Early the next morning.

When Sean’s convoy had just driven out of the Arman family’s private domain.

The system is constantly prompting.

“Drip, someone has been detected to be tracking surveillance.”

“Drip, someone has been detected to be tracking surveillance.”



It is not an exaggeration.

Along the way, the prompts in Sean’s mind never stopped.

Especially after the vehicles are about to drive to the Arman military complex.

The system’s reminders become more frequent, often every few seconds.

And every reminder of the system.

It means that there is a person watching and tracking themselves.

This feeling.

It made Sean feel very uncomfortable.

It seems that his every move is under the surveillance of the other party.

There is no sense of privacy “five zero three”.

But because there are so many of them, plus many of them are on crowded streets.

So much so that Sean even knows that there are agents around him, or the eyes of other countries’ intelligence organizations are around him.

He also didn’t have anything to do with the other party.

After arriving at the military industrial station.

Sean walked into the office with a gloomy face.

“Young Master, you don’t seem to be very happy, did something happen?” Ryan walked up to him and said.

“I don’t know what’s wrong, those agents and eyeliner outside are like crazy, from the manor to the military industry, they haven’t stopped tracking.”

“This….. Do you want to report this to the KGB? ”

“It’s useless, it should be the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft developed by our Arman military industry, after the unmanned attack aircraft was exposed, they knew that it was produced by us, so there were suddenly so many more agents and eyeliners.” Sean calmly analyzed.

“So, some of those people are arms company eyeliner?” Ryan was stunned.


Sean nodded helplessly.

Because the agent and eyeliner although the tasks performed are similar.

But actually.

The nature is completely different.

An agent is affiliated with a certain country or enterprise, and investigates some important information for state institutions and enterprises.

In general.

They are all very professionally trained.

Including tracking, listening, fighting, and more.

Of course.

When necessary, anti-interrogation training is also carried out to prevent agents from revealing secrets that should not be disclosed.

But eyeliner is different.

Especially eyeliner outside the country.

Although they also provide intelligence.

But it won’t work for you.


Eyeliner will also only provide some basic information.

For example, follow a person and tell the other person their location and whereabouts.


He doesn’t have to do anything.

But even so.

He can also get paid for such information.

And Sean knows that too.

Those eyeliners.

In fact, there are also some hairy bear people.

But they didn’t know what the purpose of the people who gave them the money was in asking to track Sean.

All they know is to tell them Sean’s location, and they can get paid and use that money to support their families.

That’s the real reason why Sean didn’t stop the convoy to arrest people on the road just now.

The Mao Bear’s economy bodes well for this point.

In fact, it can be seen from the lives of the people.

It turned out that the monthly salary could meet the food and drink of the family.

Now it’s time to save money.

That speaks volumes about it. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

And to make a country strong.

The first thing to do is to make the pockets of the people bulge.


Even if the country’s weapons and equipment are strong, it will gradually go to extinction.

Think of this.

Sean knew something couldn’t be put off any longer.

If it drags on any longer.

I’m afraid it’s too late.

Pressing matter.

It is the most important thing to let the pockets of the hairy bear people gradually bulge.


Sean immediately dialed Defense Secretary Carter.

“Minister, it’s me, Sean.”

“Well, is there something going on?”

“I want to meet the president.” Sean said bluntly.

“See the president? There is no problem with this, I can arrange it for you, but why did you meet the president? Carter asked curiously.

“Today I was followed all the way, there were agents, and there was also our local eyeliner 0…”

“Huh? And this kind of thing? Do you want me to inform the KGB to get rid of them?” Carter asked immediately.

“Those agents can be arrested directly, that… What about our hairy bear eyeliner? To catch or not to catch? ”

“This…” Carter was momentarily in a dilemma.

Because his heart is also very clear.

Eyeliner is called eyeliner.

In fact, it is the same as the paparazzi, responsible for tracking.

And usually.

This kind of thing is something that some people who have a difficult life will do.

After all, there are risks in doing this.

If not cornered.

No one would risk being shot.


Carter could hear from Sean’s words what he meant by not wanting to do anything with these eyeliners.

But if you don’t do with these eyeliners.

Not only will it affect Sean’s life and work, it may even be dangerous.

“Sean, what do you think?”

“There is no doubt that foreign agents are directly caught, as for eyeliner, just catch them and scare them.” Sean thought for a moment.

“Well, okay, listen to you, then your purpose in meeting the president….”

“I just thought of a question, that is, the reason why they do eyeliner is that life at home is already very difficult, otherwise they would not do such a risky thing.”

“And now the economic situation of Mao Xiong is not optimistic, and the life of many people is also very difficult, if you do not interfere, I am afraid… Sooner or later something big will happen. ”

“Therefore, I decided to lay out the layout in advance, and now I will start to contract all the land in the territory of Maoxiong to grow crops, and then hire a large number of people to plant it, and each person will pay according to the standard of urban residents every month, and also subsidize their three meals a day.”

“You want to discuss with the president about contracting all the land in the territory of Maoxiong?”

“Yes.” Sean nodded.

“Including the Far East?”


“Okay, I see, since you’ve made up your mind, then let it go, I’ll go and help you contact now.”

PS: I don’t know what’s wrong, today I suddenly kept coughing, there is still a lack of people, today I will change four first! .

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