Rebirth of the Flying Era

Chapter 1339: key to problem solving

Zhang Wenzhong said quickly: "Leader, if you say so, a while ago, I left a little late because of something. That girl Luo Yun left after get off work, and when no one came back, I happened to bump into her."

Du Fei frowned slightly: "Is there still such a thing?"

Zhang Wenzhong said clearly: "I didn't pay much attention at the time. As you know, there is nothing particularly important in our office. I didn't think about it elsewhere. I asked her what was going on and she said she forgot something. You said she would Won't…"

Du Fei waved his hand: "We can't draw a conclusion yet. They are all comrades. There is no evidence, so we can't talk nonsense."

Zhang Wenzhong said "Hey", but then rolled his eyes and remembered another thing: "By the way, leader, if you want to say that, there is another situation that I need to report to you."

Du Fei said "hmm" and asked him to speak.

Zhang Wenzhong said: "This girl Luo Yun talked about someone a few months ago..."

Du Fei raised his eyebrows. According to Luo Yun, in this era, he should have a partner. What does this say?

 But Zhang Wenzhong is not a gossip, let alone at this time.

 Zhang Wenzhong said: "Boss, I've seen that man..." He shook his head and said, "I can't tell, I always feel like there's something wrong with that guy."

Du Fei frowned and said, "What's wrong?"

As for Luo Yun, Du Fei has never seen him before.

Ordinarily, he kept a crow near the fire equipment company. He glanced at it through his field of vision from time to time, but he didn't find anyone picking Luo Yun up and down from get off work.

If you really want to date someone, you shouldn't be treated like this.

It is said that Luo Yun's conditions are not bad. He comes from a cadre family, and his appearance and figure are on the standard. In addition to the current job, there are many young men with good families, good jobs, and good character waiting for him. How come the target is so high and it takes so long? Didn't even show up?

Du Fei asked: "Lao Zhang, how did you see her partner?"

Zhang Wenzhong said: "He has never been to our unit, but Luo Yun took him to my home last month. He said that he was about to graduate from college and planned to be with Luo Yun. See if he could come to our unit and ask me to help him. help."

Du Fei raised his eyebrows. He didn't know about this situation before.

The reason why I brought it up today and asked Zhang Wenzhong to pay attention to Luo Yun was because he had noticed Luo Yun returning to the office three times before after leaving work.

 If you forget something once in a while, but if it happens more often, you have to pay attention.

  Firefighting equipment companies are different from ordinary units after all. There are some things that cannot be careless.

As for whether there is something wrong with Luo Yun, Du Fei doesn't know.

 But since something suspicious has arisen, we must not let it go. Although their office is a back-office matter and there is nothing too important, this is certainly unusual.

Du Fei didn't want to use his extra energy in unnecessary places, so he reminded Zhang Wenzhong to pay attention and let him keep an eye on it. If there was any situation, he would just take it away.

Zhang Wenzhong also realized the seriousness of the situation. If there was really a problem with Luo Yun, he would try to break into them.

Although he didn't agree and found an excuse to get over it, the nature of this matter was very serious.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wenzhong couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. If he thought wrongly and agreed to help, the consequences would be disastrous.

If we really let that person in, if anything happens, he, the person in charge, will be completely ruined.

Even Luo Yun has a grudge in his heart.

 It is not easy for Zhang Wenzhong today. He worked hard in the agency all his life to become a deputy section chief. Now he finally sees the light of day. He is about to retire. On the day of retirement, he can still be promoted by half a rank.

 If something happens to Luo Yun, the consequences will be disastrous.

  Why is Zhang Wenzhong not afraid or angry?

However, despite hatred, Zhang Wenzhong's many years of experience in the agency still allowed him to remain calm and did not lose his sense of control in front of Du Fei. He asked: "Leader, what do you think we should do about this?"

Du Fei didn't expect this either. He didn't know about the existence of Luo Yun before, so he asked: "What do you think?"

Zhang Wenzhong then expressed his attitude: "Leader, if you want to ask me, according to the nature of this matter, I think it is better to leave it to the comrades of the corresponding department."

Du Fei glanced at him and could probably guess what he was thinking.

Once handed over, Luo Yun and her partner will have to walk around with nothing to eat unless there is no problem at all, no matter what the problem is.

It can be seen that Zhang Wenzhong, a good old man, is not soft at all when he should be cruel and does not want to give Luo Yun a chance.

However, there is nothing wrong with it. After all, the same thing has not happened to him. If he had been Zhang Wenzhong, he would have been very angry.

 Although according to the current situation, there is a high probability that Luo Yun was deceived, no reason can change the reality.

The reality is that Luo Yun almost got Zhang Wenzhong involved. There is nothing to say about this.

As for Du Fei's position, Du Fei had no position on this matter at all. He originally asked Zhang Wenzhong to keep an eye on it just to take precautions before it happened.

 Now it seems that the situation is more serious than expected, so there is nothing wrong with directly handing it over to professional departments.

Du Fei thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "That's okay. You contact Luo Chu and ask them to send someone to take over. As for how to deal with it, whether to arrest the person immediately or wait for a long time, it all depends on their decision. We will do our best later. Cooperate."

Zhang Wenzhong responded immediately and hurriedly went to do this.


 On the other end, I got off work that evening.

Luo Yun was a little absent-minded, so Zhou Xiaobai patted her: "Hey! What are you thinking about? You are so distracted?"

Luo Yun came back to his senses and smiled: "Nothing~ Oh, by the way, you helped me ask about that last was it going?"

Zhou Xiaobai smiled and said: "Don't worry, I asked my third aunt. There is a man named Guan Xuewen in their school. The department and grade are suitable."

Luo Yun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

 A few days ago, she specifically asked Zhou Xiaobai to find out if Yan University was related to Xue Wen.

Zhou Xiaobai's third aunt is from the Logistics Department of Yanda University, so it is very convenient to handle this kind of thing.

 As for why Luo Yun wanted to inquire about this, it is actually not difficult to understand.

Although Luo Yun fell in love, she was not a lover. She knew how to weigh the pros and cons since she was a child.

 So after the initial impulsive period, I began to calmly consider future problems.

 She breathed a sigh of relief when she got the answer from Zhou Xiaobai, with a smile on her face: "Xiaobai, thank you!"

Zhou Xiaobai curled his lips and said: "I can only talk with my mouth, and I haven't seen you take any action."

Luo Yun smiled and said, "I'll treat you to something delicious next time."

The two of them were chatting and laughing as they went to pick up their bicycles and walked out. When they got outside the gate, Zhou Xiaobai glanced at him and asked, "Hey, since that time, why haven't you seen your guy come to pick you up from get off work?"

Luo Yun's expression froze for a moment, then he said with a smile: "He's about to graduate. He's too busy now. He'll be fine in a while."

Zhou Xiaobai is extremely smart. Over the years he and Luo Yun have been together, they know each other best. It can be seen at a glance that things are not that simple.

Moreover, Luo Yun also asked her to help check Guan Xuewen's academic status, so something was obviously wrong.

But even though they were good friends, Luo Yun didn't take the initiative to talk about this kind of thing, so she couldn't keep asking for nothing.

The two left together on bicycles. After they separated, Zhou Xiaobai went home and Luo Yun went to find her partner.

Luo Yun's father is out of town and his mother is with the army, which means he has no home in the capital.

 When he was in school, Luo Yun often went to Zhou Xiaobai's house, but now he met Guan Xuewen, and the two often dated.

Generally in the north of the city, Guan Xuewen could get closer by riding a bicycle from Yanda, and Luo Yun would ride a bicycle to meet him, so it was a two-way trip.

The two of them finished dinner and went to a nearby park or walked on the road.

 In this era, this is probably the way to engage with people, and there is no other contact.

 In a park where there is no one around, holding hands can be considered relatively intimate.

It was the same today. When Luo Yun came to the agreed place, she saw a young man with a side parted hair from a distance, wearing a white shirt and blue trousers, holding a bicycle on the sidewalk. It was her partner Guan Xuewen, and she couldn't help but pedal harder. .

 Getting a reply from Zhou Xiaobai today made her finally feel relieved and a little guilty.

 I feel like I shouldn’t doubt my lover.

Just as she was thinking about it, the man also saw her, immediately smiled and waved to her.

 When the two of them met, they exchanged a few words and then went to a nearby state-owned hotel.

 Guan Xuewen's family is in good condition, and he has a living allowance for college, so he is never stingy with his daily expenses.

Luo Yun's salary is even higher, and the two of them have never been in trouble when dating. Otherwise, young people like them would not dare to go out to restaurants often.

 In the restaurant, I ordered a meat dish and two large bowls of rice were enough for two people.

 Compared with the abundance of cloth and clothes, people still have some restrictions on food. Food and meat still need food stamps and meat stamps, and it is not possible to provide open supply.

To achieve sufficient supply, we have to wait at least another three or four years for Nanyang's grain production to increase and fill up all domestic grain reserves before entering a relatively virtuous cycle.

 At that time, some domestic land can be freed up to grow cash crops such as soybeans and cotton.

 The extra grain can be put into feed mills and made into feed to raise chickens and pigs.

 At that point, the flowers and fruits no longer need to be tied around the mouth.

After Luo Yun and Guan Xuewen finished eating, they went to a nearby park and stored their bicycles.

Since it was not dark yet and there were many people on the street, we were embarrassed to hold hands, so we waited until there was no one around before we held hands.

After a while of sweet talk, they arrived at a remote place with no one, and the two of them had already squeezed together.

Guan Xuewen looked at him and saw that there was no one on both sides, and gave him a kiss. Luo Yun's cheeks turned red, but he didn't resist.

Just gave a symbolic look of anger and whispered: "Let people see it!" But it had no deterrent effect. Instead, it made Guan Xuewen itchy and wanted to go to second base.

This time, Luo Yun blocked him sternly, lowered his head and said, "No, I'm waiting for marriage~"

 Guan Xuewen was a little disappointed, but he didn't force it. He said softly: "Xiaoyun, I just love you so much."

It's not that Luo Yun was unhappy, but she was a little scared because she was outside, and she wasn't too embarrassed if people saw her.

 As for taking Guan Xuewen back to the dormitory, she didn't dare.

 Once she came to live there with colleagues, it would definitely spread if people saw her, and then she would be shameless.

She was even more embarrassed to go to Guan Xuewen's house. The two of them had not met their parents yet.

 At that point, it’s time to talk about marriage.

But, is the man next to me really reliable? This thought came to Luo Yun's mind again. This was not the first time she had thought about this issue recently.

 At the beginning, she was indeed fascinated by Guan Xuewen.

 Handsome, tall, and from a wealthy family, Luo Yun is also a top student at Yan University. Even though Luo Yun's conditions are very good, she still can't help but feel that he is not worthy of him.

Even once she avoided letting Zhou Xiaobai and Guan Xuewen meet, for fear that Guan Xuewen would not want her when she saw Zhou Xiaobai, who had better conditions.

 But as time went by, that impulse gradually faded, and she looked at this man again, and it seemed that he was not so perfect anymore.

Especially recently, some of the things the other party raised have troubled her.

At this moment, Guan Xuewen brought up the matter again: "Xiaoyun, what did your director mean last time? Did the things we brought with us not be of high quality?"

Luo Yun frowned slightly: "What are you talking about~ Director Zhang is not that kind of person. Besides, you are a top student of Yan University, what unit do you want to go to?"

  Guan Xuewen's expression was unnatural for a moment, and he quickly said: "Don't I want to be with you? Besides, what if I am assigned to another place?"

Luo Yun frowned: "You have a registered residence in the capital, how can you be assigned to another place?"

Guan Xuewen said: "I'm just afraid of what might happen~" Zhuan asked again: "By the way, I said that last time..."

When Luo Yun heard this, he lost his temper again. He waved his hand and said, "I told you, those things can't be taken out. If you violate the rules and let others find out, I will be finished." Guan Xuewen said hurriedly: "Xiaoyun, don't be angry. I...I just...I really have no other intention, I just want to get to know your unit so that I can think of targeted solutions."

Luo Yun's attitude softened slightly. In fact, when she was dizzy before, she almost agreed.

 There were several times when I got off work and went back by bicycle. Fortunately, I hesitated in the end and did not make a mistake.

Guan Xuewen was miserable and sighed deeply: "Xiaoyun, in the last situation, your director obviously didn't want to help, otherwise he wouldn't have even confiscated the gift, and said he would help and ask questions, which was just perfunctory. I can't help it either. I'm thinking of other ways to see if I can find a way in my profession. If my graduation thesis can be related to the development direction of your unit, it will definitely attract the attention of your leaders..."

 Guan Xuewen's talk was so exciting that it made Luo Yun confused again.

Mainly because Luo Yun had never gone to college, and because college students in this era were so rare, she automatically added several layers of filters to Guan Xuewen, and also psychologically dwarfed herself, which was why she lost her sense of discernment.

 When I heard Guan Xuewen mention words like "thesis" and "scientific research", I felt more and more superior.

But Guan Xuewen didn’t know that he wanted to get the attention of the leaders of the fire equipment company, but they were already paying attention to him.

 It wasn’t until it got late that the two of them left the park.

 Guan Xuewen sent Luo Yun back to the dormitory, watched her go upstairs to turn on the light, waved at the window, and then rode away.

Luo Yun stood at the window for a long time. No one could be seen at the end of the street lamp. She was still standing, pursed lips.

The dormitory conditions of the fire equipment company are good. Luo Yun is considered an old man. He has a room by himself and no roommates.

She had been standing by the window when she suddenly saw a crow landing on the top of the telephone pole outside the window.

 She has seen too many crows like this, and they often appear near their unit.

At this time, Du Fei was looking at her simultaneously through his vision.

Although he said he would leave it to Luo Chu, Du Fei still sent a crow to stare at Luo Yun, and happened to see her standing by the window blankly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Luo Yun looked away from the crow, rubbed his face vigorously with his hands, and slapped it twice to make himself more awake.

 originally learned from Zhou Xiaobai today that Guan Xuewen's academic status was fine, which made her happy for a while.

 But when she went on a date with Guan Xuewen at night, she felt more and more something was wrong. Guan Xuewen kept making demands on her, and they were all demands that made her embarrassed and had bad consequences.

If this person really liked her, would he let her take such a risk?

It is obviously impossible. At least Luo Yun tried his best to avoid embarrassing Guan Xuewen from beginning to end.

At the critical moment, Luo Yun showed the calmness and rationality she should have, and this is also her nature.

  The person who was so confused before was just temporarily blinded by lard.

Luo Yun's face looked a little ugly. He couldn't help but take a deep breath, turned around and came to the desk next to him, and started to quickly list things in the notebook with a pen.

 Write down the abnormal things that Guan Xuewen has shown since we met him.

 In fact, she had noticed it a long time ago, otherwise she would not have dragged Zhou Xiaobai to check his student status, but she just didn't want to believe it.

 After a while, looking at the long list written in the notebook, Luo Yun couldn't help but smile bitterly.

 With a "snap", I slapped myself on the face.

 Because of the heavy exertion, the fair and tender cheeks turned red all of a sudden. But she didn't move at all, as if she wasn't the one who was being beaten. Then she gritted her teeth and stood up suddenly.

 A woman's sixth sense made her feel dangerous. If there was really something wrong with Guan Xuewen, it would have been a mistake for her to take him to Zhang Wenzhong before.

Luo Yun was a little anxious. She thought she had no other problems except this one, but this one problem was enough to be fatal.

She couldn't make a mistake. She finally got into such a good company through Zhou Xiaobai's help, with high salary, good benefits, and future development. She couldn't lose all these.

Luo Yun's brain was racing, trying to find a solution, but soon she understood that this was no longer something she could solve by herself.

Now all she can count on is Zhou Xiaobai's trump card.

Thinking of this, Luo Yun gritted his teeth, turned around and left the house, went downstairs, rode his bike and went straight to Zhou Xiaobai's house.

At this time, Du Fei was still watching, and was about to end the vision synchronization, but he didn't expect her to run out again, and he couldn't help but wonder where she was going.

I'm still thinking, is this girl Luo Yun really being instigated?

If that's the case, it's really... Du Fei didn't know what to say.

But Du Fei soon discovered that this was not the case. Luo Yun left the old city and headed west, and soon arrived at the Air Force compound.

 After arriving at Zhou's house by a familiar route, Luo Yun rang the doorbell.

"Who is it?" Zhou's mother responded, and Luo Yun immediately said: "Zhou's mother, I, Xiaoyun~"

She comes around a lot and is very familiar with Zhou's mother. She was startled when she opened the door and saw Luo Yun's face turned red: "Xiaoyun, what's wrong with you? Who hit you?"

Luo Yun was stunned for a moment, then remembered that he had slapped himself, and smiled awkwardly: "No, Mother Zhou, it was me who accidentally hit the head of the bed."

Zhou’s mother was dubious, but when people said she was hit by a collision, she couldn’t ask more questions. After all, she was not her daughter.

 “Where is Xiaobai?” Luo Yun changed the subject and asked Zhou Xiaobai.

Zhou Ma said: "It's upstairs, go find her~"

Luo Yun said "Hey" and walked upstairs.

As soon as he went up, the door of the study room opened next to him. Zhou Zhennan frowned and said, "Who is here?"

Zhou’s mother said angrily: “I’m not here to find you, Luo Yun, I’m here to see Xiaobai.”

Zhou Zhennan said angrily "Hmm" and slammed the door.

Zhou Ma curled her lips and muttered, "This old thing."

 Speaking of which, why Zhou Zhennan is so irritable has something to do with Du Fei.

Not long ago, the first batch of twelve H-8 bombers was prepared to be put into service.

The question arises, who should these H-8s be given to? Logically speaking, since they are aircraft, they must belong to the Air Force.

 The strategic strike missions that the H-8 can perform should be ranked second in terms of functions.

 Lately, many people below are chasing him, hoping that he will fight from above to keep these planes.

 Is this a matter of struggle? Zhou Zhennan really wants to fight for it, but he can fight for it~

The people below don’t know what’s going on. He knows in his heart that this first batch of people already have their next customers, and they have nothing to do with them.

 Because these situations had not been announced yet, he could not reveal them, so he could only prevaricate and hide.

 As for their turn, I guess the H-8 is enough, and the H-7 will be about the same.

At the other end, Luo Yun went upstairs and knocked on the door twice.

Zhou Xiaobai had just washed his hair and was wearing a cool vest and big pants. When he saw Luo Yun, he couldn't help but be surprised: "Xiao Yun?" He also saw the red marks on his face.

 She knew more than Zhou’s mother and reacted immediately: “He hit you!”

Luo Yun was helpless and shook his head: "No, I did it myself."

Zhou Xiaobai looked confused: "You are stupid, you are so cruel, you hit yourself!"

Luo Yun sat down on the chair in front of Zhou Xiaobai's desk. Tears fell down before he could speak: "Xiaobai, I..."

Zhou Xiaobai became even more anxious: "What's going on? You should tell me quickly!"

Luo Yun wiped his tears and choked up: "Guan Xuewen, he... something seems wrong with him."

Zhou Xiaobai frowned: "What's wrong? Please tell me carefully." After all, she is not from an ordinary family. Zhou Zhennan is still as stable as Mount Tai, which shows that he has extraordinary vision and ability.

Zhou Xiaobai is his daughter, and with the influence of her ears and eyes, she is far beyond the average of her peers.

She felt that Luo Yun was not an appropriate partner from the beginning, but because of Luo Yun's persistence, she gave it a little nod and didn't go into details.

 Now something has happened.

Listening to Luo Yun's explanation of the situation intermittently, he finally said: "Xiaobai, what do you think I should do?"

Zhou Xiaobai's expression was serious. According to Luo Yun's description, she was even more sure that there was something wrong with this man, and the problem was not big.

Luo Yun became even more panicked when he saw her like this. He grabbed her hand and cried, "Xiaobai, you must help me."

Zhou Xiaobai was still calm and held Luo Yun's hand with his backhand: "Don't panic, we are best friends, I will definitely help you. By the way, do you two have...that one?"

Luo Yun blinked, and it took a few seconds for him to respond. The other side of his face also turned red: "What are you talking about~ Let's hold hands."

Zhou Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief, this is very important.

Although they are not married, once Luo Yun and Guan Xuewen have a substantial relationship, it will be really difficult to separate them.

However, this is also in line with Luo Yun's character, and he will not hand over his trump cards easily.

Zhou Xiaobai thought for a while and said: "Xiaoyun, wait for me." Then while changing clothes, he said: "We are going to find the manager now. We are not sure what is going on yet. Maybe you are suspicious~"

Although this possibility is very small, it is not impossible.

Luo Yun had a grimace and was a little worried. If he really got to Du Fei's place, would he still have room for maneuver?

Zhou Xiaobai analyzed: "If this person is really an enemy, he must be coming for our unit, and we must tell the manager."

Luo Yun was a little worried: "But..." She was worried that she would be harmed.

Zhou Xiaobai said: "What are you afraid of? You haven't betrayed anything about our company. You are just talking about friends normally. If you find something is wrong with the other party, report it to the organization immediately and find out what the problem is." At this point, there was a pause: "Xiaoyun, you Is there anything else that hasn’t been told yet? You can’t hide it from me.”

 "I..." Luo Yun stuttered a little

Zhou Xiaobai stamped his foot: "What am I, you should tell me!"

Luo Yun quickly told him about taking Guan Xuewen to find Director Zhang.

Zhou Xiaobai hated that iron could not become steel, so he poked Luo Yun on the head hard with his finger: "What good can I say about you! Where has his usual cleverness gone?"

After finishing the matter, he still insisted: "This is even more important. We will take the initiative to report it now. If something happens, it will be more troublesome to be found out. And now only the manager can protect you."

Luo Yun was a little scared.

Zhou Xiaobai said: "Don't be confused. If that person is really an enemy, how can you get away if you stick to him? The only chance is to make it clear to the organization quickly and then strive for meritorious service. Moreover, you are from our company, and the manager will definitely protect you." . If something like this happens in the unit, his face will be disgraceful." After saying that, he took Luo Yun's hand and said, "It's okay, I'll go with you."

Luo Yun nodded. Just as they were about to go out, she stopped again: "Xiaobai, I'd better talk to Uncle Zhou and Mother Zhou about this first~ Don't bother you anymore, then I'll..."

When Zhou Xiaobai heard this, she felt a little relieved. At least at this time, Luo Yun, a friend, could still consider her.

“Okay, let’s talk to my mother first.” Zhou Xiaobai did things very simply and dragged Luo Yun downstairs to talk to Zhou’s mother in a short story.

Luo Yun kept his head down the whole time and didn't dare to say anything, for fear that Zhou's mother would not let Zhou Xiaobai take care of her.

Fortunately, Zhou’s mother didn’t stop them after hearing this, and just let them follow Du Fei’s arrangement.

 It wasn't until the two of them went out that they went to her husband's study with a slightly serious expression.

Zhou Zhennan was reading the latest progress information on the "J-82" in his study when he heard the sound of the door and looked up.

 Zhou's mother closed the door with her backhand: "Please stop, I have something to say."

Zhou Zhennan frowned, knowing that his lover would not disturb his work easily. Since he is here, it is definitely not a small matter.

After listening to what Zhou Ma said, she also frowned, then smiled and said: "Yes, the girl has made progress and knows the key to solving the problem."

Zhou’s mother said: “That girl Xiaoyun also knows very well.”

Zhou Zhennan understood what she meant, and Luo Yun must have known in his heart that Du Fei was the key, but he had to find Zhou Xiaobai first.

Smiled quite meaningfully and said: "Little girl, you are very smart. It is better for a girl to be friends with such people than those who are ignorant. And if you understand the pros and cons, you will not do stupid things. As for some small things... let him do it."

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