When the carriage started moving away, Baili Chen, who was standing at the side of the narrow road could only grit his teeth. He glared at the carriage, wishing that he could burn it into ashes and kill the owner of it. He looked at the young woman who was sitting at her small cart. He wanted to slap her in the face, but he could not do it since there were guards guarding her safety. Baili Chen could only spat on the ground as he endlessly cursed XuanRong, her maids and that young woman who seduced him.

Listening to the mocking words of that arrogant young lady of the XaingFu[1] made Baili Chen humiliated. He was a fine scholar who was aiming to become a court's official after the palace exam. He knew he could not inherit the Dukedom of the Baili family that was why he tried his best to excel in the field of literature and make his own name. Baili Chen would never think that a puny female who knew nothing would insult his intellect just because he used the law to bluff and scare her.

"Young Master…"

The attendants standing behind Baili Chen felt the stifling air around their master. Today, the attendants knew that their master had suffered a great defeat under the hands of a young lady. A young lady who was sheltered since young. If words spread out, their young master's reputation would be damaged greatly.

"That bitch is back. Why didn't I know that she returned to the capital?"

Baili Chen angrily whispered. He glared at his three attendants who were lowering their heads, unable to answer him. When XuanRong arrived in the capital two days ago, she did not send any notification beforehand and returned to the capital without informing XuanLi. What happened in the 'welcoming' banquet had not yet spread around the capital because XuanLi was trying to his best to stop the news from circulating. He did not want XuanRong to steal the brilliance of his favorite daughter, XuanFei. That was why Baili Chen, who was not present on the banquet, did not know that XuanRong had arrived.

"Y-Young Master, Furen would definitely get angry once she finds out that one of the carriages was destroyed. What should we do?" The attendant fearfully tried to remind Baili Chen.

"Shut up!! I know! You don't have to remind me!"

The three attendants fearfully retreated. The one who spoke could only lower his head.

"Tsk! Useless! Get the horses!"

Baili Chen was now fuming mad. He got angry because the attendant's words were correct. Although he hated being reminded of her eldest sao[2], he knew that he could not escape her poisonous tongue later. Once she finds out that one of the carriages got destroyed, she would definitely not be going to spare him. Even if his brother pampers him, his eldest sao was a tough opponent. She would make sure that he would get punished even if Duke Baili would be against it.

One of the horses was severely hurt. One of its legs got hit by a broken piece of wood from the carriage and was now bleeding. The poor horse could not stand and could only lay on the ground. The other one was still in a good condition. Baili Chen pulled the rein and jumped above the horse. After he successfully sat on top of it, Baili Chen adjusted himself and drove the horse away, leaving his three attendants confused and startled.

"Young Master!"

"Clean everything and return to the Fu[3]! I will not go back with you and will stay outside the residence for a couple of days."

Without any second thoughts, Baili Chen maneuvered the horse and left the road. He clamped his thighs around the horse's body and struck its butt with a whip, urging the poor animal to run fast. He did not want to return home and get mocked by his eldest sao. He would stay in the brothel for a couple of days, hoping to lessen the fume.


Looking at their young master's back, three attendants could only shake their heads and sigh in depression. For sure, after they return to the Fu, they would be severely punished for their young master's mistake.

Baili Chen's knuckles turned white as he forcefully gripped the horse's rein. He could not swallow the humiliation he experienced a while ago. He was deeply angered by the fact that although he was humiliated by a certain degree, he could not do anything about it and could only swallow his grievance. XuanRong's status was very special. Her mother was the only daughter of Great General Chen who was widely known as the Blood General. Great General Chen was ruthless against the country's enemies but a loving father towards his children. When his beloved daughter died, all his affections was directed to his daughter's child, XuanRong. Due to Great General Chen's help, XuanLi became the Prime Minister and the rank of the Xuan family rose, making it a First Rank family among the noble families.

In short, XuanRong was known by her arrogance mainly because of being pampered by both sides. Those who dared to offend her when she was young had been black listed by both families, especially the Chen family who loved her unconditionally. The token her maidservant showed was the best example of their unconditional love. He could not afford to offend such an existence even if he would be given a hundred guts. That was why he could only swallow everything without saying any word. But that didn't mean that he would forget everything and would suffer in silence. He, Baili Chen, was not a pushover. He survived his eldest sao's oppression and grew up majestically.

How could he allow other people humiliate him like this?

But now is the time to take revenge. Ten years is not too long for a gentleman's revenge[4].

'XuanRong… I will remember this!'


Inside the carriage, XuanRong was sitting silently while YuShen and YuShang was laughing very hard. They still could not forget the horrible face of that perverted young man called Baili Chen when he saw his carriage being wreaked just like that. Both YuShen and YuShang felt like their XiaoJie was very awesome. Although YuShang was quite puzzled of XuanRong's first reaction when she saw that perverted man, she did not press the issue and decided to turn a blind eye on it. If their XiaoJie did not want her to know the reason, she, as her maidservants, should respect her wishes. Still, she was quite happy to learn that her XiaoJie had retuned to normal and once again showed how arrogant she was.

"XiaoJie!! What you did was very fantastic!"

"Indeed! I almost peed myself from laughing when I recalled that pervert's face! HAHAHAH!! Oh goodness!"

When XuanRong heard YuShen and YuShang's words, she could not help but smile subconsciously. Although her trauma could not disappear in an instant, she knew that she was starting to break free from it little by little.

The carriage traveled for a couple of incense stick of time[5] before the coachman announced that they had arrived at Chen family's residence.

"XiaoJie.. we have arrived."

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[1]. Prime Minister's residence

[2]. The wife of your brother

[3]. Residence

[4]. jūn zi bào chóu , shí nián bù wǎn.

[5]. Approximately fifteen minutes

[Unedited Chapter]

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