for not protecting His Highness. If this news reached the ear of their Sovereign, His Majesty the current Emperor, for sure, their heads would definitely fly off their shoulders. It was known in the entire continent how their Ruler, Xu Ji Mo, value and pamper his one and only living sibling, the idiot Qin Wangye, Xu Fei Yi.

Qin Wangye became an idiot ever since he and his birth mother, the former Empress Shen encountered assassins. The Young Empress was burned to death and Qin Wangye who was still a young prince that time became foolish and childish. Ever since then, the growth of Qin Wangye's insight and understanding stagnated and was forever in the level of a young child, unable to think like a normal adult.

"Wuwuwu[3]... Mu Qing.. where are you?? Yi'er is scared! Wuwuwu..."

As Mu Qing internally chastise himself for being an incompetent Imperial Guard, he heard a weak voice crying inside the thick bushes.

"Your Highness!"

Mu Qing immediately went towards the bushes and saw a young man at the age of sixteen squatting on the ground, hiding inside the thick bushes. He immediately assisted the young man, pulling him up.

"Wuwuwu... Mu Qing, Yi'er is scared. There are many bad guys chasing Yi'er, luckily, Yi'er hid inside. Wuwuwu... Mu Qing... let's go back to Imperial Brother. Imperial Brother loves Yi'er the most."

Mu Qing sighed and shook his head.

"Your Highness, that won't do. His Majesty specifically ordered us that we will live in the Royal Residence near Lu Shan because the Royal Hot Spring might help you elevate the pain you feel in you body due to being ill constantly. His Majesty will definitely get mad at you if we return now."

Mu Qing patiently explained as he tried to coax Xu Fei Yi.

Xu Fei Yi went silent for a while before he reluctantly nodded his head.

"Okay. I will listen to Imperial Brother."

Mu Qing exhaled in relief.

Since it was almost dawn, Mu Qing immediately ordered his subordinate to prepare and leave the mountain. They were starting to go down when they encountered a group of people riding horses coming from the lower side of the mountain.

"Halt! This place is forbidden! Go back!"

Mu Qing immediately signaled his subordinates. The rest of the Imperial Guards unsheathed their swords.

"Please, esteemed gentleman! Allow us to pass through! My Young Mistress is currently waiting for us! Her life is in danger! Please, I beg you to reconsider!" Mu Qing and the rest were not wearing their Imperial Guard Uniform because they were traveling in a lowkey manner.

A woman wearing a green dress hurriedly left her horse and ran towards him. Mu Qing immediately raised his right hand. Two Imperial Guards blocked her way, the woman was unable to reach him and could only look at him with grievance in her eyes.

"Greetings, esteemed gentleman! I am called Fei Bai Zou from Yamen[4]."


[1]. Approximately five minutes

[2]. Prince of the First Rank- One rank lower than the Emperor

[3]. Sound effect for crying

[4]. Government office.


Author's Side Note:

One more week!!! after next week, we will have our early Christmas break!!! Yay!! more time to stalk op--- I mean, more time to write chapters! Ha-Ha-Ha.... *wipes sweat*

HEY HEY HEY!! I just want to greet my beloved ex-boyfriend, The Worldwide Handsome, Jin!! ayeee.. *sobs* I'm busy making my student's 3rd mid-periodic exam right now so I don't have time to participate with the happy event...

I could only stare at his picture as I reminisce our past... When he told me that he loves me, I was----[tuuuuuuuuut-- The author is currently hallucinating. Please say away]

HAHAHA! Early update! g'night guys!

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An extra chapter if the donation reaches 10 dollars~

(Extra chapters will be posted every Saturday 11pm PST (GMT +8)

(Please pardon this author for being shameless. HAHAHAHAH!)

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