“If the bear wants to change the economic structure, it is a broken arm to survive, or a final struggle.”

“The Arman family, which monopolizes the livelihood of nearly 300 million people, is about to become the richest family in the world.”

“Extremely mediocre, the top management of Mao Xiong actually put the lifeblood into the hands of capitalists.”

“Partnering with hundreds of banks to raise tens of billions of dollars, the Alman family’s chess game will attract worldwide attention.”

“If you want to change the status quo of hairy bears on their own, the Arman family is undoubtedly dreaming.”

Early the next morning.

Major newspapers around the world reported that Mao Xiong was going to carry out economic reforms.

And compare this news.

Everyone is more concerned that the Arman family will monopolize the entire light industry of Mao Xiong, and has reached cooperation agreements with hundreds of banks around the world.

Such a move.

It seems incredible to everyone.

Even the people of the hairy bear couldn’t believe it when they heard the news.


Compared with the foreign media, the scene is different.

The people of the hairy bear have different suggestions for the Arman family to take over the hairy bear’s light industrial industry.

Because they know that the current Mao Xiong top management is simply unable to solve this fundamental problem.

If they can solve it.

It won’t drag on for so long.

Until the complaints, there was still no indifference.


Instead, the people of Maoxiong are looking forward to the Alman family being able to develop their ambitions after taking over the light industry and making Maoxiong’s light industry great again.

And the reason why the people have such a reaction.

Mainly because the top management of the hairy bear made them too disappointed.

They would rather spend a lot of money on heavy industry.

I also don’t want to divide a little in light industry.

So much so that they had to pin their hopes on the Arman family.

Don’t say anything else.

The Arman family at least knows the root of the bear’s gradual decline.

Whether it’s agriculture, light industry, or demographic issues.

As the heir of the Arman family.

Every strategy that Sean devised hit the lesion like a special drug.

They believe.

Just give the Arman family enough time.

Sean will definitely lead the bear out of trouble.

As for what kind of consequences will happen if the light industry of the hairy bear is monopolized by the Arman family.

That’s not something they need to think about.

After all.

How about it.

It won’t be any sadder than the current days.


The other side.

Inside President Milliken’s office.

The president was looking at the newspaper in his hand, his face livid.

You can see it.

At the moment, he was very angry.

“Can anyone tell me why we don’t know anything about what happened in Maoxiong, if it weren’t for the media breaking out, we would still be in the dark.”

After speaking, the president gritted his teeth and looked coldly at Delis, the director of the CIA Intelligence Agency.

Face the president’s almost murderous sharp eyes.

Delis’s back was breaking out in a cold sweat.

“Mr. President, this matter…. Our CIA Intelligence Bureau did not receive any news in advance, according to the intelligence, from the time Sean entered the presidential palace to negotiate with the high-level officials, and then announced this matter, there were only about two hours in between, and the presidential palace…. There are no people from us, so…” Delis explained in a low voice.

“President, I am afraid that Director Delis cannot be blamed for this matter, according to the information we have received, the governors of those banks have been notified and went to the Arman estate, and there are only a few hours in between, and in such a short time, our agents can not do anything.” Paul, director of the Intelligence Analysis Office of the Treasury Department, also opened his mouth to intercede for Delis.

“Hmph, then you two tell me now, what can we do?”

Delis and Paul looked at each other, and then fell into deep thought.

Let’s be honest.

For this sudden burst of news.

The two were very surprised.

Because before that, there were simply no signs and evidence.

No more.

Whether it’s the presidential palace or the Arman estate.

At the moment in terms of the capabilities of their Millikan intelligence services.

It is not yet possible to penetrate.

To know.

Those from the presidential palace.

Even if it’s a garbage picker.

Before they officially join.

I almost checked all eighteen generations of ancestors.

Not to mention that they stay in the area of the presidential palace at all times, even if they want to leak any information, there is no chance.

As for the Arman estate.

The difficulty is also hellish.

The entire several kilometers of land around the Arman estate are all the domain of the Arman family.

There are dozens of hunting dogs in this territory alone.

And these hounds are also specially trained.

If a stranger breaks in without being checked.

These hounds will not hesitate to rush up and tear each other to pieces.

As for lurking in the mountains and forests around the manor.

That can’t be either.

The perimeter of the manor is full of meadows, and there is no place to hide.

Even in the mountains and forests a few kilometers away.

There are also troops stationed in the Far Eastern Military District for a long time to carry out patrol inspections.

You said.

Even their Milikian intelligence agents have no means of it.

It is impossible to obtain relevant information under such extremely bad circumstances.

“President, we should call a meeting now to see if we can come up with a strategy to deal with the Mao Bear reform, I don’t think we can get them to carry out smooth reform, otherwise the Mao Bear will become more and more difficult to deal with in the future.” The assistant on the side whispered.

“Well, inform them to prepare for the meeting, and within two hours, the conference room will meet.”

“Yes, I’ll do it right away.”

The assistant nodded, immediately walked out of the president’s office, returned to his post, picked up the phone, and dialed the number.

Even if the president hasn’t said exactly who to invite to the meeting.

But the assistant’s heart was like a mirror knowing which ones the president wanted to call for the meeting.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: September 29th to October 6th)

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