After hanging up Willis’ phone.

Sean came to the window and quietly thought about what to do next.

At present, the few things he has to do are basically completed.

Suicide drone swarming technology has already shown its power in the hands of the Mao Bear military.

The current situation on the battlefield in Afghanistan is the best proof of this.

And even if one day in the future, opponents figure out how to deal with suicide drone swarms.

That’s at least a year or two from now.

And during this time.

Suicide drone swarming technology has long since maximized its role, bringing enough deterrence and benefits to hairy bears.

Not to mention their own unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, unmanned attack aircraft are about to go into production.

At that time, the Mao Xiong military will add two more tiger generals.

And the Surgut oil field.

It is also about to enter the formal mining stage.

Once mined.

The Arman family just lies down and does nothing every day, and has an income of more than 30 million rubles.

That’s all.

That’s enough to support what Sean is going to do next.

There is also the computer department and military intelligence gathering.

It is already underway, as long as basic cooperation is reached with the KGB.

Then the next job is to provide its own funds, and the KGB provides the intelligence it wants.


For the sake of money.

He can also ask the KGB to specially collect the intelligence information that the Arman family wants.

As for the only one that has not yet moved.

All that may remain is the acquisition of power plants and battery factories.

But the task has already been given to Mao Xiong’s secretary of commerce, and he will hand over the list of eligible businesses to Sean.

“System, am I almost paving the way for the Arman family now?”

“Yes, the host has indeed paved the way, but the host has forgotten one thing, that is, the fundamental problem of the hairy bear has not been solved, if it is not solved, there will be six years at most, and the hairy bear may still encounter a disintegration crisis.”

“The disintegration of the hairy bear, relying on me alone, I am afraid it will be difficult to change this situation, it is too difficult.”

Hear the system prompt.

Sean smiled bitterly helplessly.

As one of the most powerful countries in the world.

Sean certainly didn’t want the bear to fall.

After all.

There is such a big backer.

Don’t say that neighboring countries dare not act rashly.

Even if it’s Milliken.

Don’t dare to take the initiative to provoke the hairy bear.

But the reason why the hairy bear disintegrated.

It is entirely because of the problem of economic structure.

Other words.

It’s money.

Because of the open and secret struggle with Millikan for so many years, the military budget of the hairy bear has continued to soar.

So much so that now it accounts for a staggering 20 percent in the military field.

That’s equivalent to investing a quarter of GDP in the military every year.

And such a distribution is clearly unreasonable.

But now it’s time to say let Sean fix this.

Obviously also a bit unlikely.

Even the Arman family can make money.

It is also impossible for the Arman family to feed and drink Lasa for the 280 million people of Mao Xiong.

One more one.

In addition to money.

Hairy bears have one of the biggest problems.

That is to focus all on the field of heavy industry, thus ignoring the development of light industry.

But in fact.

Light industry is closely related to people’s lives.

From food, to clothing, furniture, appliances, to bicycles.

All of them are light industry.

It’s not nice to say.

The development of light industry is related to the people’s living index.


Even if you have more money, you can’t buy the clothes, bicycles, radios you want.

So what’s the use of making so much money?


To stop the furry bear from disintegrating.

The best way is one.

It is to optimize the economic structure of the hairy bear and begin to exert efforts in the field of light industry.


It is obviously impossible to change this large country with a population of 280 million by relying on the scattered light industrial factories in the territory of Maoxiong.

“System, you say… Is it feasible if I monopolize the entire light industrial sector of Mao Xiong? ”


Without any thought.

As soon as Sean’s voice fell, the system directly replied, agreeing with Sean’s thoughts.

Obviously, the system also knows where the crux of the hairy bear is.

Is it really feasible just that?

Monopolizing the light industry of Mao Bear, although there should be no problem in policy.

With the current prestige and conditions of the Arman family.

As long as Sean opens this mouth.

The above is probably not to object.

What’s more, Maoxiong does need someone to make efforts in the field of light industry to change the status quo.

But if Sean did.

The amount of money needed is not a fraction.

Don’t say anything else.

Just purchasing tens of thousands of machines of various kinds is a huge amount.

But think of if you can monopolize the light industry of hairy bears.

Not only can the wealth of the Arman family grow explosively.

It will also increase the voice of the Arman family at home and abroad.

Thinking of this, Sean immediately spoke:

“Ryan, how much money do I have in my personal account?”

“Young Master, you have about 60 million liquid funds in your personal account.”

“What about the Arman Military Industrial?”

“That’s more, about 130 million liquidity.”

“How much liquidity does the family have?”

“Eh…. Young Master, you are…” the butler stopped talking.

“I’m going to do something big, I need money.”

“Yes, the liquidity of the Arman family on the surface is about three billion rubles, and secretly, counting the gold, there are about tens of billions of rubles, which add up to about 134 billion rubles.”

“Okay, I know, in the evening I will talk to my grandfather and father on the phone and tell them my thoughts, in addition, make an appointment for me with the Minister of Commerce, as well as the heads of large and small banks in the Maoxiong territory, and also talk to Kososv, the head of the president’s office, and tell him that I want to meet the president.”

“Yes, I understand, I’ll do it immediately!”

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