"XioJie… It started raining. Let's return to the manor."

YuYing spoke worriedly while holding an umbrella, trying to shield XuanRong from the rain.

They were inside the small forest at the back of XuanRong's courtyard. Yue Xiao Xiao died yesterday night. Since her identity was special, XuanRong decided to cremate her body instead of burying her. XuanRong was afraid that those people who were pursuing Yue Xiao Xiao would be able to discover the location of her tomb. For sure, those people would not let go of her master even when she was already dead. They would definitely dig her remains and use it for their own research.

"Just a moment, until the fire disappears."

XuanRong spoke hoarsely. She stood there, not caring that the rain was starting to pour heavily.

Not looking behind her, she spoke, "YuYing, the three of you, return to the manor."

"But XiaoJie---"

"An Wei is here to accompany me." She did not want her maidservants to see hear in her weakest state.

With no other choice, XuanRong's three maidservants left, leaving An Wei alone with her.

An Wei stood behind XuanRong, holding the umbrella for her.

"An Wei… it hurts."

XuanRong was mourning deeply. She was crying inside her heart for losing someone she cared. She did not want to experience this kind of painful farewell ever again.

An Wei did not reply but he moved closer to XuanRong, shielding her from the strong wind and cold rain.

"All of you are not allowed to leave me, hao[1]? That's an order."

"This servant doesn't dare. If Young Miss would allow this servant to stay by Young Miss' side, this servant would stay by Young Miss' side forever."

XuanRong turned her head and smiled at An Wei. Her eyes were not as sad as before.

Although she was in pain and was filled with grief, XuanRong was now calm, unlike yesterday night when she kept screaming and crying while holding Yue Xiao Xiao in her embrace, unable to accept the fact that the woman who made her experience the feeling of having someone cared for her like a daughter died in her arms.

Thinking back the words her master spoke before she died, XuanRong could feel thather master did not tell her everything. When her master mentioned the name of her son, XuanRong did not pay attention to it because she was panicking, and her main concern that time was Yue Xiao Xiao's well-being. Now that she was calm and was able to think clearly, she could not help but recall the words her master told her.

'P-promise me one thing, f-find my child.. *cough* *cough* H-His name is F-Fei----*cough* *cough* Fei….. Y-Yi..'

Fei… Yi..

Fei Yi.

The name of her master's son.

Was it a coincidence that her master's son was also named Fei Yi?

Recalling the dumb person who always call her 'Wife JieJie', XuanRong could not help but feel a little fluffy inside her heart. To be honest, if not for having a similar name with her master's son, XuanRong would have forgotten that dumb young man. It had been five years and XuanRong was busy with her own life that she did not have any time to think of unnecessary things and remember other people.

XuanRong was not sure if her master's son was Xu Fei Yi or if the two only shared the same name and nothing more. If her master's son was truly Xu Fei Yi, wouldn't that mean… that her master was the previous Empress, Empress Shen?

But how?

Wasn't Empress Shen died by being burned to death?

'Am I overly thinking things?'

XuanRong inwardly sigh.

Years ago, the Emperor of the four countries, including Qian Zou's Monarch, were hunting down the Yue clan in order to covet the art of Gu. If her master was really the previous Empress, why did she agree to marry the previous emperor who was the descendant of the Emperor of Qian Zou?

Was it really because of love?

Or was it for revenge?

XuanRong was quite baffled and wanted to know the truth.

After her death, she no longer believe in love between a man and a woman.

Unfortunately, no matter how much she wanted to find out the truth, Yue Xiao Xiao was already dead, the same with the previous Emperor. The only thing she could do was to find her master's son and take good care of him. Whether he was Xu Fei Yi, that dumb young man or not, she had to make sure to find out the truth. Finding him would be her top priority aside from exacting her revenge when she returns.

'Master, Rong'er will definitely not fail you. Rong'er swears that Rong'er will find him. Once Rong'er finds him, Rong'er will treat him as a precious sibling, not letting other people bully him. Master…. May you rest in peace. In the next lifetime, let Rong'er pay you with filial peity.'

Thinking of her master, XuanRong could not help but shed tears silently. She was standing straight but her back appeared lonely.

An Wei, who was standing behind her, could not help but clench his fists.

He first saw her when she was ten. She was stubborn, arrogant and unyielding… but now, she was crying mournfully. He wanted to wipe her tears and bring her to his embrace but he knew, he did not have any right to do so. He could only silently accompany XuanRong in the shadows.


Few days after Yue Xiao Xiao's death, full moon arrived. XuanRong's first full moon with female Gu in her body.


Too much pain.

XuanRong bit her lower lip. Trying to suppress the scream wanting to escape from her mouth.

She weakly gripped the necklace that was hanging on her neck.

'Master, did you experience twice the pain I feel right now?'

XuanRong could not help but ask inwardly. Relying on the soothing effect of the necklace Yue Xiao Xiao had given to her, XuanRong's pain was reduced by half. Still, it was not enough to relieve her from it. She still suffered greatly. She commended Yue Xiao Xiao for surviving five whole years without relying on the necklace.

'I must find the male Gu as soon as possible. I must find master's son. Although she did not tell me where the male Gu was, I have a hunch that once I find master's son, I would also be able to find the male Gu. Seems like I have to return to the capital as soon as possible.'


"XiaoJie, the carriage is ready."

YuShen entered XuanRong's room and curtsied.

"En. Is everything done?"

"Yes, Zou mama already prepared everything."

"Good. Wait for me in the carriage."

"This servant understands."

YuShen left, leaving YuYing and XuanRong alone.

"XiaoJie, are you really sure that it's okay for us to travel back to Zhong Yang[2]without the permission of master? XiaoJie, if master finds out that we disobeyed him, he would definitely get angry at XiaoJie. XiaoJie, let's not leave the manor."

YuYing pleaded. She was afraid that XuanLi would punish XuanRong for disobeying his order. Few days ago, XuanRong decided to return to the capital without sending any letter to the main residence to ask for permission.

No matter how much she tried to pursue her XiaoJie to change her mind, XuanRong remained stubborn. YuYing could only pray to the gods to have mercy with them. She was not the same young girl few years ago who naively thought that Laoye[3] and Second Madam both love XuanRong. YuYing knew that once they return, XuanRong would be bullied in the residence.

Instead of staying in a place full of people that were always scheming behind your back, why not stay in a place where one would be safe and away from them?

"Don't worry. Father will not get angry."

XuanRong did not explain anything to YuYing. Even if she tried to explain, YuYing would not understand.

In her previous lifetime, a month from now, someone would arrive from the capital. It was a messenger sent by her father, XuanLi, stating that she would return to the Fu[4] and would attend the emperor's banquet four months later.

XuanRong traveled and arrived on the twenty fifth day of the month of XingYue[5], five days after her precious meimei[6], XuanFei, celebrated her thirteenth birthday. The birthday banquet was very extravagant, many high-ranking nobles were invited in the celebration, even princes were invited, including Xu Ji An. XuanFei's birthday celebration was full of festivities and happiness unlike her own coming of age ceremony that was full of controversy. If not for giving face to her maternal grandfather, XuanLi would never allow her to celebrate since her reputation was destroyed due to the issue of spending the night with the hooligans in Lu Shan. But this lifetime was different. She was able to save her reputation.

'XuanFei ah, my dear meimei.. You always love being in the center of the limelight, shining like a star in the sky. I was naïve to feel proud of having a talented sister like you. Who would have thought that you were just using me as your leverage in order to reach the highest branch? Ah… What will happen if I steal your light? Will you still shine in the dark?'

Sitting inside the carriage, an evil smile surfaced on XuanRong's face.

"Leave! To the capital."

"Yes, Da XiaoJie. Jaa!"

The coachman whipped the horse and drove the carriage forward.

'Zhong Yang, I have returned. I, XuanRong, have come to collect the debts those people owed me.'

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[1]. Can be translated as 'okay'

[2]. Qian Zou's capital.

[3]. Master (of a certain family. Ex. XuanLi)

[4]. Residence

[5]. Month of Apricot/Second Month (February)

[6]. Younger sister

[Unedited Chapter]

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