“The protective measures here are really in place.”

After almost half an hour of patrolling the vicinity of the military factory.

In terms of security protection.

Sean didn’t see any flaws in Armand’s military industry.

Because the security team here is in addition to the retired special forces security personnel owned by the Arman family themselves.

There is also an active duty force of more than one hundred and fifty people stationed at the military industrial complex for a long time.

And this unit is derived from the Far Eastern Military District, where the old man served.

Although such an approach is not feasible in principle.

But whether it is out of the face of the old man as the deputy commander of the Far Eastern Military District.

Or the importance of the Arman Military Industrial Institute to the development of the Mao Bear military industry.

The Ministry of Defense has always acquiesced to such an approach by the Arman family.

After all.

If there is a leak of secrets in the Arman military industry, or if it is invaded by agents and spies of other countries.

That ended up being lost.

It must still be a hairy bear.

The other side.

After completing the job swap with Sean.

Delos did not delay for a moment.

The exploration team arrived in the Surgut area as soon as possible, and braved the wind and snow to start surveying the purchased land.

Because the first thing he has to be sure of is.

There is indeed oil under that land.

At this time.

In this snowy wilderness, where not even an animal can be seen.

Except for Delos.

Others are almost unconvinced that the land beneath their feet contains vast amounts of oil.

After all.

More than twenty kilometers away from this land.

An oil field was discovered a few years ago.

Although the reserves are not large.

But it’s also worth a lot.


The distance is so close.

If there is oil here.

How could it be missed?

And the next exploration results were as they expected.

“Sir, now the depth has reached two kilometers, and according to the instrument, there is no shadow of oil.”

“Not yet?”

“Yes.” The butler nodded.

“Let them continue to probe down, if there is no two kilometers, then three kilometers.”


About ten minutes later, the butler came over again.

“Sir, the current detection depth has reached three thousand meters, and there is still no trace of oil, will it…. The young master’s intelligence is wrong, there is no oil here at all. The butler said carefully.

“No way, I trust Sean.”

Delos shook his head, denying the butler’s conjecture.

If only before that.

He might also agree with the butler’s idea.

But now.

As Sean develops suicide drone swarming technology, he has even begun to help the Arman family secure orders from the military.

He knows.

Sean is no longer the loser who only knows how to mess around and cause trouble.

As for why no oil has been found at a depth of three kilometers.

That must be because the depth of detection has not yet reached the oil layer.

“Let the exploration team increase the depth of exploration, there will definitely be oil here.”

“Yes, but based on past experience, if you explore further, you go deeper and ultra-deep, and this depth, usually, there is very little oil.”

“I trust my son’s intelligence.”

“Yes, I understand, I immediately asked the exploration team to continue to deepen the depth.”

Finish speaking.

The butler walked out of the tent and came to the head of the exploration team.

“Continue to deepen exploration depths.”

“But if you explore further, the depth will reach 3,500 meters, and it is difficult to have oil at this depth, even if it really exists, the reserves are definitely not large, and it is not cost-effective to calculate the difficulty and cost of exploitation.” The exploration captain said seriously.

“You don’t need to worry about this, we let you do what you want, in addition, according to the agreement we signed, if oil is extracted here, your exploration team will only work for our Arman family in the future, whether it starts work in the future or not, the salary will still be paid, and the salary will increase by ten percent compared to before.”

“That’s natural, what I just said, in fact, is also for your good, after all, if oil is so easy to find, then Millikan will not fight wars everywhere in the world for it, not to mention that your Arman family’s conditions are so good, I hope more than you that oil can be detected here, brothers, listen to the employer, continue to deepen the depth of detection!”


After that, everyone in the exploration team set up the detection equipment while stomping their feet vigorously to try to drive away the cold on their bodies.

A few minutes later.

Three thousand one hundred meters.

Three thousand two hundred meters.

Three thousand three hundred meters.

Three thousand four hundred meters.

Three thousand five hundred meters.

“Hey, Captain, the instruments seem to… There was a reaction. ”

Just when the depth came to 3,745 meters.

An instrument that always maintains the same signal suddenly emits a dripping sound.

And this signal.

It is usually emitted after the instrument detects oil.

“Really… Is there really oil? Keep probing me, see the approximate range, and then give me the data. ”

Watch the instrument change.

The exploration team members all blushed with excitement.

Because they knew that the captain had signed an agreement with the Arman family.

If they explore for oil here.

Then in the future, they will no longer have to travel around and work exclusively for the Arman family.

What’s more.

Salaries will all go up by 10 percent.

This is for them.

It’s just an iron rice bowl.


After the instrument sends out the reminder that the oil has been explored.

There is only one thing they have to do next.

That is to estimate the approximate reserves based on the depth and range of oil.


Everyone in the exploration team no longer cared about the cold temperature and began to work nervously.

Two hours later.

With the end of exploration work.

Everyone huddled in a small tent waiting for the final calculations.

“Fatty, why haven’t you calculated the oil reserves for half a day!”

“That is, don’t you usually calculate quickly?”

“It’s quiet, this oil field is different from what we have explored before, it has larger reserves than any oil field we have found before.”


As the fat man’s voice fell.

The entire tent suddenly fell silent.

Everyone held their breath and stared at the fat man on the paper and kept calculating.

About ten minutes later.

The fat man finally put down the pen, and then took a deep breath and said:

“Brothers, if I am not miscalculated, I am afraid that we have discovered an oil field with reserves of no less than three billion tons, and it is also a hidden oil field hidden in deep and ultra-deep areas.”

PS: Righteous fathers, I really need support during the new book period, and please ask all righteous fathers to vote for free to support it, thank you for it, and reveal to you righteous fathers, bang bang!!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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