"Rong'er greets Er Niang." XuanRong entered the outer room and saw Xiao Lou sitting at the front, drinking tea while one of the servants was massaging her shoulders. When Xiao Lou saw her, she placed the tea cup on the table and smiled.

"Come, let mother see you clearly." Xiao Lou's smile had a trace of warmth. If it was the previous XuanRong, she would feel happy and think that Xiao Lou truly love her like she was her real daughter. XuanRong inwardly praised Xiao Lou for being a good actress.

Xiao Lou stood up and walked towards her. Xiao Lou stretched her arms, trying to hold XuanRong's hand. XuanRong immediately took a step back and avoided Xiao Lou's stretched hand. When Xiao Lou's hand failed to reach her because of her sudden movement, Xiao Lou was taken aback. Her face showed a startled look as if she did not expect that XuanRong would avoid her. Looking at Xiao Lou's face that was full of hurt, XuanRong wanted to puke due to disgust. If it was before, she would definitely feel guilty but looking at the woman who made her life miserable in her past life, XuanRong wanted to stretch her hand and tear Xiao Lou's fake face away.



XuanRong was suppressing her desire to slap Xiao Lou while trying hard to inwardly calm herself. She had to pretend that she was the same XuanRong who dearly loved Xiao Lou and XuanFei in order to avoid any unwanted problems later. She did not want to show her claws yet. She had to hide her emotions to avoid being detected. She would first target those people that surrounded Xiao Lou, those servants she plated in XiangFu, her maternal family, the Xiao clan and lastly, her beloved daughter, XuanFei. Slowly, like a slow acting poison, she would make sure that Xiao Lou would slowly be tortured to death until nothing was left for her. Even if Xiao Lou found out everything, it would be too late.

Gritting her teeth, XuanRong kneeled in front of Xiao Lou.

"Rong'er beg's Er Niang's forgiveness."


"Rong'er, my child! What happened? Why are you kneeling?" Xiao Lou was startled to see XuanRong suddenly kneeled in front of her.

"Er Niang, Rong'er was truly ashamed. When Rong'er returned, Rong'er thought that the banquet was prepared by Meimei for me but in the past few days, Rong'er heard some whispers coming from the servants in my courtyard, saying that the banquet was prepared not to celebrate my return but to celebrate Meimei's birthday. When Rong'er heard it, Rong'er could not help but be ashamed! How could I rob my Meimei? Although Meimei's status was lower than mine since she was once a daughter of a concubine before becoming the second Di daughter, she should not be treated as such! As her Jiejie and the Eldest Di daughter, I failed to recognize the truth and had offended my Meimei, making her sad! Oh! My poor Meimei… What should Rong'er do? Er Niang.. please punish Rong'er…"

XuanRong lowered her head and raised her hand that was holding a handkerchief, wiping the nonexistent tears in her eyes. Since Xiao Lou was standing in front of her, she did not see XuanRong's face that was smiling mockingly while being covered by a handkerchief.

"Ohh… Er Niang… Please punish Rong'er!"

XuanRong's voice became louder and louder as she begged for her punishment. If one would listen to it, one would think that she was a poor maiden being maltreated. The servants standing outside could not help but shook their heads. Some where secretly delighted to hear XuanRong's wail while some were starting to pity her. Although XuanRong was arrogant, those intelligent servants knew that the reason of her attitude was their Second Furen's over indulgence of her. it was not uncommon for those people living at the back courtyard to scheme with each other. Some servants already notice something but decided to close their mouth and pretended that they knew nothing. In order to survive, one must be blind and deaf, only serving their masters properly without seeing or hearing anything.

Hearing XuanRong's words, Xiao Lou could not help but fume inside. Why was it that every time XuanRong spoke, she would always emphasize her status as the legitimate child born from the first wife? although XuanRong's words were full of self-blame, Xiao Lou could not help but feel that something was not right. Although she kept on thinking, she could not find anything wrong with XuanRong's words. Her sentence neither carry any mocking tone nor had any false pretense. Xiao Lou could not help but inwardly rub her aching head. She wanted to get angry at XuanRong, but she knew she could not since there were eyes everywhere. Although she controlled the entire Fu, it would not mean that she was also able to control all the servants in the inner and outer courtyard. Who could tell that the servants working inside the XiangFu were all loyal or not?


Bribery was very common. It was not shocking to find spies inside the Fu since XuanLi was the Left Prime Minister of the country. Any matter inside the XiangFu would immediately be transferred to the noble's ear without effort. One wrong move and it could destroy everything.

Looking at XuanRong who was weeping loudly, Xiao Lou could not help but shiver in anger, still, she had to pretend to be a loving mother and could not show her anger on her face. If those spies heard XuanRong's constant wailing, they would certainly think that she was bullying her. XuanRong was an arrogant child that seldom cry. One would think that she was an evil mother who could make the arrogant XuanRong beg and cry for punishment. Thinking of those possibilities, Xiao Lou could not help but pale. She was very particular with her reputation. The only blemish she had was her previous status as a lowly concubine.

"What are you saying ah! Rong'er please stand up… How could a delicate young girl like you kneel on the cold floor? Stand up… Mother is not angry with you.."

Once again, Xiao Lou stretched her hand, planning to pull XuanRong upward. Looking at the hand that was slowly coming closer towards her, XuanRong's eyes narrowed behind the handkerchief and inconspicuously withdraw her body, almost collapsing on the floor. Once again, Xiao Lou's outstretched hand failed to touch XuanRong.

*sob* *sob* *sob*

"No… Rong'er must be punished! Meimei must have been devastated when she was not able to show off her skills!" XuanRong continued weeping as she weakly lay on the floor. Without any choice, Xiao Lou had to call for XuanRong's maidservants.

"You two, come! Your XiaoJie's emotion is a bit unstable! Quickly bring her back to her room and call for a physician! Hurry!"

YuYing and YuLi immediately ran forward and supported XuanRong as they 'drag' her out from Xiao Lou's inner room.

"No!!! Er Niang!! Please Punish Rong'er! Please punish----"

XuanRong's voice slowly faded, making Xiao Lou sigh with relief. She did not expect that XuanRong would ask for forgiveness and act like she was being possessed by a crying ghost. The only reason why Xiao Lou called XuanRong was because of XuanRong's upcoming hairpin ceremony[1] but it seemed like she had to postpone her plan since she was not able to mention it with XuanRong this time.


"Yes, Furen? This old servant is here."

Xiao Lou went to the inner room and opened a small cabinet beside her bed. She then pulled a square shaped object being wrapped with a golden handkerchief.

"Here, give it to father. Tell him that he had to follow the instructions written inside. Please tell him that he should not meddle with my affairs. It almost destroyed my plan. How could he think stupidly? Tell him to stay low. Now is not the time to finish XuanRong. Many eyes were eyeing the XiangFu. We should not be careless. Ah'Zhi, do not forget. Tell him those words. Do you understand?"

Ah'Zhi nodded and replied, "Yes, Furen, this servant understands."

"Mmmm.. okay, make haste! You must remember not to get caught. If you think that someone is following you, you have to destroy this. There is not room for mistake."

After hearing Xiao Lou's order, Zhi mama immediately left the Fu using the back door.

'Father, please do not get agitated. Daughter will not let you down.'

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[1]. Coming of age ceremony for young ladies in Ancient China.

[Unedited Chapter]

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