"XiaoJie, YuLi is done with her preparations. The dowry has also been prepared meticulously by this old servant. The only thing left is the arrival of the bridal sedan[1]."

Zou mama was currently standing beside XuanRong who was sitting in front of the dresser while YuYing was currently combing her hair.

Yesterday, YuLi was locked up inside her room. Nobody was monitoring her inside like what XuanRong ordered. Only outside the room was guarded by two servants but no one was with YuLi the entire evening. Whether she would kill herself by committing suicide or not, XuanRong was already done thinking about her matter. After giving YuLi the opportunity to choose her fate, XuanRong already made clear that it was the last thing she could give to her as YuLi's mistress. After severing her relationship with YuLi, XuanRong decided to put everything at the back of her mind and let Zou mama deal with everything. With Zou mama's shrewdness, XuanRong was confident that she would be able to deal with the issue well.

"Oh? Seems like YuLi chose to test her luck. Mmm… although YuLi was a mere servant of our Xuan family and could not enter the main door and could only use the side door[2], we must not disgrace the XiangFu[3]'s face. Zou mama, although the dowry of a first-ranked maid was not even worth mentioning, we must be generous this time. Make sure that everything is perfect. Oversee the entire process. I do not have the time to send her off."

"Yes, this old servant already prepared everything. Rest assured, Da XiaoJie, this old servant will make sure that nothing will go wrong. This old servant will leave now and wait for the bridal sedan to arrive."

"En. Send someone to notify me if you have any problems."

Yes, this old servant understands."

After curtsying, Zou mama left, leaving YuYing and XuanRong inside the room.

"XiaoJie, why did you not kill YuLi when you know that she was involved in your assassination? How can you harbor pity towards someone who betrayed her master?"

XuanRong only smiled at YuYing.

YuYing might be thinking that she was softhearted and decided to forgive YuLi but she was wrong. She did not kill YuLi not because she was still thinking of their master and servant relationship but because she knew that giving YuLi a quick death would not appease the grievance of her previous self. Giving YuLi to that lecherous Fei Bai Zou was akin to giving her a death sentence. She couldn't wait to hear the news of YuLi being 'favored' greatly by that perverted pig. Looking at the innocent yatou[4] behind her, XuanRong sighed. She could not say those cruel facts to YuYing for now, fearing that it would only make the poor child shiver with fear. She had to train YuYing's heart to be strong for her own sake.



Xiao Lou screamed and swiped all the things on the table.

*clank* *clank* *clank*

The teapot and cups shattered into pieces when it fell on the floor.

"ARGH!! Those bunch of useless things!! What are they doing?! Why can't they kill a mere child?! Stupid!! STUPID!!"

The mama who relayed the message shivered. A piece of a broken shard from the teacups hit the mama's left cheek but the old servant could only grit her teeth and endure the pain.

"Furen, control your anger. According to the letter, the group of assassins that we paid to kill Da XiaoJie encountered a great calamity. They were killed in a gruesome way. They must have offended a powerful figure and was not able to survive the retaliation."

"Hump! Serves them right! We paid them a huge amount, but they screwed everything. I just wasted money!"

"I-f.. Ifthis servant may be allowed to speak boldly, this servant suggests that we should just leave Da XiaoJie alone."

"What?! We should kill her before she comes back!"

"Furen, this servant was only thinking of possible outcomes. If Da XiaoJie really died, for sure, the Chen family would definitely investigate it. What if they could find evidence? Furen cannot take the risk and offend Great General Chen. Furen, remember that it was because Da XiaoJie treats you like her own mother that the Chen family did not pressure Master when he made you his Main Wife after that ChenYi died. Lu Shan is a place full of poverty. Da XiaoJie is still young. Many things will happen. She might die due to an epidemic or be oppressed by the servants inside that manor in Lu Shan. Let the nature take its course."

When Xiao Lou heard her loyal servant, Tang mama's words, her anger subsided.

Indeed, what Tang mama said were all correct.

"Furen, do you want me to send message to Housekeeper Wang and YuLi? They haven't responded to our last letter when we informed them about our assassination plan."

"No need. I have confidence in Housekeeper Wang. Do not contact YuLi. It's better not to contact her frequently unless it is necessary to avoid being caught."

"Yes, this old servant understands."


The entire Royal residence went upside down when they found out that the idiot Qin Wangye was currently looking for a wife. Some were mocking Xu Fei Yi, some were laughing secretly for his foolishness and some were glad that he was starting to climb into adulthood. Mu Qing on the other hand, was currently having a headache.

In his hand was a portrait of a beautiful woman wearing a blue dress. She was currently 14-15 years old, almost at the marriageable age. When he saw the portrait, he felt like the woman in the portrait was good enough for His Highness. Unfortunately, Xu Fei Yi thought the exact opposite.

"Who is that ugly woman? Her eyes are small, and her nose is tiny! I don't like her! I want wife JieJie in the mountains!"

Mu Qing could only sigh and throw the scroll at the side. He looked at the small mountain slowly forming from different painting scrolls and his heart started bleeding.

'Dear Ancestor, ah! Who is that Wife JieJie you are talking about?'

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[1]. A small wooden box used to carry people (a.k.a. palanquin) with the help of bearers. The highest honor a woman could get during her wedding is being carried by eight bearers.

[2]. In marriage ceremony, only the bride being married as the Legal Wife has the right to use the main door of the residence to show her status while concubines were only allowed to use the small side door.

[3]. Prime Minister's Residence

[4]. little girl. can also be used as an endearment.

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