"I am just dizzy because I have not properly rested ever since we left Lu Shan."

XuanRong stared at Xu Ji An and spoke, "As much as This Lady wants to talk with His Highness, This Lady's body is a bit weak. Would His Highness allow This Lady to return to my courtyard and rest?"

Xu Ji An could only nod and agree.

"O-of course."

When XuanRong walked away, looking weak and exhausted, he could not help but stare at her back, following her in his gaze until she and her maidservant could no longer be seen.

"Is Your Highness enjoying the banquet?" XuanFei suddenly moved closer and asked him, trying to strike a conversation.

Xu Ji An only mumbled "Mmm.." before walking away, leaving XuanFei who was standing bitterly on the center aisle.

Without waiting for XuanLi, he moved towards the garden's gate and left the Prime Minister's residence without looking back.

"Return to the palace!"

When he sat on the carriage, he could not help but remember XuanRong's enchanting performance. When she raised her delicate hands to strum the guqin, he was able to see her frail wrists that were as white as snow. Her movement was very soft like she was very accustomed in playing the instrument. The way she delivered the poem, the way she uttered every syllable, Xu Ji An felt like XuanRong was a fine young lady who was raised carefully inside the boudoir. The rumors that were circulating around the capital were definitely fake. Although she was somewhat arrogant, she was still graceful and elegant, very different from the arrogant mountain girl who neither knew the proper etiquette nor had any sense of propriety.

He had seen many different types of women, women who would act coquettish in front of him, women who would shyly stare at him, women who would immediately throw themselves at him, but he had never seen a woman who would neglect him and would not even give him face. She was the first, the first woman who caught his attention. Whether she was only acting in order to catch his attention or if she really did not like him, Xu Ji An did not care. His ego was touched and could not swallow the humiliation of being rejected. No matter what, he must have her at all cost!

"XuanRong eh… This Prince shall play with you. Do not disappoint This Prince."


When XuanRong and YuShen arrived at her courtyard, YuYing and YuShang was anxiously waiting inside.

"XiaoJie! You are back!" YuShang immediately ran towards them and happily saluted.

YuYing also followed and curtsied. She then removed the soft cloak covering XuanRong's body and hanged it inside the two-door cabinet.

"Why are you looking so anxious ah?"

XuanRong sat on the chair and sipped the chrysanthemum tea YuShang placed on the table.

'Ah! So satisfying!' After verbally slapping their face, she could not help but be invigorated.

XuanRong leisurely drank the tea while looking at her maidservants who were very eager to hear the gossips. Their eyes were shining brightly in front of her, making a very excited face and showing a very visible word 'Tell us! Tell us!' written all over their face.

"XiaoJie…. Please do not prolong our agony… This servant is very curious to the point that this servant's heart felt like it would jump out of this servant's chest anytime!"

Unable to hold herself, YuShang immediately whined. She stared at XuanRong who was comfortably sipping her tea.

Hearing YuShang's eagerness, XuanRong laughed. She looked at YuShen, signaling her to retell what happened to the banquet.

Although YuShen was the most level-headed among XuanRong's three maidservants, she could not help but speak enthusiastically as she dramatically portrayed everything. Looking at YuShen who was talking intensely that her spits were sprinkling everywhere, XuanRong could not help but rub the sides of her forehead.

"And then, XiaoJie raised her hand and started playing the guqin! XiaoJie's performance was very astounding that most of the guests were gaping in awe! Ai! XiaoJie is very fantastic!"

Hearing YuShen's words, YuYing could not help but sigh in relief. She had been thinking that once they arrive in the Xiang Fu[1], XuanRong would be bullied endlessly. She secretly wiped her tears but XuanRong caught her inconspicuous movement.

"YuYing ah… why are you sad? Are you not happy that I was able to show them that I am not easy to be bullied?" XuanRong wanted to ease the heavy aura around YuYing and decided to tease her in order to lighten up her mood.

"XiaoJie, please do not bully this servant! T-this servant is only happy."

XuanRong and the rest giggled when they saw YuYing's face turned red.

After a couple of minutes, XuanRong ordered YuShen to prepare her bath and change the water inside the tub. Before she returned to the banquet, she was planning to take a bath and sleep afterwards. Since the hot water had turned cold, it could no longer be used for bathing. It had to be heated or be replaced with a hot water.

After testing the water's temperature, YuShen left the connecting room and closed the door.

"XiaoJie, the bath is ready."

"Hmm.." XuanRong hummed while nodding her head.

"Thank You. The three of you can retire now. You no longer have to serve me during my bath."

Since they knew XuanRong's sickness, YuShen and the rest did not insist on serving her. They only curtsied and left the inner room.

XuanRong closed the door and slowly walked to the connecting room.


Opening the door, XuanRong surveyed the entire room before walking inside. After locking the door, she slowly peeled her white dress and hanged it on the small screen partition. Standing stark naked, XuanRong moved forward and slid the screen partition, revealing a big tub. After entering the big tub, XuanRong once again closed the screen partition, obstructing her eyesight from the connecting room's door.

When she slowly slid her body inside the big tub filled with flower petals and scented oils, XuanRong exhaled in comfort.


She slowly massaged her own neck, trying to lessen the soreness she felt in her body. After massaging her body, she slowly reclined on the tub and closed her eyes to rest for a while.

XuanRong was not sleeping. She was thinking deeply while her eyes were closed.

Meeting Xu Ji An face to face for the first time, made her heart in chaos. Although she appeared calm on the surface, but deep inside, XuanRong was having mixed emotion when he saw his face. She wanted to jump right at him and scratch his face until he died but luckily, she was able to hold her anger and control herself.

XuanRong was in deep thought when she suddenly felt that something was wrong, like someone was intensely looking at her behind the shadows.


The candles' flame flickered like a very strong wind suddenly passed by.


XuanRong's eyes that was concealed under her hair narrowed, she vigilantly looked at every corner of the room, trying to find out whether someone was inside or not. Not seeing any abnormality, XuanRong sighed in relief but her instinct told her that she was not alone.

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[1]. Prime Minister's Residence

[Unedited Chapter]

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