“Hmm… Hum.. Don’t make trouble, let me sleep for a while. ”

Early in the morning, Sean rubbed his eyes, and then subconsciously glanced at the beautiful person next to him.

At this time.

Yulia lay lazily in her arms like a sleepy piglet, motionless.


The spring dinner yesterday night really made Yulia tired.

Think about it too.

My current self is in strength.

Even sports athletes can’t compete with themselves.

Let’s just say it.

Even if he punches Tyson, it’s a.

But the other party punched himself.

Even if it was not obvious on the surface, the other party’s internal organs burst at the moment he struck.

As for the endurance aspect.

That can also be easily run for tens of kilometers without a big gasp “four one zero”.

Take yesterday’s evening.

Tossed for more than two hours.

Yulia’s strength in her whole body has long been gone.

But myself.

But he is still alive and like a nobody.

So much so that Yulia wondered if she had stolen some unorthodox pill.

Get out of the bedroom.

After washing, Sean came to the dining room.

“Young Master.”

“Well, you let the kitchen prepare more food in a while, and when Yulia wakes up to eat, she may eat a little more.”

“Yes, I see.” When he saw a few more obvious red marks on his young master’s neck, the butler nodded very sensibly.

“Oh, by the way, you go and call the KGB intelligence bureau and say that I want the personal contact information of Barrett, the founder of the Milliken Barrett gun manufacturing company.”

“Yes, I know, I’ll go now.”

A few minutes later.

The butler came over with a note.

“Young Master, this is Barrett’s contact information.”


After glancing at the phone number.

Sean shoved a piece of bread in his hand into his mouth, then drank the coffee in front of him and went to the living room, and then dialed the phone.

“Toot, toot, toot ..”

“Hey, hello, this is Barrett’s company, I’m Barrett, who are you?”

“This is the Arman family, and I am Sean Delos Alman.”

“Huh? Armand? I see, it’s you, how did you know my phone, what are you calling for? ”

After hearing the other party report his home.

Barrett on the other end of the phone was stunned at first, and then suddenly remembered the family and man who had appeared frequently on the news recently.

It’s just that he and the other party are not familiar with each other, and they have never had any intersection, how could they suddenly call themselves?

“You don’t need to know how I got your contact information, you just need to know that I can help you.”

“Help me? You know what I want, you help me? Barrett said with disdain.

“Of course I know that you want your anti-materiel semi-automatic sniper rifle to be recognized by everyone.” Sean didn’t mean to hesitate and said directly.

“You…. How do you know? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Because I have investigated you, you are obsessed with studying guns, you want your work to be recognized by everyone, your dream is to design a large-caliber semi-automatic sniper rifle, but the Milliken military does not recognize the goods, even if the gun you develop and produce is far better than other guns in power and range, but they still do not recognize your work.”

“In that case, why don’t you consider working with others?” The fact that the military in Milliken does not recognize the goods does not mean that others do not recognize the goods. Sean seduced.

“What do you mean? Say, what do you want to do? ”

“It’s simple, I like your work very much and want you to work for me.”

“Working for you? No kidding, just by saying a few words you want me to work for you? Barrett said with a hint of mockery.

“Apart from me, no one else can give you what you want, you should know that my Arman family has long provided guns and ammunition for the Mao Bear military, accounting for nearly half of the total number of all guns and ammunition, it can be said that in Mao Xiong, no one knows guns better than the Arman family.”

“If you want, I will build a separate R&D and production workshop for your large-caliber semi-automatic sniper rifle project, and you are the chief designer of this project, including me, no one will interfere with your design and R&D project, you can research as you want.”

“As for the funding, I will give you as much as you want, I heard that you designed the first large-caliber semi-automatic sniper rifle for only four hundred dollars, even now, your research funds do not exceed twenty thousand a month, so you will pull investment everywhere, but no one wants to believe you 0…..”

“But in my case, as long as you open your mouth, I will satisfy you if you want, and even R&D funds I can give you millions of dollars a month.”

“In addition to this, I will give you five million dollars a year, of course, if you are worried about your family, I can also send someone to pick them up, and I assure you that the military will not care about your departure, because you are not a useful scientist for them.”


The voice fell.

The other end of the phone immediately fell silent.

Sean knows.

Barrett had been stimulated by his own words.

And this.

Exactly what he wanted.

If I didn’t stimulate Barrett so much.

He won’t wake up.

He will not give up Milliken’s life and resolutely come to the hairy bear.

But at the same time.

What I said at the beginning.

It really came to Barrett’s heart.

Now he.

It’s already cornered.

What little money he had was invested in a project to develop a large-caliber semi-automatic sniper rifle.

The guns that were produced were not cared for.

It can be clear that the performance of these 1.7 guns is extremely excellent.

Just find an active sniper rifle.

It can be easily done.

He couldn’t figure out why the military didn’t buy its own large-caliber semi-automatic sniper rifles.


He hated the military in Milliken and hated their power deals.

“What you said is true?”

Finally, after thinking about it for nearly a while, Barrett finally slowly asked.

“Of course, you should know that as the heir of the Arman family, there is no need for me to lie to you, a few million rubles, it is not money for me at all, the reason why I called you is to admire talents like you and do not want to see you buried.”

“Okay, two days, you give me two days, and after I settle everything in the house, I will go to you.”

“Well, I’m looking forward to your arrival!”

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