
“Young Master.”

“Go buy a batch of wine, remember to ask for good wine.”

“Yes, that young master, how much wine do you want to buy?”

Ryan looked at his young master suspiciously, not knowing why he suddenly remembered to buy wine.

“You look at it, it’s almost a dozen bottles of wine, and I almost drank all of Minister Carter’s stored wine yesterday night, and it is estimated that I have been feeling sorry for my own batch of wine all day today.”

“Yes, then I know, oh, by the way, there is a batch of patriarchal wine in the manor, which should be very much in line with Minister Carter’s taste, young master, you see..”

“Okay, that’s just right, the province is not as good as it gets, so let’s take some directly from the manor.”

“That young master tonight…”

“I’m not coming back tonight.”

“Yes, I know, then I’ll go back and get it now.”

Hearing that his young master couldn’t come back to live tonight, Ryan’s face couldn’t help but show a smile.

Sure enough.

No one at home.

The young master became more presumptuous.

On the first day, I stayed at home with Miss Yulia.

The next day it was even more excessive, and I went directly to live in someone’s house.

Day 3… Don’t want to come back yet and stay on.

Continue with this trend.

The young master is afraid that he will live in the house of the Minister of Defense permanently.

Six o’clock in the afternoon.

When Sean’s motorcade had just arrived at the manor gate.

Carter’s car also stopped at the door.

“Hey, you kid, here again, isn’t it, I only have a bottle of wine left, you kid don’t come to Huo Huo, I don’t drink today 06.” As soon as he saw Sean, Carter quickly started the preventive needle.

“Look at what you said, how hurtful it is, I just know that I drank a lot yesterday, and your inventory is not much, so I specially brought a batch from those wines that my grandfather treasured, you see…”

With that, Sean pulled the car door and showed all the neatly arranged wine in front of Carter.

“Oh, this bottle of wine is actually here, ahem… What, I was joking just now, Yulia, where is your girl, Sean came and didn’t know to come out to greet it, it’s not like words at all. After that, he walked towards the wine in the car.

In the living room.

“Grandpa, you can drink less today, if you two drink the way you did yesterday, Grandpa Andre’s little wine is not enough for the two of you.”

“Hey, you girl, you don’t feel distressed when Sean drinks my stored wine, he brings me a few bottles of his grandfather’s stored wine to drink, you are distressed? This girl, raised in vain, turned her elbows out. ”

“No, I’m not thinking about your body yet, it’s not good to drink too much.”

“Okay, good, I know, I won’t drink much today, just one bottle per person.”

“Well, that’s pretty much it, then I’ll go to the kitchen first to help, so as not to disturb you two to talk about business.”

After seeing that the two were going to talk about business, Yulia took the initiative to run to the kitchen to help.

And after seeing Yulia walk into the kitchen.

Carter whispered:

“Your unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, unmanned attack aircraft made its debut in front of the Milliken people today, and it is estimated that the entire Milliken high-level will know about our hairy bear having a drone.” After speaking, Carter’s face was indescribably proud.

“Then it is estimated that Milliken will start to follow up the drone project next, and with us already having drones, their major arms companies will probably work together and will not have any reservations.”

After hearing the news, Sean nodded, while also predicting Millikian’s next plan of action.

Although the corruption situation in Milliken’s arms company is serious.

But there is one thing to say.

These arms companies in Milliken have R&D, design and production capabilities.

In the world, he said he was second.

No one dares to boast that they are the first.

Except for a small part of the weaponry, the hairy bear is indeed a well-known first.

But the vast majority of weapons and equipment are led by Millikian.

Previously, Millikan was completely entertaining himself in the field of drones, relying on his wild imagination in research and development.

So much so that a lot of impractical features were put in.

This leads to the overall development time of the UAV project being lengthened at the same time.

The key moment is also because the system is too complex and the chain is dropped.


With the hairy bear having its own unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, unmanned attack aircraft after.

Whether it is for the face of its own world’s number one power.

Or to calm the anger of the military and the top of the government.

Next, the major arms dealers in Milliken will definitely catch up at all costs.

This is for Sean.

It’s stress.

It’s also motivation.

“Sean, now the whole of the bears are full of interest in your drone, I hope it can shine, and today the president specially ordered me that if you encounter any difficulties in the production process of the Arman Military Industrial, let us do our best to solve them.”

“If it’s difficult, there’s really one.”

“What, you just say, as long as I can solve it, I will definitely help you solve it.” Carter said with a serious look.

“Well, now in addition to rifles, bullets, shells, projectiles, suicide drone swarms, unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, unmanned attack aircraft, I also want to develop and produce anti-materiel semi-automatic sniper rifles, as well as our own global positioning system GLONASS.”

“Wait, I know everything else you said, what is that anti-materiel semi-automatic sniper rifle, and when did you start it?” Before Sean finished speaking, Carter interrupted directly.

“Oh, just two days ago, and the chief designer of the relevant field has been found, if nothing else, tomorrow he will report to my Arman military industrial institute.”

“Where did you dig it from, is it reliable?”

“Of course, you can rest assured, when the anti-material semi-automatic sniper rifle developed and produced by him comes out, you will know what a real sniper rifle is, which is guaranteed to make your eyes shine.”

“Okay, since you said so, then I’m relieved, but what is the problem you just said?” Carter continued to ask.

“I want to continue to expand the size of the military industrial institute, but… Lack of talent in related fields, so…. ”

“I know what you mean, you want to transfer a group of people for you through my Defense Department’s dispatch order, or a document signed by the president himself, don’t you?”

“Yes.” Sean didn’t hide anything and nodded immediately.

“Roughly how many people are needed, experts in what field?”

“Bombers, transport aircraft field.”

“Bombers, transport planes? The problem is not very big, but you are a technical expert who produces guns and ammunition, and now suddenly you want bomber transport aircraft, you … Wait, you don’t want to use drone technology for bombers and transport aircraft. Carter, who only reacted later, looked at Sean with wide eyes.

“Yes, I have this idea, if it is feasible, in the future battlefield, there will be no one to prevent us Mao Xiong from seizing air supremacy, I don’t believe, their pilots can have more than my drones, even if it is a swarm battle, I will consume their fighter pilots dare not take off.”


In the living room.

Carter looked at Sean’s determined look, imagining the picture he expounded, and his heart couldn’t help but be excited.

If Sean’s plan really works.

That would definitely be a qualitative leap for the overall combat strength of the hairy bear.

Just imagine. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

While other countries are still quietly training their pilots to familiarize themselves with fighters.

Hairy Bear’s drone only needs to be remotely controlled using a computer to fight.

And on flight, as well as on the tactical maneuvers implemented.

There is no need to take into account the question of whether the pilot will be able to operate it at all.

Anyway, as long as the design data of the drone is up to standard.

So no matter how difficult the tactical moves.

For technicians.

It’s a matter of command.

What’s more.

Other countries lost a pilot.

Then it would take a few more years to cultivate.

But what about the hairy bear.

Lose one UAV, and the next day there will be new UAVs in the workshop back into battle.

Even in case their own drones really can’t beat each other.

So I can’t beat 967 one-on-one, two-on-one, three-on-one, or even five-on-one?

Your pilot will feel tired and there will be tactical sequelae.

I don’t have a drone.

Even if one of my drones runs out of power, another drone will replace it and take turns fighting you in a wheel war until it shoots you down.

Think of this.

Carter’s face flushed.

He no longer dared to imagine what the outside world would be surprised by when the Maoxiong military was equipped with a single drone in the future.

Especially when that dense pack of unmanned attack aircraft, bombers take to the air.

I’m afraid everyone will be shocked!


It’s not the time to be happy.

No matter what.

You have to meet Sean’s requirements first and equip him with talent.


Carter immediately nodded and said solemnly:

“Although I don’t dare to vote 100% on this matter, even if a few people are against it, I will persuade them to support it.”

“And the president’s side, the problem should not be very big, after all, the president’s expectations of you are obvious to everyone, if you can, he will definitely not object.”

“As for the expansion of the factory, in this way, you choose a place, I will temporarily transfer people from various troops to build a factory for you, you can directly tell them your requirements at that time, of course, hard work, you look at it.”

“No problem, then I’ll send you the list of people you need?”

“You… Have long had a goal? Carter was stunned for a moment, feeling as if he had been calculated.

“Otherwise, what would I do with so much wine today?”

“Well, you even calculate my old man, and you may not calculate my granddaughter in the future, Yulia, this kid is not a good person.”

“Grandpa, why are you already drunk before you drink it.” Yulia took the fruit and glanced at it with disgust.

“I…. Forget it, there is no conscience, this little padded jacket is not warm at all, and it is beginning to leak. “。

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